The archaeological team followed the Taoist who moved the mountain in front of him, and the guide on the side was also amazed at the road chosen by the Taoist who moved the mountain.

"Boy, you are pretty good! Only us old hunters know about this field. I didn't expect you to know this route just by going out to investigate."

Taoist Qianshan was unmoved when he heard the words, he just responded twice, but at this moment he looked at Zhao Li with some puzzlement.

Because he had just described everything he saw to Zhao Li and expressed his own judgment, but in the end Zhao Li just said lightly:
"Oh, that means miasma can't escape!"

Then he led the entire archaeological team into the deep mountains of Longling, and even the local villagers were very suspicious.

Fortunately, there wasn't much difficulty along the way. Their archaeological team was also screened through layers, and even the female members were physically strong.

There was no accident, but when everyone saw a layer of mist appearing on the woods from a distance, the local villager stopped them from moving forward again and shouted loudly:
"There is a demon cloud in front! Are you really going to enter the range of that demon cloud?"

When the archaeological team heard the villager's shout, they also subconsciously stopped, and their eyes turned to Zhao Li and Professor Li who were leading the team.

And Zhao Li also stopped at this moment, carefully sizing up the thick fog in the distance, Jin Tong once again analyzed, and at this moment has completely confirmed his guess.

At this moment, the members of the archaeological team really hesitated. Although they felt that what Teacher Zhao Liya said was right, this matter was about their lives after all.

If something unexpected happens, they will stay here forever.

It's a matter of life, and it can't be sloppy, so I asked Zhao Li worriedly:

"Mr. Zhao Li, what is that in front of you? Is it really the miasma you mentioned? Will this miasma disappear in the rain?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhao Li, you must know that it is very difficult to walk in such an environment in the rain."

"That's right, how about we try it with a gas mask?"

Everyone subconsciously cast their eyes on Zhao Li, and Zhao Li didn't want to explain too much, but just said casually:
"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can find a way to try it yourself. Let's wait here for a while. I think it's going to rain soon."

When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and then someone looked up to the sky. Sure enough, there were already dark clouds over Longling at this moment, and it might rain at any time.

Someone hesitated for a moment, but said:

"Then shall we test it?"

Seeing that the members of the archaeological team were so worried, Professor Li began to hesitate. To be honest, although he believed in what Zhao Li said.

After all, Zhao Li had already seen it at the scene, so the so-called "demon cloud" would naturally not make fun of everyone's lives.

Of course, he can't stop the members of the archaeological team from verifying all this. After all, this is about everyone's life, and it is their freedom to test it.

Taoist Qianshan was also a little skeptical at the moment. To be honest, in his opinion, the so-called "demon cloud" in front of him was just rumored by the locals. Maybe wearing a gas mask would be fine.

But his idea was quickly dismissed.

I saw a member of the archaeological team take out a few mice from his backpack.

He first held the little white mouse in his hand, and then took out some special food from his backpack.

Shake it twice in front of the mouse's nose to let him remember the smell of this special food.

Then he threw it far away into the mist, and then put the little white mouse in his hand on the ground.

After a while, the little white mouse followed the smell in the air and walked towards the special food.

Seeing this, everyone stared at the little white mouse intently, only to see that the little white mouse stepped directly into the range covered by the demon cloud, and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this. The archaeologist smiled awkwardly when he saw that the mouse had disappeared. To be honest, he had never encountered such a situation.

This time it was a joke.

But at this moment, Zhao Li had already used his golden pupils to see clearly what the little white mouse looked like at this moment.

But he didn't bother to remind the archaeologists, as long as they were fine.

When a person doubts another person, no matter how he explains it, it won't help. It's best to let them see the facts for themselves.

But when another archaeologist saw his polite yet awkward smile, he hurriedly said:

"Wang Shuo, wait a minute, I happen to have a thermal imaging display on my side."

When the archaeologists heard this, they realized that their archaeological team was a high-tech team backed by Longguo, not to mention thermal imaging, and they even had geological survey equipment, so they hurriedly said:

"Then check to see if the direction of that little white mouse is displayed!"

The archaeological team member with thermal imaging also hurriedly took out his equipment and looked in the direction where the little white mouse disappeared just now.

However, after scanning for a long time, he did not find the thermal image of the mouse at all.

Just when everyone was wondering, Zhao Li said leisurely:

"On the direction of 5 degrees east of north, the little white mouse just now is dead."

When everyone heard the words, they glanced at Zhao Li in amazement. They did see Zhao Li looking up at the sky at this moment, as if she was thinking about something.

The conversation with them just now was just a casual remark, and the archaeologist hurriedly pointed the thermal imager in that direction after hearing Zhao Li's prompt.

Now he finally discovered the clue, and saw that the outline of a mouse could still be vaguely seen in that place, probably the little white mouse they had released before.

But to everyone's horror, the little white mouse was already lying there motionless, and the heat on its body was dissipating rapidly, and everyone understood what was going on.

Immediately, everyone looked at Zhao Li in shock, including Professor Li and Taoist Qianshan. Maybe Professor Li didn't quite understand how powerful his eyesight was.

But at this moment, Taoist Qianshan felt a turmoil in his heart, because when the little white mouse disappeared from sight just now, he had already lost the other's trace.

It was really foggy ahead, and the mouse was pure white, so it was impossible to confirm the trace of the mouse.

But Zhao Li directly stated the exact location of the little white mouse.

Not only that, but he also confirmed with certainty that the little white mouse was dead, obviously not talking nonsense at all.

The villager on the side looked as if it was true when he saw this scene. Although he couldn't understand thermal imaging at all, he probably knew what happened just now.

Persuading earnestly:
"Young man! This is a demon cloud."

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