"Just...just kill it like this?" Lin Xiaoying felt a little unbelievable.

The wild dog suddenly rushed over, and at that moment it completely looked like a beast, as if it was going to eat them all at once.

Lin Xiaoying was so frightened that she almost screamed, but she saw Li Yingjie slapped the shovel forward with a flat expression.

I just slapped the shovel forward, without any fancy movements, and there was a bang.

The wild dog fell before them.

"How did you take such accurate shots?!" She asked Li Yingjie in surprise.

Li Yingjie walked forward and smashed another shovel on the wild dog's head to prevent it from dying.

Then, he turned his head and smiled and said to Lin Xiaoying:

"As you can see, the wild dog's hind legs were injured, and it ran very slowly, and even rushed towards me, so I slapped it with a shovel."

Li Yingjie gestured with the shovel, and then said: "I didn't expect to slap it to death, we were lucky!"

Lin Xiaoying: "..."

Is luck better?

When the wild dog came just now, the two of them were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe. They didn't expect that there would be an oolong in the end, and it would be resolved in one go.

Who would have thought of this reversal!
However, when Li Yingjie said that he was lucky, he didn't mean that he was lucky enough to shoot the wild dog to death.

Li Yingjie was really scared when he first noticed a pair of dark green eyes next to him, but after seeing the running speed of the wild dog, he was no longer afraid in an instant.

This kind of running speed is really easy to solve.

When Li Yingjie drank the body strengthening potion, not only his strength was strengthened, but his agility was also strengthened.

That is to say, not only his strength has become stronger, but also his reaction speed has become faster. The reaction speed is twice as fast as that of normal people, so that he is not afraid of the wild dog's attack at all.

As long as it dared to come, Li Yingjie was sure to kill it.

However, they were indeed lucky. The lucky thing was that he was burning bricks just now instead of sleeping.

Because he didn't sleep, he found out the danger, so he had a chance to give this wild dog a shovel, instead of being killed by him unsuspectingly.

The wild dog was probably crazy hungry, otherwise it shouldn't have come here in the middle of the night and rushed towards them.

If it was a group of wild dogs, they would rush to hunt, but if a single wild dog was alone, it would be death.

In fact, animals generally look at their size when hunting, especially some smaller animals.

Just like this wild dog, its height is only about fifty centimeters, less than one-third of Li Yingjie's, so when he looks at Li Yingjie, it's like looking at a giant.

Just like ordinary people looking at a giant four or five meters tall.

With such a size gap, hunting is very difficult, so under normal circumstances, wild dogs should avoid them after seeing them, unless it is a group of wild dogs.

But this wild dog rushed towards them alone.

Moreover, not only the difference in size, but most importantly, the wild dog still had injuries on its hind legs.

Li Yingjie pulled it with an engineer shovel and found that the wild dog's hind leg seemed to have been broken. Although it has grown back, the position of the bone is obviously abnormal, and it seems to have left a sequelae.

Perhaps this is why the wild dog left the team.

But whatever the reason, its life is now over, and it won't be tormented by the mutilated hind legs in the future.

Li Yingjie turned it over, thinking about what to do with it and eat it.

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