Regarding the structure of this log cabin, Li Yingjie hasn't fully figured it out yet, but he plans to use nearby trees and bamboo to build it together.

Trees need to be cut down, and bamboo needs to be walked for half a day to memorize. In fact, it is not particularly easy.

Li Yingjie felt that if he started working today, it might take three or four days before he could collect enough materials.

Fully built, a week is not necessarily enough.

However, not all the time every day should be used to build it, you can take your time and do other things while building the cabin.

The reason for building a log cabin instead of a bamboo one is because the bamboo forest is too far away.

If you build a house with all bamboo, it will indeed save a lot of labor than using wood, but you will need to carry a lot of bamboo.

The bamboo forest is far away from here, and it is estimated that I can only run back and forth twice a day. If I want to collect enough bamboo to build a bamboo house, ten days may not be enough.

And if you go to build a bamboo house next to the bamboo forest, there is no water source, unlike this place where water is convenient by the stream.

Therefore, this cabin still uses wood as the main building material, and a small amount of bamboo is used for the roof and other places, so that there is no need to travel so far to carry bamboo.

Taking advantage of the coolness of the morning, Li Yingjie took the engineering shovel and dragged it back and forth on the ground, marking out the scope of the wooden house.

After Lin Xiaoying heard the sound, she also woke up, went to the creek to wash up, and came back to look at the square lines drawn by Li Yingjie on the ground.

"what is this?"

She knew it was drawn for a log cabin, but didn't quite understand what the lines meant.

Li Yingjie explained while drawing: "This is the marking line. Then we will dig a row of holes along this line. We can bury the chopped wood in the holes, and then we can make the four walls."

In fact, Li Yingjie still doesn't know how to build a log cabin. The surrounding walls can be made in this way, but what about the roof?
Bamboo can't be laid on the roof in a row. Whether it will fall or not will not be mentioned for the time being, but that is likely to leak rain, and if there is a strong wind, the roof may be blown off.

But don't worry for now, Li Yingjie is waiting for the system gift package in two days time, and will reward that gift package for seven days after signing in.

He felt that even if the ability to build a shelter couldn't be found in this gift bag, there would definitely be relevant knowledge. After learning that knowledge, it wouldn't be too late to start building.

After all, we still need to cut down trees and collect bamboo, which is not enough for two days.

After eating something in the morning, Li Yingjie looked at the brick embryos made last night and found that they were not badly dried. He planned to burn them into bricks tonight, and make some more bowls and basins.

Naturally, it is impossible to dry it out after a day and a night. However, this clay is not particularly suitable for making pottery. What they need now is not so delicate things, but usable tools.

Although these bricks will be ugly when fired, they are enough to build a small pottery kiln. The bowls and pots they need can be fired in the kiln/zi, and the effect will be better.

After tidying up the surrounding area, covering the fire with ashes and letting it burn slowly, Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying walked towards the bamboo forest again.

Going to chop some bamboo today!

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