While everyone was still out of breath, Zhao Li looked around calmly.

The Taoist who moved the mountain also moved like him. At this moment, the Taoist moved the mountain seemed to have thought of something, and looked around vigilantly.

It is indeed found that they are standing in a relatively delicate place at the moment. Just after getting out of the miasma and fog behind them, there is a stone slab in front of you.

And not far from them, there was actually a black trace of charcoal fire there.

Zhao Li found that there was no danger in the surrounding area, so he was forbidden to come to this pile of gray charcoal ash and looked it over carefully.

Although Professor Li behind him was also out of breath at the moment, when he found that Zhao Li was walking in another direction, he quickly got up and followed.

When he found the ashes on the ground, his expression became serious, and he asked Zhao Li with a solemn expression:

"Mr. Zhao Li, is this the one left behind by those people in front?"

Zhao Li nodded slowly when he heard the words, and the rest of the archaeologists saw Teacher Zhao Li and Professor Li surrounded by a pile of charcoal ashes, and they all came over curiously.

When they saw the hot carbon ash on the ground, their expressions changed one by one.

"Could this be left behind by those crooked nuts in front? Does anyone know how long these traces have been?"

"The carbon ash seems to have been doused by water as soon as it was burned. It should be that they repaired it here and then set sail directly."

"These crooked nuts are really damned, they still want to steal the treasures of my Dragon Kingdom!"

But Chu Jie behind saw this pool of ashes, but seriously analyzed:

"It was indeed extinguished by water, but because it just rained, it was also washed away a lot, so it is impossible to determine when the carbon ash was left."

And Zhao Li squatted down, picked up a small piece, looked at it, and then said directly:

"Everyone is also making a bonfire here to dry themselves, otherwise Yin Qi will definitely enter the body in this state."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and then got busy, lighting the fire alive.

Because of the rain, the wood on their bodies was completely soaked, and it was very difficult to start a fire.

Fortunately, they were well equipped this time, and the wooden planks that Zhao Li had made for them also played a role at this time.

Use some accelerant directly, then ignite directly.

Everyone gathered around the bonfire and began to dry their clothes, which also brought a little warmth to themselves.

However, Zhao Li came to the side of Taoist Qianshan calmly and said:

"You take care of them here, and I'll go ahead to find out the way. Also, I will ask everyone while I'm warming up. I remember someone said that he heard a fellow from the previous town say something about these crooked nuts."

The Taoist who moved the mountain heard the words, but frowned slightly, took a look, and Zhao Li said:

"So risky? Is there anything weird about these crooked nuts?"

Zhao Li nodded firmly, and said with a dignified expression:

"I always feel that these crooked nuts are not that simple. It took us a lot of trouble to find this place, and there is a human skin map. How do they know so much about this place?"

Taoist Qianshan frowned when he heard the words, nodded thoughtfully, and then said in a low voice:
"Since you say that, will we be discovered by them here?"

Zhao Li shook his head when he heard the words and said:

"Don't act rashly, I will come back after I go to the front and take a look, and I won't stay too long."

The Taoist who moved the mountain also nodded when he heard the words, and then watched Zhao Li leave the team and walked forward.

And those archaeologists had already lit up the bonfire at this moment, and the warm yellow light shone on everyone, which inexplicably brought a little warmth to everyone.

It also dissipated the original coldness on their bodies, which made everyone feel a little relaxed.

Coupled with the sunset that is gradually sinking into the horizon, it doesn't seem like you are here for archaeology, but it has the meaning of a beach party.

But above the woods behind them, the thick white mist and the wind blowing from the other side told everyone that this was not a beach party, but a dangerous Longling.

Professor Li's expression changed when he saw Zhao Li leaving the team. He was about to step forward to stop him, but he heard the mountain-moving Taoist at the side suddenly say:

"I remember who said before that the fellow said that there were crooked nuts asking for directions. Does anyone remember when the fellow said that those crooked nuts asked for directions?"

Everyone heard the words, but they all focused their attention on Taoist Qianshan. Only a few people saw Teacher Zhao Li walking forward.

Among them were Chu Jie and Qi Qi, who had been focusing on Zhao Li, and Professor Li.

Hearing the question from Taoist Qianshan, an archaeologist stood up suddenly, raised his hand and said excitedly:
"That time was when I was chatting with the fellow, he said it, but the fellow did not tell me the specific time, just said some time ago."

"A while ago?" Taoist Qianshan was also thoughtful when he heard the words, nodded and said:

"It is likely that the other party came in during the last rain."

Everyone heard the rumors and guessed that they had become a mountain-moving Taoist, but at this moment an archaeologist suddenly said:

"Then I probably knew about it at this time. Before I had nothing to do in the camp, I investigated the recent rainfall in Longling."

"There is a high probability that these crooked nuts entered here three days ago, otherwise the other party would not be able to pass through the miasma at all!"

Everyone nodded involuntarily when they heard the words. They didn't forget the little white mouse that entered the miasma, and estimated that the little white mouse had completely turned into a pile of bones at this moment.

If those crooked nuts came in when the miasma existed, I'm afraid they would end up in the same way as the little white mouse.

At this time, Taoist Qianshan really felt a little emotional. Should I say it or not, the learned people are amazing these days. Looking at them, I can directly infer the time when those crooked nuts entered.

At this time, Chu Jie suddenly said: "I think I probably know where the crooked nuts' equipment was provided. There were some marks on the steel wire before."

The members of the archaeological team turned their attention to Chu Jie again, and at this moment, Chu Jie probably understood what Taoist Banshan meant.

This is a cover for Zhao Li, Zhao Li may have left because of some things.

So at this time, he doesn't mind sharing some of his own discoveries to attract everyone's attention.

"It was a product of a multinational company, and my father had some cooperation with them before,
As far as I know, a multinational company like them will definitely record the people who bought the equipment. Even if we don't catch them this time, we can investigate after they go out. "

Taoist Qianshan was also overjoyed when he heard the words, he found out all the details of the other party, and he believed that as long as he went to Longguo, he would definitely investigate these crooked nuts thoroughly.

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