Li Yingjie glanced back. The cage containing the little squirrel was still safely placed beside the fire. In the cage, the little squirrel was huddled in a corner, gnawing on a piece of wood.

"Did you arrest his brother?" Li Yingjie couldn't help complaining.

Lin Xiaoying heard it amused, and raised her eyebrows.

But after a closer look, they all found that this should not be an ordinary squirrel, because it is too big.

Counting the tail, this squirrel is almost one meter long, and its weight is estimated to be seven or eight catties.

The two didn't worry about whether the squirrel meat could be eaten or not. They went directly to the water's edge to process it, and then grilled it on the fire.

At night, Li Yingjie tossed and turned, and did not fall asleep almost all night.

Although the system is back, the system panel has changed, and I can no longer view my own properties.

There are only two lines on the system panel:

Task: Find the source.

Mission Reward: Clues to the Lord of Origin.

Li Yingjie thought about the things he saw along the way, as well as the content of the chat with Lin Qingqing, wondering if there were any clues to the so-called "origin".

However, he finally discovered that Lin Qingqing did not talk about this.

After dawn the next day, Li Yingjie took Lin Xiaoying down the mountain, and the mountain was no longer a forest, and the plants were much less.

The surroundings looked a bit desolate, with many broken rocks on the ground, a bit like the Gobi Desert, but not as desolate as the Gobi Desert.

There are a lot of shrubs and grass growing in the crevices of the stones and among the gravel, and a few trees that are not too tall can be seen in the distance.

Without the tree, the surrounding area looks empty, but the vision is much better than before.

Inexplicably, their mood also improved a lot.

After going down the mountain, it was almost noon, and when I looked back, the mountains behind me completely obscured the view behind me, and even the view around me was completely blocked.

It was like a cage behind him, enclosing the entire forest.

"It seems that this stretch of mountains should surround the forest, so there are strange changes inside!" Li Yingjie murmured.

But at this time, there were too many things he needed to explore, so he didn't pay too much attention to the specific situation of this area.

After going down the mountain, the road was much easier to walk. There were not so many trees in front of him to block the view, so Li Yingjie could easily see the situation in the distance.

In this case, you can see more clearly whether there are people in the distance, and you don't have to avoid trees to move forward.

Stepping on the gravel, the two of them were not slow. In the evening, they found an asphalt road!
In other words, this should be the ruins of a road.

This road has not been maintained for many years, the surface is covered with weeds, many places have been broken, and the roadbed is basically completely destroyed. If it is not for the asphalt and stones on the road, they may not recognize it at all. not come out.

"Is this the city from before!" After confirming that it was a road, Lin Xiaoying immediately looked around, wondering if there were taller buildings around.

Li Yingjie shook his head and said: "It doesn't have to be a city, it may also be a road in the suburbs. There are more people in the east of our country, so there are basically people wherever there are roads, but other places are different!"

In some places, you may drive on the road for a day and a night without seeing anyone, so you can't pass a road at all to judge that there are people here.

However, the existence of this highway still made the two of them a little excited.

Because, along this road, it is very likely to find the ruins of the previous human buildings.

If there are still people in this world, they are also very likely to gather near these buildings, so as long as you find the buildings here, you are likely to find the crowd.

That night, they camped along this road, and early the next morning, they started walking along this road.

On the first day, nothing was found, and the kitten took in two more younger brothers.

The next day, still nothing was found, and the kitten took in two younger brothers again.

On the third day, they found that a section of the road in the middle was completely broken, as if it had been attacked by dense missiles, and the break was nearly 300 meters away.

However, nothing was found, and the kitten did not accept a new brother.

On the morning of the fourth day, Li Yingjie climbed to a big tree by the side of the road and looked around, and found a village on their left.

As soon as the two got together, they took the kitten and the group of beasts towards the village.

On the way, Lin Xiaoying saw the situation ahead, and pointed to the distance and became excited.

"There's a house, I see a house there!"

After the two approached, they saw the whole picture of the dilapidated village.

The house that Lin Xiaoying saw had already collapsed in half, and the other half looked precarious and might collapse at any time.

The houses in the whole village are basically brick houses, and some should be built with wood and bricks. The wood is almost decayed now.

However, all the houses are not high, and the tallest one, the one that Lin Xiaoying saw just now, only has three floors.

"There should be no one here!" Standing in front of these corrupt houses, Lin Xiaoying whispered.

The place is really dilapidated, the house is either completely collapsed, or it doesn't look like it can last for too long, and it might collapse if it is said loudly.

Li Yingjie shook his head without speaking, and led Lin Xiaoying around the village.

There are not many houses here, and there are no traces of paint on the surface, and there are ruins everywhere.

They turned around from front to back, from left to right, and found that there were only more than 100 families here, but none of the houses were intact.

Li Yingjie went into several houses that hadn't completely collapsed, and found that there were some furniture inside, but the wooden furniture was basically rotten, and the iron things were also rusted into a ball.

"It seems that no one has lived here for many years." He sighed.

However, looking at the furniture in the house, there are sofas, coffee tables, cabinets, TVs, refrigerators, and desk lamps. It looks like an ordinary family.

They even saw cars in several yards.

But now it can't be started.

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