Li Yingjie knew that Lin Xiaoying's sense of security at this time came from the cabin on the one hand, and from herself on the other hand.

The log cabin allowed her to have a peaceful sleeping environment. Although it was not very comfortable, she didn't have to worry about the dangers from the outside world.

Don't worry about wild beasts coming and attacking you.

And myself...

It was precisely because he, Li Yingjie, did nothing inappropriate that she could believe it.

If I had plotted against Lin Xiaoying from the very beginning, I'm afraid she would have left a few days ago.

In this wilderness, although there is a live broadcast above their heads, girls are still a naturally vulnerable group here.

However, Li Yingjie didn't make any excessive demands, and even did a lot of hard work by himself every day, and didn't ask Lin Xiaoying for anything in return.

Although the two are cooperating, the cooperation is not quite equal.

Because without Lin Xiaoying, Li Yingjie himself can live well.

But with Lin Xiaoying, Li Yingjie had to do more work.

But these are not worth it.

In the wilderness, loneliness is also a terrible thing. The biggest benefit for Li Yingjie is to resist loneliness when two people are together.

Two people can chat, cook and eat together, but if they are alone, they might be bored to death.

Thinking of this, Li Yingjie glanced sideways at Lin Xiaoying, then turned around and fell asleep.

The temperature is still relatively high now, but there is no need to worry about keeping warm.

However, if they survive in the wilderness for a long time, they should consider this matter.

It's summer now, and if autumn comes, it will definitely be very cold here, and then we need something to keep warm.

After killing the rabbit today, Li Yingjie processed the rabbit skin and it is now hanging outside.

In the future, more animals will be hunted, and the fur will be kept.

At that time, you can make clothes and bedding.

Thinking about his future life, Li Yingjie also slowly fell asleep.

This night was very peaceful, the fire had already been extinguished, so there was no need to get up to add firewood, and Li Yingjie slept until dawn.

After dawn, he got up and started cooking.

Lin Xiaoying's physical fitness has not been strengthened, so she has to sleep a little longer every day, and Li Yingjie has never urged her.

In the past, he was busy with other work while the morning was cool, but today, there was no particularly important thing to do, so Li Yingjie started cooking by himself.

Start the fire, fill the clay pot with water, and set it on the fire.

There were still some wild vegetables picked yesterday, so Li Yingjie took them to the stream and washed them, broke them into small pieces and put them in clay pots.

After the water boiled, two more turtle eggs were beaten in.

After cooking for a few minutes, adding salt to adjust the taste, Li Yingjie tasted it, and immediately became happy.

"Lin Xiaoying! Lin Xiaoying! Get up soon, I made egg drop soup that you can't make!"

This time, she didn't call her Senior Sister anymore, and just called her by her name.

Lin Xiaoying got up sleepily, glanced at Li Yingjie outside, and ignored him.

Isn't it just that I don't know how to cook? I mention it every day, so I don't bother to talk to you.

She got up, washed her face, rinsed her mouth, and suddenly said worriedly: "I haven't brushed my teeth for several days, it will cause tooth decay!"

Li Yingjie was suddenly happy.

"Hey! If you don't tell me, I forgot that we should actually make a toothbrush."

Teeth are very easy to break, filling teeth is not only expensive, but also uncomfortable!

This is the experience Li Yingjie summed up in his previous life.

In the past few days, they needed to spend their main energy on survival, so naturally they didn't have time to think about this issue.

But now that the safety and food and clothing issues have been initially resolved, it is time to consider other things.

Li Yingjie pointed to the side.

"That rabbit skin hanging on the branch can be used as a toothbrush!"

Lin Xiaoying was taken aback, "How to do it?"

So, Li Yingjie walked over, took off the rabbit skin, cut off the part of the rabbit's tail with a knife, and cut it into small pieces.

Then I found a wooden stick and smoothed it, removed a thin thread from the inner lining of my jacket, and tied the rabbit skin tightly to the wooden stick.

Soon, two toothbrushes were made.

He handed it to Lin Xiaoying.

"Hey! Burn it with hot water for a while to kill the bacteria!"

Lin Xiaoying's eyes were almost heart-shaped, and she praised in surprise, "Why are you so good!"

Li Yingjie chuckled, and then looked at his jacket with some distress.

These days, when small ropes or fabrics are needed, they are removed from the jacket, and now the lining of the jacket is almost half gone.

Fortunately, the weather is not cold now, and he doesn't need a jacket to keep out the cold.

When working in the sun, they all wear jackets to prevent them from getting too badly sunburned.

But usually when they were in the shade, both of them wore vests with lining inside, otherwise it would be too hot.

And after these few days of getting used to it, Lin Xiaoying got used to wearing only a vest at night when she went to sleep, and her excellent figure dangled in front of Li Yingjie every day. Not only did Li Yingjie not grow too much urge, but he got used to it.

This seems a bit out of the ordinary!

But Li Yingjie thought about it, and it was because he was too tired recently and felt powerless.


They ate something and lived in the wilderness for a few days. Their appetites improved a lot. They drank most of the egg drop soup in the jar.

After they were full, they used a small amount of salt as toothpaste, went over to brush their teeth, and immediately felt refreshed.

Brushing teeth, like taking a bath, can greatly improve the happiness index!
Lin Xiaoying asked: "Where are we going today? You said yesterday that you will be making a bed, but today you are going to cut bamboo?"

Last time all the bamboo was used on the roof, and now it needs to be cut again to make the bed.

However, Li Yingjie shook his head.

"Now go to the grass to have a look, and then chop bamboo in the afternoon!"

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