As for the archaeologists, as they entered the water, they felt that the surrounding rivers were very fast, but according to the posture taught by Teacher Zhao Li, there was no surprise.

Just soaked the clothes by this icy river, but these are inevitable, the river is icy when they go down the river.

Indeed, they found themselves as if they were in a water column, and the benefits of the water column supported them, slowing down their falling speed infinitely, and finally fell into the water with a plop.

Chu Jie was the first member of the archaeological team to jump down, and suddenly emerged from the water, breathing in the surrounding air.

But because it was next to the waterfall, it took a sip of water vapor.

After coughing twice, Chu Jie hurriedly swam towards the shore not far away, and then the archaeologists fell into the water one by one. Fortunately, each of them had obtained the swimming qualification certificate.

No matter how harsh the environment is, even in the ocean, they can also perform the simplest swimming.

At least in the absence of a huge natural disaster, he would not be drowned by the water. After climbing ashore, Chu Jie also sat on a rock and coughed.

After coughing for a while, Chu Jie also hurriedly took out the flashlight, and shot towards the place where he just fell, while the archaeologists who jumped down after him saw the light on the shore at this moment, and also hurriedly swam in this direction. over here.

After coughing for a while, Chu Jie regained his composure. Although he felt that his body had also been soaked in cold water, he felt a little chilly.

But he could endure it for a short time, and the archaeological team behind him quickly swam to the shore, and when he saw Chu Jie, he also burst out laughing.

Then he lay directly on the rock, panting heavily, and then he couldn't help laughing.

That was the smile of Yu Sheng after the catastrophe, but Chu Jie was a little puzzled at the moment, because although he was the first to jump down among the archaeologists, he was by no means the first to jump down among all the people.

There should be another person in front of him, and the archaeologist on the side seemed to realize something, looked up at Chu Jie, then glanced around, and asked curiously:

"Oh, isn't that right, where is Mr. Zhao Li? I remember Mr. Zhao Li was the first one to jump off, right?"

Chu Jie was also a little puzzled at the moment, but the flashlights of the two of them had already attracted the attention of the archaeologists behind, and they swam towards them one after another.

When the archaeologists were all lying on their backs on the rocks, gasping for breath, even at the end, the Taoist who moved the mountain asked Professor Li to come up.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded now, and even Taoist Qianshan frowned slightly at this moment, and couldn't help asking:
"Where is Mr. Zhao Li? He should be the first one to jump off, right?"

Everyone shook their heads when they heard the words, expressing that they didn't see Mr. Zhao Li at all.

Seeing everyone shaking their heads and moving the mountain Taoist also frowned. He glanced at the surrounding environment, but did not find the figure of the man.

At this moment, he hesitated a little, wondering if he should leave here first.

But at this moment, the archaeological team members were all amazed and communicated with each other.

"We really survived! Falling from such a high place, we are still alive! It's unbelievable!"

"Yeah, yeah! I'm also really surprised, such a high place, logically speaking, it's impossible to survive!"

At this moment, everyone was discussing, even those archaeologists who had questioned Zhao Li before, were all very excited.

At the same time, I am very glad that I have made the right choice, and at the same time, I am also a little sad, because the two archaeological team members above are still on it.

After discussing for a while, an archaeologist suddenly said:
"By the way! Shall we call the two people above? Ask them to come down as soon as possible?"

The rest of the archaeological team members fell silent. All eyes fell on the archaeological team member who spoke. Some were indifferent, while others had firm eyes.

And the archaeologist also frowned, he just mentioned this, and didn't expect the archaeologists to have such a big reaction.

And it was only at this moment that Professor Li regained his composure, sighed and said:

"Why don't you give them a call. After all, we came together. Although there were differences in opinions before, human lives are at stake. Let me remind you."

After hearing Professor Li's words, everyone nodded in agreement. Professor Li had already spoken, and there was nothing to refute.

But at this time, Taoist Qianshan said leisurely:
"Don't waste your time, those two guys are probably dead."

The voice of the Taoist who moved the mountain was not very loud, but when it fell to the archaeologists, it still shocked them.

Some looked at Taoist Qianshan in disbelief, but Taoist Qianshan shook his head, continued to look for Zhao Li's figure, and said nothing.

And Professor Li's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly ordered someone to contact the two archaeological team members above.

Because of the waterproofing done before, except for their clothes, other items are in good condition.

I hurriedly called the two archaeological team members above, "Duddu..."

No one answered!

Call again...

Still no one answered, but now all the archaeologists' complexions changed slightly, and they couldn't get through the phone. What does this mean?
This means that the two guys above are probably dead as the Taoist Banshan said.

Thinking of the archaeological team members who followed here before, they breathed a sigh of relief.

If they insisted on staying on top before, I am afraid that they will end up in the same way at this moment.

Until this time, the archaeologists said sadly:

"Oh! I didn't expect them to die like this. It's really..."

But immediately an archaeologist said with some disdain:

"The guy who contradicted Teacher Zhao Li, I don't know what I think, but it seems that Wang Wenyang stayed with him, that guy likes to take advantage of you the most.

What I absolutely want is to let us explore the way first. If we really jumped down alive, we will definitely call them. If we don’t call them, they will stay on it! "

Everyone fell into silence when they heard the words, and no one spoke again. At this moment, they suddenly felt that what the archaeologist said made a lot of sense.

But now the people above are dead, but those who were regarded as "pathfinder stones" have survived.

Taoist Qianshan felt sad when he saw the client team members, but he frowned and said:

"Okay, this is not the place where you feel sad for spring and autumn, don't you feel cold?"

Hearing the voice of the Taoist Banshan, everyone was relieved, and what the Taoist moved the mountain said, coupled with a breeze blowing from nowhere.

The archaeologists couldn't help but shudder...

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