After dark, the two ate and took a bath, and Li Yingjie got into the shelter.

"I'll go to bed first, you keep watch in the first half of the night, call me when you get sleepy, and I'll get up again and continue the watch."

It's sleepy to keep watch in the middle of the night, Lin Xiaoying wants to say, why don't I keep watch in the middle of the night.

But after thinking about it carefully, if I go to sleep now, it is very likely that it will be dawn soon.

At that time, Li Yingjie might not wake himself up at all, and he would keep watch all night by himself.

So she nodded.

Seeing that Lin Xiaoying agreed, Li Yingjie closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I took a nap at noon, and I'm not particularly sleepy now, but very tired. Li Yingjie didn't fall asleep immediately after lying down, but he didn't want to move anymore.

He quietly opened the system panel, and the screen that would only be displayed in front of him lit up.

The above content is still unchanged:

Name: Li Yingjie.

Identity: Host.

Age: 18 years old.

Strength: 20 points.

Agility: 20 points.

Special ability: Drilling wood to make fire.

Although the content is still the same, today is the sixth day of signing in, and by the early morning of tonight, it will be enough to sign in for seven days.

A gift bag will be given every seven days after signing in.

This system is called the Strongest Survival System, and I don't know what the seven-day gift pack will give this time.

He wanted a skill at building shelters, but he also wanted knowledge of wilderness survival.

Gaining the skills to build a shelter, building a log cabin is naturally not a problem.

But without the basic knowledge of wilderness survival, the two of them basically relied on some common sense to make judgments, and they didn't even dare to eat wild mushrooms casually.

For so many days, apart from wild pork and some astringent wild vegetables, they only ate peaches once.

This is because they don't know the knowledge of wilderness survival, so they dare not eat many things, and dare not touch many things.

But Li Yingjie couldn't decide what to give. He stared at the system screen for a while, and soon his eyelids fought, and he became dizzy.

When I woke up, the night was already very thick, the surroundings were pitch black, there was no moon in the sky, and it was almost impossible to see anything except the firelight.

Li Yingjie got up from the shelter, only to find that Lin Xiaoying had fallen asleep sitting at the door of the shelter.

The fire in front was burning brightly, presumably she had just fallen asleep not long ago.

Li Yingjie picked her up and wanted to put her in the shelter, but as soon as he touched her, she woke up.

"Ah! I accidentally fell asleep!" She stuck out her tongue, with a look of embarrassment, struggling to get out of Li Yingjie's arms.

But where did Li Yingjie let her come down, hugged her tightly, and put her in the shelter.

At the same time, he whispered in her ear: "It's okay, go back to sleep, I'll watch from behind."

Lin Xiaoying's face turned red again.

The hay spread in the shelter was just dried at noon today, exuding the smell of sunshine.

Inside the shelter, there was still a faint smell from Li Yingjie's body. Lin Xiaoying blushed slightly after smelling this, and soon fell asleep again.

Li Yingjie sat outside and looked around, but there was nothing unusual.

Looking at Lin Xiaoying behind her again, she found that her eyes had been closed, so Li Yingjie opened the system panel again.

At this time, it should have passed the morning.

Li Yingjie said silently in his heart: "Sign in!"

"Ding~ Sign in successfully!"

"You have successfully signed in for seven days, do you want to receive the sign-in reward?"

Li Yingjie said without hesitation: "Take it!"

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