Alligators are bulky most of the time.

In other words, even if they hunt fast, they are already very bulky in everyone's eyes.

Because they generally don't jump very high, at most they jump out quickly, bite their prey and drag it back into the water.

However, like a cat preying on birds, this crocodile jumped out of the water and rushed towards Lin Xiaoying.

There are densely packed teeth in the bloody mouth, and the color of the teeth is a bit dull, but no one doubts its sharpness at all.

If Lin Xiaoying was bitten, there was a high probability that she would be chopped off in the middle by these fangs.

Moreover, Lin Xiaoying hadn't reacted yet.

She heard the sound of water behind her, but thought it was fish swimming in the water, so her first reaction was not to hide, but to turn her head to look.

At this point, he is very different from Li Yingjie.

In other words, her reaction was actually the reaction of a normal person.

After a normal person hears the movement behind him, his first reaction must be to look back to see what is behind him, and then turn around to deal with it.

However, in this dangerous situation, turning around is the dumbest option, because it wastes the best time to dodge.

If Li Yingjie was here, after hearing the sound, he would definitely jump to avoid it.

This is a reaction ability trained by nature after two survivals in the wilderness.

Moreover, if Li Yingjie is really here, with his hearing sensitivity, he can definitely tell what is coming out of the water when he hears the sound of splashing water behind him.

After all, it is impossible for a normal fish to cause such a big commotion.

After Lin Xiaoying turned her head, she immediately discovered what this "fish" she thought was.

A big and long crocodile, the part above the water is two or three meters long, and most of its tail is still underwater.


Lin Xiaoying yelled out in shock and backed away desperately.

But her reaction was much slower, and it was too late to retreat at this time, and the crocodile's bloody mouth had already reached her front.

Lin Xiaoying could even smell the fishy smell it emitted.

"It's over!"

The screaming didn't stop, but Lin Xiaoying had another thought in her heart.

I can't hide myself!

At this moment, Lin Xiaoying suddenly felt panic. She always felt that she was very calm, and that no matter what danger she encountered, she could calmly deal with it.

Especially after experiencing two wilderness survivals, seeing the death of others, and encountering many dangers.

But it wasn't until now that she realized that this was not the case.

The reason he has been calm all this time is because he hasn't encountered any major trouble yet.

And when there was danger before, Li Yingjie was always in front of him.

But it's too late to think about it now.

When the crocodile rushed over, Lin Xiaoying's mind was not blank, but she thought of a lot in an instant, and her brain recalled the previous scene like a lantern.

It seems that if you don't think about it, there will be no chance.

However, in the next moment, Lin Xiaoying was not bitten by the crocodile.

It was because he retreated in a panic and fell into the small river behind him.


First there was the sound of water, and then the water covered her eyes, and Lin Xiaoying felt that she had fallen into the water.

At the same time, a violent splash exploded in the big river ahead.

"I-I'm fine!"

Lin Xiaoying's head was a little dazed, and she stood still in the water for a few seconds before struggling to get out.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized what had just happened.

I first stood on the ruins of the sluice in a daze, and then a huge crocodile jumped up from the water, ready to swallow me.

It moves so fast that it can't dodge at all.

I already thought it was over, but I didn't expect that the kitten suddenly rushed over from the side in the end.

When the crocodile's big mouth was only a dozen centimeters away from him, the kitten jumped in front of him and kicked hard on the crocodile's head.

So next, I fell into the water due to the inertia of avoiding, and the crocodile was kicked back into the river by the little guy.

However, it is not so easy for the kitten to face this big guy.

It also kicked the crocodile and was bounced into the river.

However, its reaction speed is much faster than Lin Xiaoying's.

When Lin Xiaoying was still in a daze in the water, it had already returned to the shore and had already shaken off its fur.

When Lin Xiaoying came to her senses and hurriedly climbed out of the water, the huge crocodile also climbed up from the big river ahead.


On the shore, the kitten seemed to be meowing for the first time, obviously anxious.

Lin Xiaoying understood what it meant, and immediately climbed to the shore, before wringing the water off her clothes, she hurriedly picked up the little guy and ran forward.

The crocodile in the river climbed up from the bank.

Lin Xiaoying looked back and found that the crocodile had a strange shape, and its tail was in the shape of a fan.

She thought to herself: "This big guy just jumped out of the water, probably because of this strange tail!"

But at this time there is no time to explore carefully, escape is important.

Lin Xiaoying hugged the kitten, speeding almost to her own limit, galloping through the woods, being carried away by fallen leaves behind her.

After running for a long distance, she turned her head and found that the big guy hadn't come after her.

Perhaps it was too slow to move on land.

But this is a good thing, Lin Xiaoying breathed a sigh of relief.

She slowed down and looked back a few times to make sure the crocodile was really not chasing her, so she stopped.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a person's head exposed there, but the distance was too far, Lin Xiaoying couldn't see it clearly.

She shouted: "Hey! Is there anyone in front, is it Li Yingjie!"

However, no response was received.

Lin Xiaoying didn't approach it hastily, but first wringed the water from the clothes, and then climbed to a nearby tree to have a look.

However, he didn't see that figure, but saw the big river in front of him tumbling, as if the crocodile just now was splashing.

"It's not like someone was dragged into the water!"

Lin Xiaoying thought for a while, and was a little worried that Li Yingjie was in danger.

So, she picked up the kitten and walked back carefully.

She was unprepared just now, so she was almost attacked by a crocodile in the river. This time, Lin Xiaoying came to the river with vigilance all the time.

The river water is still a little cloudy, but it is impossible to determine what caused it.

What relieved Lin Xiaoying was that there was no blood in the water.

"Maybe I was really wrong just now!"

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