Blood slowly dripped down the Taoist's clothes. At this moment, Taoist Qianshan was seriously injured. It wasn't that the big bird caused a fatal attack on him.

It was the big bird that was constantly hunting and killing, while those small birds were watching and would give him a cold shot from time to time, which made him very annoyed.

The Miao Dao in his hand had been slashed out more than once, but the speed of these strange birds was extremely fast. Although he had tried his best, it was still useless to face the speed that these strange birds could not catch.

There are more and more wounds on the body, and blood is also gushing from these wounds.

In just half a minute, there were dozens of wounds like knife wounds, and the mountain-moving Taoist at this moment could no longer stop those strange birds from hunting and killing the archaeologists.

But what puzzled Taoist Qianshan was that these strange birds had no intention of chasing and killing those archaeologists at all, but just stared at him and continued to attack.

This also made the mountain-moving Taoist even more miserable. The clothes on his body had been torn into pieces by these strange birds.

It looked extremely miserable. At the moment, he was panting and looking at these strange birds, wary of their next attack.

But at this time, these strange birds stopped suddenly. The biggest bird seemed to be ordering the other strange birds at the moment, and chirped for a while.

It seems to be setting up tactics, but the mountain-moving Taoist is becoming more and more vigilant at this moment. He can't understand what these strange birds are communicating, but he does have a very bad premonition, as if there is something particularly bad going on occur.

Thinking of the Taoist who moved the mountain here, he suddenly jumped up and slashed at these strange birds, but this time these strange birds dodged quickly with his invincible speed.

With just a flash, it avoided the Miao Dao that the Taoist moved in the past, and then the smaller strange birds behind the big bird retreated directly.

Only the strange bird that pierced through the back of the archaeologist's head with the first bird club remained.

One big and one small, two strange birds are staring at the Taoist who moved the mountain, but the other strange birds are scattered in all directions.

He rushed in the direction of those archaeological team members, but these strange birds seemed not as ferocious as the little bird at the beginning.

It seemed that even though he was playing around, he actually surpassed those archaeological team members directly.

When they came out of the corridor, the archaeologists saw the strange birds behind them chasing them, and they all panicked.

An archaeological team member even tripped because of his unsteady figure, and when he just got up, he saw a strange bird flying directly above his head.

These strange birds came to the darkness outside the corridor, and their speed seemed to have been completely released. At this moment, they flapped their wings and rushed towards the archaeologists.

And those archaeological team members who were still rushing forward stopped at this moment with ugly faces.

Even Chu Jie took out his dagger at this moment, staring at these strange birds vigilantly, always ready to meet their culling.

When Taoist Qianshan saw these strange birds, he went directly to the archaeologists, and his complexion changed drastically.

But before he left to rescue the archaeologists, the two strange birds, one big and one small, directly attacked it.

The original brown feathers have been completely soaked in the blood of the Taoist who moved the mountain at this moment, and they look extremely strange.

At this moment, the speed was extremely fast, and the mountain-moving Taoist could only use the light of the flashlight in his hand to illuminate the shadows of the two strange birds, and found that they had disappeared from his field of vision again.

Taoist Qianshan also had a dignified expression, avoiding the continuous culling of these two strange birds.

However, the chest was scratched due to the lack of time to avoid people. The two strange birds, one big and one small, were attacking in turn at this moment.

The strange birds that rushed out also forced the archaeological team back. After seeing their speed and ferocity, the archaeological team completely gave up fighting with these ferocious strange birds.

They could only back away again and again, their faces terrified.

Taoist Qianshan's eyes flashed fiercely at this moment, and he instantly blocked the Miao knife in his hand across the back of his head.

This time he no longer chose to retreat, but resisted the culling of two strange birds.

But at the moment when he put the Miao Dao horizontally behind his head, there was a sudden "ding" sound of metal and iron clanging on the spot.

However, even though he blocked a strange bird's attack with the miao knife, the big bird still scratched his back with two deep bone-deep wounds.

At this moment, Taoist Qianshan also staggered and rushed forward, but the location he rushed happened to be where the archaeologists were.

And this was also his purpose. The situation was too chaotic before, and he didn't think too much about it. It was only now that he remembered that there was an extremely useful treasure in the team.

Hanging Steel Umbrella!
The mountain-moving Taoist staggered to the side of the archaeologists, then quickly turned around, handed his back to the archaeologists, and slashed across with the Miao Dao in his hand.


There was another sound of gold and iron chirping, but this time the smaller strange bird was directly chopped off by him.

Although it was not killed directly, if one could observe carefully, one could still see that the beak of this strange bird had been shattered.

After bouncing on the spot for a while, he slowed down.

Afterwards, he became more and more irritable, but the mountain-moving Taoist slashed away with a knife, and after this small strange bird, he shouted in a low voice without looking back:

"Hanging Steel Umbrella!"

At this moment, the archaeologists were all in panic. They didn't even react when they heard the Taoist who moved the mountain, but Chu Jie's adaptability was much stronger after all.

It was just a moment of confusion, and he soon recovered, and instantly threw the steel umbrella behind his back to the Taoist who moved the mountain.

And Taoist Qianshan also took the hanging steel umbrella, and then cut the Miao Dao in his hand horizontally again.

It turned out that the big bird seemed to be angry when it saw Zhao Li smashing the little bird away, and it was rushing towards him very violently at this moment.

The Miao Dao in his hand collided with his bird a few times, and the Taoist who moved the mountain finally took a breath. The big bird seemed to be a little dizzy from the shock, and was taken out of space by the accompanying Taoist.

With a horizontal slash, his bird's head was almost chopped off.

However, the speed of this strange bird was too fast. During Miao Dao's slash, he escaped from the scope covered by the blade in an instant.

The Taoist who moved the mountain seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and directly threw the Miao Dao in his hand, and the Miao Dao also chopped into Da Bird's abdomen with inertia.

However, the feathers of this big bird seemed to be extremely thick, and they didn't spread out directly, but left a bloodstain there.

Taoist Bansheng also reacted instantly after throwing the seedling knife, and opened the hanging steel umbrella in his hand.

After opening the hanging steel umbrella, the mountain-moving Taoist also started to spin as quickly as before, and the entire corridor echoed with the sound of the collision between the blades and the sound of these strange birds flapping.

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