Seeing that John handed over all their cash so easily, the other two crooked nuts also became extremely ugly, and one of them couldn't help saying:
"John! You don't seem to have this right, so hand over our share!"

But Join saw that these two guys still cared about the money at this time, so he couldn't help but curse:
"You two guys have no one to raise in your family. They are all for your own entertainment. Whether we can get out of here alive is another matter. Now is not the time to care about these things at all!"

As soon as these words came out, the two crooked nuts also directly chose to shut up. Indeed, they were still in danger at the moment.

If one fails, it is very likely that they will die here. They have no relatives, and it is useless to keep the money if they are still alive. It is better to buy a glimmer of hope for survival.

At this moment, the blond woman also said in a cold voice: "Now is not the time to care about these things at all, and we can't spend the money here, we will talk about other things after we go out."

"The most urgent thing now is to figure out how to get out!"

The other two crooked nuts didn't think about the money any more after hearing the words, and they all looked at John with ugly expressions at the moment.

Join looked at the corpse lying on the ground at this moment, and his expression also changed several times.

Finally, he said: "Take away all the supplies on their bodies. We have consumed a lot before. Although there are still some, we have no backup. Maybe we need these things to do something."

The two crooked nuts rummaged through the dead man without waiting for John to say anything more.

Soon all the supplies were replenished, and John also rummaged through the supplies on those dead people.

After all 4 people replenished their supplies, John said:

"Since the Dragon Kingdom man was able to come here before, there must be an exit. Let's go out from there."

As he said that, John walked back immediately, and the blond woman didn't refute John's decision at the moment, but followed behind, and the four of them scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

But they walked all the way back, but they didn't encounter any danger. They had already walked through it once before, and the institutions here have been dealt with in sevens and eighties.

Coupled with Zhao Li walking again, there is no danger at this moment.

These crooked nuts soon came to the stone gate that Zhao Li had pried open before. When they saw their companion lying on the ground with a shot in the head, they also felt a bit sad.

But he didn't stay where he was, John walked out of the stone gate directly with the blonde woman and two crooked nuts.

When they saw the scene behind the stone gate, they were also shocked. The blond woman turned her head and looked to both sides, only to see a huge room above a wide corridor that was still moving.

John was also so shocked by the scene in front of him at this moment that he couldn't help but said:

"How is this possible? Could it be done with electricity? How could such a large room be moved so easily without electricity?"

The blonde woman on the side also said in shock: "No no! Long Kingdom had no electricity in ancient times, and I have never heard of such a structure.

But I think this must be another ingenious technology from the ancient times of the Dragon Kingdom! "

And just when the other two crooked nuts were shocked by the scene in front of them, John suddenly asked the blonde woman on the other side:

"After seeing these structures, can you guess where is the main tomb? Where is the exit?"

The blond woman's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she quickly took out the human skin map, gestured on it for a while, and then said:

"Yes, yes! The direction of the main tomb is there!"

As he spoke, he pointed to a direction with his finger, which was the direction in which the ear chamber moved. John and the other two crooked nuts were also ecstatic when they heard that the blond woman guessed the exit.

A crooked nut hurriedly said: "Then what are we waiting for? Get out!"

"That's right, I don't want to stay here any longer!"

It was also rare for John to smile at this moment, his white teeth looked exceptionally brilliant in the dark environment.

But at this time tonight, the woman did interject: "But this direction is also the direction of the main tomb. I'm worried that the people from the Dragon Kingdom will also go in this direction!"

The smiles of John and the other two crooked nuts stopped abruptly when they heard this, because the impression Zhao Li left on them was too deep.

Until now, they were still a little shocked by the opponent's combat power. What kind of person can split bullets with their reaction speed?

What kind of strength can support him to do so?

Moreover, the opponent's speed is unimaginably fast, coupled with the opponent's omniscient mind, these three add up to a god-like existence.

Although John was extremely afraid, he still endured the fear in his heart and comforted him at this moment:

"Don't panic! We can completely avoid them, they will definitely go to the main tomb, and then we can avoid it a little..."

One of the crooked nuts said a little unsteadily at the moment:

"And what if we actually meet?"

When John heard this hypothesis, he also had an expression on his face, and instantly became grim, and said:

"We will detonate the bomb at that time! Don't worry, they don't have the conditions to take out the detonator now, let alone dismantle it. When the time comes..."

Speaking of this, John just kept silent, but the meaning is self-evident, when we really meet, we will die together!
After deciding on the next route, John and the other four did not hesitate anymore, and chased in that direction directly.

On the other hand, Zhao Li carried the strong man forward and quickly caught up with the ear chamber in front of him.

But Zhao Li didn't intend to stop at all, and continued to chase forward, calculating according to the time.

At this moment, the archaeologists should be in the front two earrings, and he only needs to catch up with the number of archaeologists before he can return to the team safely.

As for the archaeologists, shortly after Zhao Li left, they turned off the live broadcast directly on the grounds of a system failure, and everyone collapsed on the ground.

The rush to hand over their subconscious mind before was really exhausting, and they haven't slowed down until now.

Everyone's muscles are extremely sore, including Taoist Qianshan, but at this moment, Taoist Qianshan is holding the Miao Dao horizontally in his hand.

His eyes kept scanning his surroundings, and he was always vigilant. To be honest, after all, Zhao Li was not in the team at the moment. In case of any danger, the archaeologists could not deal with it.

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