After Zhao Li confirmed that there was no danger, he also said to the archaeologists behind him:

"Okay, it should be fine now, you can come over and take a few photos, but don't stare at the stele in the middle for too long."

The archaeologists behind him listened to Zhao Liying's words, and while they breathed a sigh of relief, they also excitedly took their cameras and began to record.

Zhao Li also found another coffin and looked in. This coffin hadn't been opened just now, and there was a dead body lying in it.

When Zhao Li saw the corpse, he frowned slightly, and with a wave of his hand, he lifted up the corpse weighing [-] kilograms and threw it on the ground.

Everyone looked at the corpse thrown out by Zhao Li in amazement, but they saw that the abdomen of the corpse had been completely hollowed out, and all internal organs were gone.

But what made the archaeologists even more concerned was that the corpse was obviously not from the Dragon Kingdom, because at this moment, even though his internal organs were no longer visible.

But the face is still well-preserved, the yellow hair, and the eyes that are still green although they have spread, make people immediately sure that they are not from Longguo.

From the size, it can be judged that this corpse is 1.9 meters tall and extremely strong.

The archaeological team member holding the live broadcast equipment looked this way and turned the camera around at the same time.

But the death of this foreigner shocked everyone, even the live broadcast platform was shocked when they saw this frightening scene.

It took several seconds to recover, and shouted fiercely: "Mosaic, hurry up, Mosaic!"

Three seconds later, all the people in the live broadcast room saw were piles of mosaics.

However, someone has already saved the screenshot of the death of the foreigner, and it quickly went viral on the Internet.

This made the staff of those platforms caught off guard, and immediately took all the information about this photo off the shelves.

Even the Moments are not allowed to post such photos, and Teyesy will send a warning to those users who have taken screenshots after a few minutes.

But at this moment everyone knows that there are already foreigners who are already there.

As for the death of the foreigner, Zhao Li calmly said:

"The time of death was about two days. They should have come here two days ago."

When everyone heard the words, they also frowned, and one of them couldn't help but said:

"Isn't that when we first came here? How could it be such a coincidence?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at the archaeologist who spoke suddenly, and at the same time had a terrible idea, but this idea was quickly dispelled by Zhao Li.

"Okay, don't be so suspicious. You guys quickly record everything here. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. Let's go after those foreigners as soon as possible."

The archaeologists also nodded when they heard the words, and then began to record.

But at this time, the Taoist who moved the mountain came to Zhao Li quietly, and looked at Zhao Li with a serious expression. At this moment, they happened to avoid the archaeological team member with the live broadcast equipment.

So the conversation won't be leaked either.

"Do you think there will be such a coincidence? Or is it true that the fellow from before?"

Zhao Li shook his head when he heard the words and said, "Don't make too many guesses, maybe it just happens to be like this."

At this time, Professor Li also came to Zhao Li, and said with a solemn expression: "Mr. Zhao Li, if we continue to move forward like this, will there be any danger?"

While they were talking in low voices, the archaeologist over there with the live broadcast equipment suddenly shouted from high above:

"Mr. Zhao Li, can you tell us about the feng shui here? I heard that you knew feng shui when you were in the Lin family compound."

And Zhao Li also looked over subconsciously when he heard the words, but he saw the archaeologist at the moment smiling and saying:

"The audience in the live broadcast room said they want to hear your explanation."

Zhao Li also frowned slightly at this moment, nodded, and said directly:

"Longling, Longling is naturally the place where the dragon veins gather, and this place is the tail of the Dragon Mausoleum, that is, the place of the dragon's tail. According to the rank of the dragon bones in ancient times, the dragon's tail is where the people with the lowest status are located."

"Among these coffins should be some courtiers who were buried with them, and these courtiers are surrounded by a circle, with a stone tablet in the center. According to ancient times, because their life stories are engraved on the stone tablet, you should be able to see it on the back." Find those lettering."

A clerk of the archaeological team also hurriedly looked behind the stele, and sure enough, there were some small characters densely engraved on the back of the stele.

"Wow, there are indeed some engravings here. Teacher Zhao Li is really knowledgeable, I don't even know this!"

Everyone gathered around to watch, and the archaeologist named Wang Shuo was shocked when he saw these words, and then he said excitedly:
"Hurry up, record all these words, this is definitely another feat for our Dragon Kingdom's archaeological documents! It will definitely restore a lot of ancient characters!"

These archaeologists are also excited to take pictures and record, but the audience in the live broadcast room is a little bit lacking in interest. To be honest, there are only a few people in the live broadcast room who like archeology.

Most of the people came here to watch Teacher Zhao Li sweep away thousands of troops.

"Mr. Zhao Li, why don't you hurry up and chase those foreigners!"

"That's right, those foreigners will be too late if they don't chase after them, and these ancient characters won't run away here."

For a while, the shouts in the live broadcast room became louder and louder, and Zhao Li also saw the barrage, but he shook his head with a smile and said:

"Don't underestimate these coffins, and don't underestimate Feng Shui. There may be clues leading to the main tomb hidden here. Let's take a look at what these records contain!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and an archaeologist said with some doubts:

"Then what is Mr. Zhao Li here? Is there a clue leading to the main tomb?"

Zhao Li smiled inscrutablely, looked at the inscription on the stone tablet, and explained:

"According to Feng Shui, this place is the dragon's tail, and the dragon's head should be where the main tomb is. Therefore, if we want to catch up with those foreigners and go to the main tomb, we still have some rules to follow."

An archaeological team member was a little puzzled when he heard the words:

"Then what is the law? Could it be that we can find the location of the main tomb as long as we walk along the dragon's back?"

Everyone also turned their attention to Zhao Li, and the live broadcast room exploded.

"Fuck, Mr. Zhao Li really deserves to be Mr. Zhao Li. It turns out that Feng Shui has so many uses!"

"That's not true. I'm afraid those foreigners in front will be miserable. Without Teacher Zhao Li's advice, I'm afraid they will die in some trap."

"Yes, yes, yes! Teacher Zhao Li is forever a god!"

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