The Taoist who moved the mountain walked out of the high mountains, and in his arms was the mysterious animal bone he brought out from the ancient tomb.

He walked all the way to a main road, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and walked to a hidden forest beside the road, where there was a vehicle he had hidden in advance.

Sitting in his off-road vehicle, Qianshan Taoist took out his mobile phone, wanting to see any important news.

After the mobile phone was turned on, it was indeed found that various advertisements were pushed directly.

But when he looked closely, he was a little dumbfounded, because seven out of ten of these advertisements were news about Zhao Li.

I clicked in and took a look, it was a video of Zhao Li in the restaurant, cracking the box brought by Chu Jie.

Seeing that Chu Jie was so calm and directly cracked all the traps, as an experienced Taoist who moved mountains, his face was extremely dignified.

Because Taoist Qianshan understands that it is not a joke to open such a box. Maybe it will really kill people, and even if the maker is careless, he may die in the hands of the mechanism.

And when he saw that at the end, Zhao Li actually cracked the mechanism in the box, and when he got the jade beast inside, he was even more amazed.

Looking back, he was amazed again and again, his complexion kept changing, and finally the video was frozen on Zhao Li, and he stopped after getting the Vision Orb.

Turning off the video, Taoist Qianshan was also horrified and speechless, and his heart became more determined to find Zhao Li and ask him to help him look at the strange skull in his arms.

At this time, Taoist Qianshan felt a little regretful, because he hadn't saved the contact information of Zhao Li and Chu Jie before.

Now trying to contact Zhao Li, they are simply as difficult as climbing the sky. He even searched the Internet deliberately, but there is no news about Zhao Li and the others.

However, Taoist Qianshan accidentally found the speaker in the live broadcast room and called him.

Before Taoist Qianshan could speak, he heard the staff on the other side say:

"Hello, what's the matter?"

When Taoist Qianshan saw that he was able to get through, he hurriedly said:

"Hello, I want to find Teacher Zhao Li, do you have his contact information here?"

When the staff on the other side heard that they were looking for Mr. Zhao Li's contact information, they said helplessly:

"Sir, due to the privacy considerations of Mr. Zhao Li, we can't tell you the contact information. If you have any urgent matters, you can go to the School of Archeology to find Professor Li."

The one-day staff of Taoist Qianshan felt a little helpless when he said this, so he could only say:

"Then what is the address of the School of Archeology?"


After hanging up the phone, Taoist Qianshan was also a little speechless.

There is no way, Taoist Qianshan can only choose to go to the Academy of Archeology to take a look.

Thinking of moving the mountain here, Taoist started the vehicle directly, kicked the accelerator and drove away from here.

Follow the main road towards the city.

Early the next morning, a man in low-key clothing got off the off-road vehicle and walked towards the Archaeological Institute in front of him.

But when he just stepped into the gate of the Academy of Archeology, he was stopped by the security guard, who looked at him with a strange expression.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

The Taoist who moved the mountain was a little helpless when he heard the words. He caught a glimpse of a notice on the side and hurriedly said:

"I want to participate in the enrollment expansion of the School of Archaeology. I would like to ask where Professor Li is now? I want to see him."

Seeing that he didn't look like a good person, the security guard frowned slightly, but he still said:

"Okay, those who come to participate in the enrollment expansion will have a special person to evaluate you, but I hope you don't make trouble here, otherwise..."

Taoist Qianshan didn't care too much, he tried to keep his smile kind, and said:

"I'm really here to participate in the expansion of enrollment. Take me to see Professor Li, and I will naturally understand."

Seeing Taoist Qianshan, the security guard had a decent attitude, so he nodded.

He said to his companion on duty with him, and then walked towards the archaeological college with the Taoist who moved the mountain.

And when Taoist Qianshan saw Professor Li, Professor Li recognized Taoist Qianshan at a glance, and immediately exclaimed:
"It's you?"

This exclamation immediately stunned the security guard on the side.

Seeing Professor Li's surprised appearance, the security guard murmured in his heart. Could this be some big shot?
But it doesn't look like it?
The Taoist who moved the mountain did not exchange too many greetings with Professor Li, and went straight to the point:

"Professor Li, I'm here this time for something important, and I want to find Zhao Li."

When Professor Li heard the words of Taoist Qianshan, he also calmed down a little. He looked at Taoist Qianshan and said hesitantly:
"Tell me in advance if you are in a hurry, and I will see if you want to call him."

Taoist Qianshan did not hesitate when he heard the words, and directly took out the mysterious bone from the tomb from his arms.

When Professor Li saw the bone covered with strange runes, he couldn't look away for a while.

Professor Li almost blurted out:

"Where did you get that?"

However, Taoist Qianshan fell silent when he heard this. Professor Li quickly reflected and coughed in embarrassment.

The security guard at the side was also stunned when he saw this scene, and left here very tactfully.

And after the security guard left, Taoist Qianshan said:

"Let's wait until we meet Zhao Li. Can you get in touch with him?"

Hearing this, Professor Li said with some hesitation:

"Couldn't you come from here..."

Taoist Qianshan frowned when he heard the words, he was a bit shy about what Professor Li wanted to say.

Professor Li quickly reacted, nodded and said:

"Okay, but let me tell you in advance that this bone will probably be kept in the museum."

The Taoist who moved the mountain heard the words, but nodded without knowing whether or not, they didn't have much interest in moving the mountain.

The main reason is that I am a little curious about what the runes on it mean.

When Professor Li saw the Taoist who moved the mountain, he immediately agreed, and when he came down, he took out his phone and called Zhao Li.

On the other side, Zhao Li just woke up when he heard the phone ring.

When I answered the phone, I saw that it was from Professor Li, and after a little thought, I answered the phone.

"What's wrong? Professor Li?"

On the other hand, Professor Li looked at the animal bone covered with runes in his hand.

On the one hand, he said to Zhao Li:
"That's right, do you still remember the Taoist who moved the mountain?"

"You mean the one who cooperated with me in the ancient tomb last time?"

Professor Li was also not procrastinating at all, and said:

"The thing is, he just brought something and wants you to take a look."

Zhao Li also frowned slightly upon hearing this, and said:

"What kind of thing is it? Take a photo with your mobile phone and give it to me. I'll take a look after I go."

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