Lin Xiaoying didn't have Li Yingjie's eyesight, so when it was dark, she started preparing to light a fire and build a shelter.

This day, the time was rushed, and there were more than 100 miles to go. Lin Xiaoying also had a clearer understanding of her state.

If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely not be able to go so far in a day.

Unless it's a well-trained soldier.

The time of this day is not twelve hours. The night here is long and the day is short, and the time of dawn may only be eight or nine hours.

So deducting the time for lunch, Lin Xiaoying has almost always maintained a speed of more than 20 miles per hour.

After stopping now, she herself felt a little startled.

However, Lin Xiaoying didn't know how far she had gone.

After stopping, she didn't rest for long, and immediately started looking for dry firewood around, sir.

Then, before it was completely dark, she hurriedly found suitable wood to build a shelter.

The kitten lay down in front of the fire for a while, then bounced away.

Lin Xiaoying knew it was going out to hunt, so she didn't stop it.

To be honest, it's actually kind of weird.

The kitten is not as big as Lin Xiaoying's two slaps, but she is the one who goes hunting every day, Lin Xiaoying is not worried at all.

Following this little guy even made Lin Xiaoying feel like following Li Yingjie.

As long as they do trivial things well, they will solve other difficult things.

Lin Xiaoying cut some branches around.

She has a knife in her hand, although it is not very sharp, but it is also very convenient.

When the kitten came back with its prey, Lin Xiaoying had already put up the skeleton of the shelter.

She noticed that the deeper she went into the woods, the lower the temperature.

I don't know if it's because of the sun, or because it's colder in the depths of the woods.

Of course, it is also possible that the temperature has cooled.

Tonight is obviously much colder than last night.

Lin Xiaoying was collecting hay all around, preparing to lay several more layers on the ground.

In fact, she felt that with her current physical fitness, she wouldn't catch a cold even if she slept directly on the ground overnight.

But it was not as comfortable as sleeping on soft hay.

What the kitten brought over this time was a fish, a black catfish-like fish.

But what is more strange is that this fish has a dog-like head, which looks a little scary at first glance.

"In the future... can you try to catch more normal things?"

Lin Xiaoying couldn't help but said to the kitten.

Looking at the dogfish on the ground, Lin Xiaoying was a little speechless.

The four-legged chicken, the two-tailed snake, the more ferocious black fish and the bigger rabbit are actually within Lin Xiaoying's acceptable range.

Although they have mutated, this kind of mutation is acceptable to Lin Xiaoying.

But now seeing this doghead fish...

Although it just looks like a dog's head, it's not real, but it's still hard for her to accept.

It's like vixen, werewolf, mermaid, etc. After everyone listens to it, they can barely accept it psychologically.

But if there is a broom, mop monster, pot lid monster...the scene will definitely be incomprehensible.

"Eat this yourself, I will never eat it!"

Lin Xiaoying said, first chopped off the dog's head of the fish, then washed it and roasted it on the fire, after roasting, she didn't even taste a bite.

But she wasn't hungry either. In the morning, there was still half a snake left, so Lin Xiaoying roasted and ate some snake meat.

She felt that if the kitten went hunting again tomorrow and still only caught this kind of animal, then she would have to think about it and consider whether she should participate in the hunting.

It is really unacceptable to eat such a severely mutated thing every day.

After one person and one cat ate, Lin Xiaoying found a taller tree and climbed up to observe it.

The surrounding area is still quiet, but today Lin Xiaoying is more able to accept this situation.

Especially after getting down, the kitten kept hugging her arms.

She built the shelter, spread a thick layer of hay on the ground, and lay down in it, with the fire burning beside her, which was quite warm.

Before dawn the next day, Lin Xiaoying woke up, but she didn't come out, but huddled in the shelter, waiting for the light above her head in peace.

If the sun does not come out in the morning, it always feels like the morning has not come.

After daybreak, Lin Xiaoying got up to wash up, then continued to walk along the river next to her.

Without Li Yingjie, she no longer thought about breakfast, and often stopped until she was hungry, or the kitten was hungry.

But today, after walking along the river for a short time, she stopped.

She found that the river had come to an end, and it merged into a bigger river ahead.

In other words, the inflow is not appropriate. This big river is actually the source, and the water in the small river flows out of this big river.

This is the most upstream position of the creek.

"This seems to be a sluice gate!" Lin Xiaoying looked at the front and said in surprise.

She has walked a long way in this forest, but she has never seen any traces of human activities.

I have seen many traces of wild beasts.

In fact, there is no difference between the traces left by man and beast after activities without tools.

However, under normal circumstances, people will leave some more distinctive things after activities.

For example, the fire, or the shelter built, these things are left by humans, and animals do not make these things at all.

Lin Xiaoying looked at the ruins of the sluice ahead.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a ruin. Obviously, this sluice still functions as a gate, because some iron nets can still be vaguely seen emerging from the water.

After the water in the big river flows into this small river, it will be screened aside by iron nets.

There are many fish in the big river, but few can swim into this small river.

Lin Xiaoying suddenly figured out a problem.

When she first arrived in this jungle a few days ago, she was still a little curious, wondering why there were no fish in the rivers in the jungle.

Now it seems that it should be blocked by the iron net here.

She took a few quick steps, stepped over some dead branches and dry grass on the ground, and came to the side of the abandoned sluice gate.

There should have been a house above it, and the house made of reinforced concrete may have been in disrepair for a long time, but it has now collapsed.

However, the part in the water below is surprisingly strong.

Lin Xiaoying stood on the ruins, imagining what it was like before.

Suddenly, a black shadow sprang out from the big river behind him.

The black shadow was five or six meters long, with scales protruding from its head, as if covered with a layer of stone.

This turned out to be a huge crocodile, huge and sensitive.

It rushed towards Lin Xiaoying, but Lin Xiaoying didn't notice it at all.

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