When she came to the cabin, Lin Xiaoying immediately opened the door and walked out.

"So fast, I thought it would take you a long time to come back!"

Lin Xiaoying said in surprise.

From leaving to returning, it took a total of more than an hour!
Thinking about the need to dig a large basket of clay, Lin Xiaoying thought at first that it would be noon when he came back, but she didn't expect it only took such a short time.

Li Yingjie explained: "I ran there when I went, and we walked that road several times, and it's much easier now!"

As he spoke, he lifted up the fish he was carrying and said with a smile:

"Look, what I found!"

Only then did Lin Xiaoying notice what was in his hand, and when she took a closer look, she immediately beamed with joy.

"Is this a fish caught in that river?"

Now there is no need to worry about whether the remaining rabbit will be killed or not, as there will be fish to eat.

Li Yingjie nodded, then shook his head again.

"It was caught in that river, but the only regret is that it can only be brought back to die."

He didn't bring a jar, so there was no way to bring these fish back alive, so he only brought back two enough for today.

If you bring too much, it will be broken tomorrow!

"It doesn't matter, is there a lot of fish in the river? We can use clay to make a big pot, and then catch some live fish and feed them!"

"Many, there are quite a few of them at random!" Seeing Lin Xiaoying's excited look, Li Yingjie also smiled lightly.

"That's great, we can dig a big hole next to the creek and keep the fish there!"

Lin Xiaoying said happily while gesticulating.

Li Yingjie handed her the fish in his hand, and then put the clay basket on the ground.

The fish needed to be processed as soon as possible. In the morning, Li Yingjie only drank some mushroom soup, went out to dig clay, and now he was a little hungry again.

So, he threw the clay to Lin Xiaoying to deal with, and took the multifunctional knife to the stream to deal with the two fish.

Scrape off scales, gut and clean.

Clay pots are filled with water, put on the fire to boil, and fish are put in.

Break off a few scallions and put them in, and add a few pieces of washed mushrooms left in the morning, and then...

Li Yingjie sighed: "There are still too few seasonings!"

Onion ginger, garlic yellow, cooking wine, these are almost necessary things for stewed fish soup, but they don't have any of them.

When stewing fish soup, if you can fry the fish a little bit, the taste will be fragrant.

But they don't have oil either!
Lin Xiaoying smiled and comforted: "It's okay, it's good to have salt, at least you don't have to eat tasteless things!"

Li Yingjie also smiled.

Indeed, although deliciousness is not guaranteed, the food now has a taste.

I don't know how the other contestants on the island are doing. Whether I can win the first place actually depends on how long other people on the island can persist.


At this time, at another place on the island, a young man with short hair was sitting by the fire, peeling wood in his hand.

On the fire in front of him was a bamboo that was as thick as a bowl, with water steaming from the top of the bamboo, and it seemed that something was cooking inside.

And behind him, there is a cabin that is about to be built.

The frame has been built, the only thing left is the roof above.

This is a very strong technical player. From his operation, everyone can see that he must have rich experience in wilderness survival.

Compared with Li Yingjie, his strength and speed are not so outstanding, but from the consciousness point of view, he is very professional.

He knows exactly how to find food, how to use resources, and when to do what.

His popularity in the live broadcast room is also very strong, and everyone agrees that he is a popular candidate for the championship.

But the only thing that everyone regrets is that this young man seldom explains what he is doing, and has always been doing things dullly. After watching it for a long time, everyone finds it not very interesting.

And there are still three technical contestants like him on the island.

The four of them are all powerful, and each chose their own location to build a shelter, some in the center of the island, some by the sea, and some on the middle of a hill.

But although they are professional, they don't seem to be good at talking, and they basically don't care about the aerial camera above their heads.

Therefore, the audience prefers to watch those who form a team.

Besides Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying, the one with the most popularity in the live broadcast room was one of the four-member groups.

After everyone is selected to come to the island, those who are determined to survive for a longer period of time generally cut their hair short, especially men.

The four people on the island are all men. When they met, they all had flat-inch heads, so they named their team: The Four Heavenly Kings of Bancun!

When the audience heard the name, they felt that these four people must have funny attributes.

And later, everyone found out that this is indeed the case.

Their daily routine here is to bicker and joke with each other, have fun in bitterness, hunt for food, and then chatter and argue about how to eat the prey they catch.

From waking up every day, it seems to be talking about cross talk.

However, this group of people has always been very lucky. They set traps to catch rabbits, and they can catch them almost every time. They use sharpened sticks to spear fish, and they can often catch a few.

After so many days, not only did everyone not feel exhausted, but they lived more and more vividly.

And the relationship between each other is getting better and better.

There are two main reasons why audiences like to watch them.

One is to watch their funny bickering, and the other is to see their amazing luck.

It goes without saying that the bickering is funny, the age gap between the four of them is not too big, and they all have the characteristic of chattering. When they stay together, they don't stop talking, and they talk more funny than the other.

And, their luck is really good.

Sometimes they were hungry for a whole day, and they all clamored to give up the game. In the end, they dug a hole in the ground at night, and some rabbits fell into it and fell to their deaths.

This scene is amazing every time!

In addition to this four-person team, there is also a three-person team and three two-person teams on the island.

Everyone formed teams with each other. In the beginning, in some teams, they entrapped each other's teammates and wanted to eliminate competitors.

Such a team will soon be eliminated.

Because the natural environment is the biggest problem we face.

In fact, if you want to eliminate competitors, the first thing you should do is to let yourself survive.

Those who have a hard time surviving themselves can only be said to be short-sighted if they think about harming their teammates.

So at this time, these few people who team up with each other are very clear that they must help each other in order to have good results.

However, in addition to the team, there is also a single survivor.

This live broadcast room is also quite popular, because he often interacts with the camera and explains what he is doing.

When I have free time, I will also tell jokes.

This survivor is the uncle who told jokes.

But the uncle is not skilled, he doesn't have strong survival skills, and he is not lucky. He has never met other people on this island, and he has never succeeded in forming a team.

At this time, the uncle was exhausted and was about to give up.

He broke his stomach from eating roasted mushrooms yesterday, and has been having diarrhea for the past two days.

Tomorrow is the No. 20 day, so the uncle wants to persist for 20 days, get the No. 20 million reward, and then give up the game.

So, at this moment, Li Yingjie and their competitors still have [-] people.

Soon, though, it will be seventeen.

But Li Yingjie and the others didn't know the situation of other people at all. What the two of them did was to prepare for long-term survival.

They're even thinking about winterizing.

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