Boss Li's company was downstairs, and was assigned to watch downstairs. A captain of the Special Bureau noticed that the security guards seemed to be moving, and his brows frowned slightly.

He quickly took out the phone and dialed, and the other side did the same, and was quickly connected.


"Chief, I'm afraid I'm going to scare the snake! What should I do next?"

The answer from the other side was also without hesitation, only a simple word.


Hearing the chief's order, the captain of the special bureau also quickly started to act.


On the other side, John led his mercenary team to move forward quickly, and soon came to a corridor and stopped, because the river was in front of this corridor.

John breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the river, and said:

"I didn't expect Boss Li to have such a detailed map in his hand. Now we have found our way."

The blond woman beside her said with some emotion: "Now I have some admiration for the person who led the archaeological team through the trap.

If I remember correctly, the man in Longguo only has a fragment of a map.It's unbelievable that they're already ahead of us. "

And John admired Zhao Li a little bit at the moment, but the things that should be done had to be done well, so Zhao Lichao took a flashlight and took pictures above his head.

Soon he found the same thick chain that Zhao Li pulled before.

After discovering the thick chain, John stopped hesitating and kicked his feet back and forth on the wall.

The Yongdao itself was only two meters wide, and Join took advantage of the narrowness of the passage to climb continuously, and soon reached the position where the chains were.

Pulling the chain, accompanied by the sound of a machine gun, a big boat crashed down at the end of their corridor.

After John jumped down, he said with some emotion: "I saw that Zhao Li from the archaeological team was able to fly over walls. It's really an enviable skill!"

Even though he was so emotional, John also made tactical gestures to the mercenaries behind, and the group boarded the ship quickly.

After a while, the big ship started to drive. After driving for a while, the mercenaries did not continue to drive along the main channel, but turned in front of a very inconspicuous black hole.

From the outside, the black hole looks like a larger stalactite. Even with a searchlight, you can only see some darkness inside.

However, these mercenaries just ran straight into it, and soon their big ship sailed into another unknown waterway.

This waterway is not wide, just enough to accommodate their big ship, and this secret road is the only one they can learn on the map to avoid all dangers.

After driving forward for a while, in the narrow waterway, those who don't use soldiers can even hear the sound of collisions from the nearby stone walls.

This also made them feel a little scared, keeping their guns in their hands, and watching their surroundings vigilantly, for attacks brought by guards from any place.

Seeing how vigilant they were, John smiled and said casually:
"This is the safe passage marked on the human skin map. There will be no problems. Let's fix it in place for a while, and then we can talk about it later."

But the blond woman cast a glance at John, and said coldly: "John, don't forget that you said the same thing when you negotiated before! As a result, we have been hunted down for so long!"

John also stopped talking when he heard the words. This is really disgusting. Although the other party is telling the truth, it doesn't prevent John from looking extremely ugly at the moment.

And the blond woman didn't say anything more, and looked around vigilantly, but it seemed that what Join said was right this time, and they didn't encounter any danger along the way.

But the archaeologists on the other side were not as relaxed as they were. Zhao Li waited for everyone to rest for a while.

But he poured cold water on everyone again, and said:

"Don't relax too much! Be vigilant at all times, boaters can come in batches."

An archaeological team member lay on his back on the bed, and heard Zhao Li's voice, but at the moment he said with some doubts:
"What's the situation? Aren't we out of danger? It's already late at night for the exam! It's already this time, should we continue on our way?"

When Zhao Li heard the words, he shook his head with a smile and said:

"No, it's not what you imagined. In fact, those water hornets and piranhas swim much faster than us in the water. If we don't keep enough distance, we may be caught up by them!"

Everyone was a bit puzzled when they heard the words, and Chu Jie even said, "Teacher Zhao Li won't do it, right? Those water hornets and piranhas are fighting so hard, even if it's over, they won't come after us, right?"

The water friends in the live broadcast room also launched barrages one after another.

"No, no? I thought I could go to sleep! I didn't expect Mr. Zhao Li and you guys to fight at night! How about I stay up for a while and see what happens next?"

"The coffee has been bought, and I have prepared my favorite snacks. I feel that there will be some wonderful scenes in the evening."

"Pull it down, pull it down, go to bed, watch the live replay tomorrow, there will definitely be a big screen recorder to release it."

But at this moment, the archaeological team members all lost their faces. In fact, they were the most uncomfortable.

Because they may have to row overnight at night, and the rest time will be very short.

When Zhao Li saw them all like this, he smiled helplessly and said:

"Don't worry, everyone replenishes your own consumption first. The rowing will be done by me and Taoist Qianshan first. You should eat something to replenish your strength."

The archaeologists cheered after hearing this, and then lay down directly, regardless of whether there was a stench on the boat or not.

Lying on the boat let the gravity that I was subjected to spread to all parts of the body, I let out a long sigh of relief, a funny scene appeared for a while, a group of people were lying on the boat, ouch.

On the other hand, Zhao Li and Taoist Qianshan were rowing hard there. Although their strength was astounding and their endurance was incredible, their strength could not make the boat go fast after all.

They could only float forward slowly, and the archaeologists sat up after lying down for a while and began to eat the compressed biscuits they brought, and took out drinking water from their backpacks.

They drank gulps. Before, they were constantly exhausting their energy, and the adrenaline was over-secreted, and now they felt a little bit like urinating.

However, everyone on the ship was too embarrassed to directly choose to discharge, so they could only endure it for the time being.

And at this time, Professor Li organized the emission. When the girls were inflated, the boys' cameras were turned to the other side.

This was also performed in the live broadcast room for a while.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooo" screamed.

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