"Though these still look a little old."

"You all come over and look through it to see if there is anything of value."

Professor Li observed the corpses.

The length of time varies.

The farthest looks to be from the Ming Dynasty.


The archaeological team quickly surrounded them.

They also followed the excavation work of some tombs.

Not as scary as this one though.

But the dead had seen a lot, and there was no sense of fear in the face of the corpse.

"what is this?"

Someone quickly pulled out a very long one, which looked a bit like a nine-jointed whip.

But the head is somewhat like a shovel.

The team members looked at it for a long time and didn't see why.

"This is the Luoyang shovel used by the ancients to explore underground tombs."

"Through the soil brought out by the shovel, we can determine how deep the soil around the underground tomb is."

"So that you can confirm how deep the robbery hole you want to dig."

Zhao Li's voice came from the other side of the screen.

"Mr. Zhao, do you even know such an ancient thing?"

Dai Xiaoxiao said in surprise.

"Well..., this is what I heard when I was writing a novel before."

Zhao Li said without changing his face.

"There is one here too."

Another team member yelled.

In his hand is a very long one, but the arrow is like the head of a red tasseled spear.

Despite its age, it is still very sharp.

"This is a drill into the ground. If the soil brought out by the Luoyang shovel is blood red."

"And it smells like blood, so there must be blood corpses in this tomb."

"Using the ground drill can directly find a suitable position and penetrate into the heart of the blood corpse in the coffin."

"This will not only kill the blood corpse, but also ensure your own safety."

Zhao Li explained again.

The audience suddenly became silent.

"Ms. Zhao's novel status is probably just a gimmick."

"Is everything written in the novel true? Is there really Captain Touching Jin?"

"It exists in history, but it has long since disappeared in the long river of history."

"Many of the things he wrote are similar to the situation in this tomb."

"If it's not Captain Touching Jin, what else can it be?"

The audience in the live broadcast room began to speculate about Zhao Li's identity.

Dai Xiaoxiao and Jiang Muqing also looked at him curiously.

"It's all said by hearsay. I wrote it down when I was gathering the wind."

Zhao Li still acted innocent.

I still have to keep this little secret of myself.


As soon as everyone saw it, they couldn't get any more news out of Zhao Li's mouth.

Instead, he turned his attention to the archaeological team.

"Also, there are more here."

A team member yelled, holding up a battered notebook.

Compared with what was turned out before.

This notebook doesn't look that old.

It is probably the book of the Republic of China period.

But after the archaeological team opened it.

The first page caught Zhao Li's attention.

"It looks like a seal."

The archaeologists picked it up and saw it.

"I just don't know what's written on it."

This font is really not easy to recognize.

However, Zhao Li understood it at a glance.

"Blessed by heavenly officials, there are no taboos."

This is clearly the "Faqiu Seal" in the hands of General Faqiu Zhonglang.

It is said that it can ward off evil spirits and is a rare fetish.

"Didn't it be destroyed in the Ming Dynasty long ago? How could the Republic of China still appear?"

Zhao Lizuo muttered.

But this just proved that in the Republic of China.

The business of tomb robbery has not yet fallen to this point.

They still understand and use many things from their ancestors.

Just don't know what's going on in the middle.

Suddenly all data and history disappeared.

Did he come here just to find out about these things?
The more Zhao Li thought about it, the more complicated it became.

In the end, he shook his head, but right now he had no idea what to do.

Why think so much.

"We seem to be trapped here."

When Zhao Li was full of thoughts.

The archaeologists have dug through all the valuable corpses.

I started to look for the road, but this sentence came faintly.

"Here, it seems to be seeping sand?"

Zhao Li squinted his eyes and stared at the far corner captured by the flashlight.

Because I couldn't find a way out for a long time.

So the director invited a family proficient in architectural design.

Let's see if there is a solution.

"Now, let's connect the seven generations of our ancestors to design noble buildings."

"Li Hui, the eighth generation heir to the name of Li's architecture..."

Dai Xiaoxiao clapped his hands and shouted.

The family is now famous.

It is said that many national style buildings are designed and built by them.

Usually Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end, and does not appear on TV very often.

But they are very rich.

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome."

"To be able to invite such a powerful boss, this director has some background."

"You don't even look at who funded this, the country, does anyone dare to refuse the invitation?"

"It seems that they paid for the architectural stamping exhibition that was exhibited overseas last time."

"It's also very popular abroad."

"But I want to see Mr. Zhao, I think he can do it alone."

"This is specialized in the study of ancient architecture, maybe you will be familiar with the previous tombs."

"You Dragon Kingdom is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger."

The live broadcast room is bragging about the power of this family.

Zhao Li glanced curiously at their previous building model.

His face fell down instantly.

This is all a mess.

It is estimated that there are not many things left by the ancestors.

Put together the previous colorful styles.

It looks like that's the case.

But in fact, it's just nonsense made by people who don't know how to do it.

In the image, this heir does not know what he is comparing.

Anyway, what you do is decent.

If Zhao Li were an outsider, he would definitely be fooled.

"The inside is sealed, and there is no exit at all."

Li Hui looked at the comparison for a long time, and finally said with a sigh.

Hearing what he said, the hearts of the archaeologists suddenly turned cold.

Zhao Li rolled his eyes disapprovingly.

'Such an obvious question needs you to say. '

'As long as you are not blind, you can see it. '

"Is there no other way out?"

Dai Xiaoxiao asked unwillingly.

Li Hui still shook his head.

"If you can't, just let them stay here."

"If you can't, just use explosives to blow it up, or use equipment to dig it. Now that technology is so advanced, there will always be a way."

"No, I've been walking for so long, maybe it's in the middle, if I dig it rashly, what if it collapses?"

"It doesn't work on the left or right, so why don't you just watch?"

The studio was also making suggestions, but nothing useful was discussed.

"Mr. Zhao, what's your opinion?"

Jiang Muqing took the initiative to ask Zhao Li, and her tone was very humble.

Everyone around was taken aback.

Even Zhao Li didn't expect that he would open his mouth now.

It turned out to be Professor Jiang who was against him before.

"Uh, he's right. It looks like it's sealed from the outside."

"There's absolutely nowhere to go out."

Zhao Li said so.

The heart of the archaeological team has sunk to the bottom.

"However, it seems that there is no exit, but it does not mean that there is really no exit."

Zhao Li changed the subject and continued.

"Mr. Zhao, don't be too tight-lipped at this moment."

"I'm gasping for breath. I'm going to have a heart attack in the last second. I'm going to send the razor blade."

"Say it quickly, what exit is there?"

The Internet is urging Zhao Li to give the answer.

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