On the third and fourth days after they came to the island, they explored the east and west respectively.

At that time, what the two of them hoped most was to find the sea, but neither side could find it.

But there are peach groves in the east, and bamboo and clay in the west. These two things gave them great help.

This clay is actually called by Li Yingjie's hometown, and its scientific name is clay.

If he hadn't been found, Li Yingjie really didn't know how to make pots and pans, he couldn't dig one out with stones!

But thinking of this, Li Yingjie suddenly remembered that there was still a fired pot in the pottery kiln.

He went over and saw that the temperature had dropped. He reached in and took out the clay pot.

The pottery pot was intact, with no cracks on the surface, and no defects. When using clay to make the embryo, Li Yingjie paid special attention to it, picking out the stones and impurities in the clay.

Li Yingjie tapped the pot lightly, and the pot made a crisp sound.

"Come and see!" He showed it to Lin Xiaoying.

"Ah! You're done!"

Lin Xiaoying hastily put down the barbecue in her hand, and moved over happily.

This earthenware pot is also something she misses, because with it, she can boil water or stew soup.

Li Yingjie handed her the pot and asked her to see how it was.

"It's kind of ugly..." Lin Xiaoying held the clay pot, turned it over twice in her hand, and said with curled lips.

Li Yingjie was about to explain, when she continued: "But it's ugly and cute, and it's pretty pretty!"

"Uh..." Li Yingjie didn't know what to say for a moment.

Ugly and cute, it seems to be a kind of good-looking, which belongs to the unique aesthetics of young people.

"Will this be used to boil water in the future? Will it leak?" Lin Xiaoying asked.

This is pottery, not porcelain. The surface does not have that smooth glaze, and it is earthy yellow, which does not seem to be very useful.

So Lin Xiaoying had doubts in her heart.

"No, this has already been fired into pottery. Even if it is filled with water, it will not leak." Li Yingjie took the pot and ran to the stream to fill it with water.

Walking to the fire, he made a frame out of the surrounding wood, and then hung the pot on the fire with vines.

"Let's boil some hot water and drink it. You can also use it to make soup in the future." Li Yingjie said with a smile.

The only disadvantage is that this wooden frame is not fire-resistant, so it must be done with a small fire, otherwise it is easy to burn the vines.

Lin Xiaoying hastily pulled out a few dry sticks from the fire to prevent the fire from burning too hot.

The two ate something, drank a cup of hot water each after the water boiled, and started working.

Li Yingjie took Lin Xiaoying to the front of the pottery kiln, brought the pot that was made yesterday, and asked her to burn it out.

"Put the basin in, cover it with bricks, leave only a small hole to let out the smoke, and put the charcoal underneath. At the beginning, the fire must be relatively strong, and the surroundings must be even. Small." Li Yingjie said the key point.

Lin Xiaoying led the fire into the pottery kiln and began to add charcoal to it.

She has a good memory, and she remembers the precautions Li Yingjie said clearly. She did not make any mistakes during the operation, and the pot was successfully fired in the pottery kiln.

The firing of pottery requires a high temperature. With such a pottery kiln, the fire can be successfully fired to a sufficient temperature.

And when it is burning, you need to watch it from the side. The flame must be even, and the fire intensity cannot fluctuate. The firewood must be added evenly and regularly.

With Lin Xiaoying guarding here, Li Yingjie felt much more at ease, much more at ease than when he was burning clay pots at night.

After all, when it was burning at night, he was still handling the wood while burning the fire.

After finishing the arrangements here, Li Yingjie started to build the log cabin.

The overall idea has been clearly thought out just now.

First, dig two holes at each of the four corners according to the marking lines drawn before.

Then, bury two pieces of wood in parallel at the edge of each pit, with an interval of about ten centimeters.

Finally, the wood that is as thick as an arm is fixed in the middle of the wood buried in parallel to make the walls of the cabin.

Surrounded by four walls, plus a roof, it is a log cabin.

The wooden house made in this way has a row of wood stacked horizontally on the wall, and is fixed by the wood buried vertically on both sides.

It is much stronger than the method of putting the wood upright and burying it on the ground as previously imagined.

And there is no need to dig two rows of holes so troublesome.

But despite this, Li Yingjie still found many difficulties when he really started to do it.

When digging the pit, he found that the layer of rocks on the ground was not a thin layer, but a full ten centimeters deep, and the rocks were covered with hard soil.

It is very difficult to dig a hole in this kind of ground.

But fortunately, Li Yingjie's physical fitness has improved again. At this time, he only feels difficult, and the speed is relatively slow, but he is not very tired.

It took half a morning to dig a hole at the four corners of the marking line.

Then bury eight pieces of wood in it, fill it with soil and bury it firmly, and it's already noon.

Today's weather was extremely sultry. At noon, Li Yingjie only felt like he was sweating profusely while sitting under the shade of a tree.

It was no longer suitable to continue working at this temperature, so he sat under a tree to catch his breath.

Lin Xiaoying's pottery pots were almost burnt, and the fire stopped, as long as they were bored in the kiln for another hour or so, it would be almost done.

Li Yingjie looked at the sky, and a trace of doubt suddenly arose in his heart.

It's so sweltering, isn't it going to rain soon?

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