Live: Pointing to the archaeological team, I shocked the whole world

Chapter 194 Those who offend our Dragon Kingdom will be punished even if they are far away

In the center of this open space, a stone slab one meter long and one foot high stands quietly, with the word "tomb" engraved on it.

When Zhao Li also saw everything in the open space, his complexion also became ugly, because he could see at a glance that everything was definitely not simple.

Or in other words, the strength of foreigners who can pass here should not be underestimated, because a formation is arranged in this open space at the moment.

Seeing that Zhao Li stopped in front of him, the archaeologists behind him also stopped slowly.

Now when everyone saw the tombstone, they all felt chills down their spines. The bright red color seemed to indicate that their final fate would also fall here.

Thinking of this, the archaeological team members felt creepy, and when the archaeological team member with the live broadcast device came to the front of the tombstone.

The entire face of the tombstone was exposed to everyone in the live broadcast room, occupying the entire screen.

Some viewers who were eating breakfast also felt chills down their spines for no reason, and some even watched it with their children, so they turned off the live broadcast directly.

"Damn it! Is it so exciting in the morning? I don't want to go to work later."

"I still don't want to get up this morning. After seeing this tombstone, I don't want to get up even more."

"What is this? Is there an expert to identify it?"

What they didn't know was that what these archaeologists saw was far more shocking than they were.

Because the live broadcast equipment only captured the huge stone tablet, but the archaeologists were looking at the scattered coffins around them.

There is a bloody "Dian" character engraved on them, which looks extremely strange.

But what is even more creepy is that those coffins are connected in series by chains, suspended in the air, and the end of the chains leads to the back of the most central stone tablet.

Coupled with the faint white mist that condensed above Longling in the morning, and the roar of some unknown beast in the distance.

The combination of these weird factors made people feel a chill running down their spines, and even the half-length Taoist had a dignified look on his face at the moment.

Unconsciously, he put his hand on the handle of his Miao knife, but Taoist Qianshan soon realized something was wrong, and quickly closed his eyes.

Just as he was about to remind the archaeologists behind him, he suddenly heard a crisp sound.

The Taoist who moved the mountain subconsciously opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Li who was at the front. He saw that Zhao Li was standing quietly in front of the huge tombstone with a black gold in his hand and an ancient knife.

The clear sound just now was the sound of Zhao Li pulling out the ancient black gold knife from his waist.

This clear and crisp sound of the knife made all the archaeologists behind them relax.

Because they were so shocked to see this scene before, these archaeologists also directly held their breath, and they didn't gasp until now.

However, those water friends in the live broadcast room were extremely excited when they saw Zhao Li draw his sword in an instant.

"Teacher Zhao Li is so handsome, he looks like a sword drawn in the new show that just came out!"

"Fuck, Mr. Zhao Li's back is so handsome, it's over, it's over, he's going to be a fan."

"After seeing Mr. Zhao Li's handsome sword drawing, I really don't want to watch those idol dramas anymore, it's just too hot, okay?"

Hearing the heavy gasps from the archaeologists behind him, Zhao Li's face became serious, and he said:

"Don't look too much at these coffins. This is actually a formation. If you look at it too much, it may cause problems."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were stunned when they heard Mr. Zhao Li's words, because they didn't have any perspective of the coffin.

They sent barrages one after another to turn the camera around, to see what was going on.

And those archaeological team members with the live broadcast equipment, after recovering from the shock just now, watched the live broadcast room for the first time.

It was indeed found that at this moment in the live broadcast room, he was asked to zoom out the camera to see what was around.

The archaeologist asked Professor Li for his opinion, but Professor Li didn't understand the formation, so he looked at the Taoist who moved the mountain.

When Taoist Qianshan saw the other party, he seemed to say casually:
"This should be fine. The formation is only useful to those of us here. Other people will be fine as long as they don't see it from this perspective."

Professor Li and the archaeologist also nodded when they heard the words, and spread everything here through live broadcast.

When the water friends in the live broadcast room saw this terrifying scene, their faces changed completely, and some couldn't believe it.

"What is this? What is the meaning of the formation that Mr. Zhao Li just heard?"

"A formation made of coffins? It's incredible!"

"Long Kingdom really has formations. Does such a thing exist? Could this be some kind of visual misalignment?"

But at this moment, the archaeological team member with the live broadcast equipment did not intend to answer these people one by one, but looked at Zhao Li.

At this moment, Zhao Li walked forward directly, as if there was no formation in front of him at all.

"Don't look at these coffins again! Calm down, this place is not easy!"

But when everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhao Li, the mountain-moving Taoist at the side said coldly:
"Don't focus on Mr. Zhao Li, you can watch it through your mobile phone, but don't let your eyes fall on him!"

The archaeologists also felt awe-inspiring when they heard the words, and quickly withdrew their gazes. Someone even took out the camera they carried with them and looked at Zhao Li through the display screen.

By the way, I did not forget to take a few photos, these are extremely precious information.

However, the two female archaeologists kept staring at Zhao Li and pressed the shutter. Zhao Li stopped in front of a half-open coffin. This move also attracted everyone's attention.

When everyone in the archaeological team saw the half-opened coffins, their complexions became ugly. They didn't notice any difference in these coffins just now.

Looking carefully at this moment, several of these coffins are actually in a half-open state.

"Why are these coffins half-open?"

"Could it be that these foreigners took the cultural relics of our Dragon Kingdom from it?"

"These damned guys actually stole the treasures of my Dragon Kingdom!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room also exploded when they saw this scene.

"Those who violate our Dragon Kingdom will be punished even if they are far away!"

At this moment, even some foreigners change color when they see the pushed coffin, because such theft of cultural relics from other countries is not protected by any country in the world.

As long as they are caught, they can be executed directly. To use the old saying of Longguo, "This is the crime of beheading"!
So at this moment, all the foreigners in the live broadcast room collectively lost their voices, and everyone's eyes were locked on Zhao Li at this moment, but they saw that Zhao Li was standing in front of a coffin, looking inside curiously.

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