When the archaeologists woke up instantly, no one dared to open the door.

An archaeologist said hesitantly: "Could it be Teacher Zhao Li who came over? Why is there a noise?"

Another archaeologist also echoed: "How about we open the door and see what it is?"

But at this moment, Professor Li and Chu Jie said in unison:
"Absolutely not!"

The two looked at each other, and Chu Jie continued, "This is not a joke. What if the outside is not Teacher Zhao Li, but those strange birds?"

"Those strange birds probably don't have enough strength to push open such a door. If it is Teacher Zhao Li, maybe he will send us some signal."

Everyone fell into a brief silence when they heard the words, and no one questioned Chu Jie again.

But just when everyone was panicking, there was a sudden sound from the gate.

The previous sound was relatively low, but because the nerves of the archaeologists were tense, they could hear it clearly.

But this time the noise was so loud that an archaeologist couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even Chu Jie made a vote, and quickly took two steps back, staring vigilantly at the faint cold light flashing from the dagger in the doorman's hand, as if he was about to stab at any moment.

But they waited in place for a while, but still nothing happened, which also made the water friends in the heavens a little confused, what the hell is this?

"Could it be a ghost knocking on the door? Why is it so scary?"

"It shouldn't be Mr. Zhao Li, right? Mr. Zhao Li's words should directly open the door."

And when everyone was discussing and wondering whether the door should be opened, an archaeologist stood up, came to the door, and took out some kind of instrument.

When the archaeologists saw this, their eyes lit up, and they hurriedly said:
"That's right, why did I forget this? This is a sound wave instrument, which can detect any sound feedback at the other end, and can capture sounds from 0 to 2000 Hz!"

The archaeologist installed an iron plate on the door and soon began to operate.

"Damn it, the young people nowadays are really awesome! Should I say it or not, I have never heard of such a thing, and they can actually use it!"

"As a small book, I knew the first time I saw this instrument, I can't use it..."

"Stop talking, let's see what the result is? What's outside?"

And the archaeologist worked for a while, and quickly came up with the answer.

"Is there nothing out there?"

The archaeologist's voice was also a little confused, and he was very uncertain about his survey this time.

Because the huge voice before couldn't be faked, every one of them heard it.

But when he probed this instrument, there was no response at all.

Seeing this, Chu Jie also frowned, and suddenly said:

"No, don't you have a thermal imager? Take a look with a thermal imager!"

When the archaeologists heard the words, they also looked at the archaeologist with your thermal imager.

At this moment, he also reacted quickly and let go of his girlfriend's hand.

He rummaged through the backpack and quickly took out the thermal imager.

Looking in the direction of the door, after some investigation, the archaeologist came to the same conclusion as before.


Everyone was dumbfounded now, and even some archaeologists couldn't help but say:

"Why is there no one here? Did we hallucinate before?"

But just as he finished speaking, there was another strange knocking sound at the door.

Everyone felt a chill, and even an archaeologist couldn't help whispering:

"Hey, hello... Could it be that the thermal imaging camera is broken? The thermal imaging camera was flooded before, so it might not be broken? Can you see if there is any movement in the sound wave?"

Everyone was also a little puzzled, and the archaeologist investigating the sound wave was also a little shocked at the moment:
"There is movement! This is absolutely impossible! If there are creatures outside, there will be the sound of a heartbeat!"

"I thought the instrument was broken!"

Now everyone is not calm, including Chu Jie who is also frowning at the moment:

"Since we're not sure what's outside, we'll just stay here and wait for Teacher Zhao Li to come over!"

This proposal also gave the archaeological team members a goal, a little peace of mind, and then they were ready to return to the campfire to keep warm.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are also full of barrage at this moment.

"Could it be a ghost knocking on the door? Or maybe it wasn't a creature knocking on the door at all?"

"It tastes like watching a horror movie late at night. I'm looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to it!"


But before the archaeologists sat down, they heard a strange knock on the door again.

This time, the knocking sound didn't stop with a single sound, but continued knocking continuously.

Chu Jie frowned when he heard the continuous beating, as if he was thinking about something.

Some of the archaeologists closed their eyes and listened, as if they were thinking about something.

But the rest of the archaeological team members were all terrified at the moment, not knowing what to do.

After a long time, Chu Jie suddenly opened his eyes, and said with a frown: "This is not some Morse code, nor is it electronic music. What the hell is this?"

Even Chu Jie couldn't sit still now, and the two archaeologists who had closed their eyes and pondered before also frowned.

They were also thinking about whether this was Morse code or something.

However, there is no pattern in this knocking sound at all, let alone deciphering any information from it.

This also made the rest of the archaeologists a little stunned. They didn't even know how these three guys still listened to whether it was Morse code under such a situation.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room also became anxious.

"When will this knocking sound stop? What does it mean?"

"Why don't you open the door and see what it is?"

"Could it be that what is really knocking on the door with the late night ghost?"

At this moment, Chu Jie calmed down a little and said, "We'll just stay here! Don't open the door for anything!"

When the archaeologists heard the words, their complexions became firm, and they would not open the door no matter what!

Just in this knocking sound, the archaeological team returned to the front of the bonfire.

This time, they couldn't sleep at all, because the knocking sound didn't stop at all. What made the archaeologists a little restless was that the sound became louder and louder.

Until it makes them uneasy.

An archaeologist couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up and walked towards the door, reaching out to open the door.

Fortunately, Chu Jie stopped the opponent in time, and said sternly:
"What if there is any danger outside? We..."

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