However, Li Yingjie seemed to have guessed wrong. After they heard that Lin Xiaoying hadn't mutated, they didn't show any disdain.

He even looked at Lin Xiaoying with some respect and joy, as if seeing his own mother.

Li Yingjie saw that the man with four arms was the captain, and thought that the people here were classified according to the mutation, but it didn't look like it now.

And when Lin Xiaoying introduced that Li Yingjie was not a mutant, these people also showed expressions of respect for Li Yingjie.

Finally, they warmly invited Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying to the town ahead, and arranged a room for them to rest here first.

After entering the room, Lin Xiaoying excitedly shared with Li Yingjie what she had learned.

The situation in this town is actually not complicated.

There are more than 100 people living here, basically all young people under the age of 30.

Lin Xiaoying guessed that people here don't live long, and 40 years old should be considered old age.

This may be a consequence of the mutation.

There are more than 100 people in this town, and there are more than a dozen children. The rest are young people in their 30s and 40s, and there are less than ten people over [-] years old.

Like the old Harry they met at the beginning, his existence was almost a miracle. He was the former leader of this town and led the whole town to live tenaciously in this place for many years.

According to him, when the catastrophe first occurred, there were not too many mutants, and people were prone to sudden terminal illnesses, so the death rate was particularly high at that time.

This town was actually a gathering place at the beginning. After the catastrophe happened, many people from nearby came to this gathering place, wanting to gather together here to survive.

As a result, there were many vicious violent incidents, the order was chaotic for a long time, and many people left again.

In the end, it was the old Harry and a few friends who led the crowd, established a new order, and lived here.

At the very beginning, they had more than 2000 people, and the beasts in the vicinity did not dare to come.

But later, due to disease and hunger, the number of people continued to decrease sharply. Coupled with wild animals and various dangerous situations, the number of people here continued to decrease, becoming less and less.

Until their next generation is born, most of the babies with harmful mutations are stillborn, and some even if they survive, they are not raised.

On the contrary, many babies with beneficial mutations were raised. After they grew up, they formed a very strong team and withstood many dangers. Therefore, the number of people in the town has basically not decreased sharply recently.

Now, there is cultivated land in the town, surrounded by the trees they planted, and there are only entrances in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and the entrances are guarded during the day, and the entrances are blocked at night, so the degree of danger has been greatly reduced.

Some crops are planted on the arable land, and the harvest is basically enough for them to eat. They can get a piece of bread every day.

There are also some people who are responsible for hunting and picking. The food source is basically self-sufficient. Usually, few people go hungry. Compared with the previous environment, this place is several times better.

In short, they are living happily here now.

Some of these things were said by those people on their own initiative, and some of them came out of clichés when Lin Xiaoying communicated with them.

However, after hearing this, Li Yingjie always felt a little strange.

"This description..." He pinched his chin.

"Why do I always feel that they are showing off to us? In this era, it should be very difficult to have enough food, so they are showing off their strength?" Li Yingjie guessed.

But why?

This is not the boring Internet age, in this kind of situation where survival is barely possible, no one should deliberately come here to pretend to be compared!
Sometimes, showing off is to satisfy one's sense of superiority, but sometimes, showing off may be to show one's strength and want to attract others.

and so……

Li Yingjie felt that these people might want to absorb Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying and let them join this town.

It's normal for them to have this idea, because when Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying introduced themselves, they didn't say that they had power behind them, only that they escaped from a forest.

It is very difficult to survive alone in the wilderness outside, so, logically speaking, Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying should also want to join a force.

Thinking about it this way, Li Yingjie immediately understood these people.

Thinking of this, he simply walked out of the house, ready to go outside to observe and see what the town is like now.

If it's appropriate, I can help them, and find out the source of the system by the way.

If he could hear the information of the source here, then Li Yingjie felt that he could ask the kitten to help him catch enough prey to feed the people of this town for a year.

However, just as this idea came up, Li Yingjie had just walked out of the house when he suddenly found that there were two people guarding the door of the house.

They were expressionless, but when Li Yingjie was about to come out, they reached out to stop him, and then said a word to him.

Li Yingjie roughly understood what this sentence meant, please stay in the room and don't run around!
It sounds polite on the surface, but this behavior is not polite.

"This is to imprison us here!" Li Yingjie did not conflict with these two people, and told Lin Xiaoying about it after returning to the house.

Lin Xiaoying didn't become suspicious, but thought it was normal. She said, "After all, we are outsiders, and we haven't agreed to join them. We are still in a state of being unknown. What if we destroy their town!"

This idea is actually quite normal. Li Yingjie felt that if it was him, he would definitely send someone to guard first to avoid accidents.

However, Li Yingjie always felt that something was wrong.

He asked Lin Xiaoying to tell him about the situation in this town.

Leaving aside the bragging that everyone has enough to eat, Li Yingjie listened to the situation in this town, and then thought about the behavior of those people just now, he suddenly felt that the problem should lie in the identities of the two of them.

The two of them are not mutants.

Normal people here should have some invisible advantage, and this advantage is also the reason why those people suddenly respect them and invite them to come over.

However, this kind of respect is definitely not to invite them to come over to be the leader, nor is it for the two to give them some guidance.

At this time, Li Yingjie suddenly heard Lin Xiaoying introduce the population composition of this town, and he found something wrong.

"You mean, there are only a dozen children under the age of 15 in this town?!"

Just now Lin Xiaoying said children, but now she said it again, and it became children under 15 years old.

Li Yingjie immediately realized something was wrong.

40 years old belong to the elderly, but there are only a dozen children under the age of 15, a ratio of one tenth!
There's something wrong with this town!

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