Li Yingjie felt that he had entered a tunnel where the light and darkness kept changing.

Light and darkness flashed alternately in front of him like a revolving lantern, as if passing through a long tunnel with lights at intervals.

Occasionally in the bright light, he thought he was about to wake up.

But in an instant, he was plunged into darkness again.

After a long time, he felt that his belly seemed to be being torn by something, so he opened his eyes with great effort.

In front of me is a dry forest with sparse leaves, but not completely fallen.

The sky above his head was gray and white, as if the haze hadn't cleared away.

There were bursts of buzzing in his ears, so he couldn't hear anything clearly.

"Where is this place?" Li Yingjie felt that his thinking was a little sluggish, and it took a long time before this idea came to his mind.

He tried to raise his hands, trying to sit up.

The feeling of tearing on the stomach was still there, but with this movement, the feeling suddenly disappeared.

Then, Li Yingjie saw a big dog with two heads approaching him.

"Fuck!" Li Yingjie was stunned for a few seconds before he realized it.

A very weak voice came out of the mouth.

The two-headed dog's eyes instantly showed vigilance, and it stepped back a few steps before disappearing from Li Yingjie's sight.

Li Yingjie tried hard to get up, propped his arms on the ground, and slowly raised his head.

After about ten seconds, he raised his head from a half-sitting position and saw the situation in front of him.

The big dog with two heads was still in front of him, looking at him vigilantly.

Li Yingjie continued to get up, trying to sit up completely.

For some reason, he felt that he didn't have any strength in his body, as if someone used a straw to suck the strength out of him.

It took more than half a minute for him to sit up completely.

But then, the big dog in front of him rushed over.

"Your uncle!" Li Yingjie cursed secretly in his heart.

The gray sky and dead trees once again occupied most of his field of vision.

He felt that the big dog was biting his neck.

But its dog teeth don't seem to be sharp enough, and it gnawed and gnawed, but it didn't cause any harm to itself.

Li Yingjie raised his hand with difficulty to cover his face.

He was afraid of being bitten in the eye.

However, after a few minutes, the feeling of being bitten disappeared.

Li Yingjie tried to sit up again, this time, there was nothing in front of him.

"Where is this?"

Li Yingjie sat up and looked around the world with his head down.

Withered bushes, fallen leaves all over the ground, and brown ground exposed in some places.

It took a long time before his senses began to return, and his limbs and bones were filled with pain.

Then, the buzzing in his ears began to fade away, and he could even hear the chirping of birds.

Immediately afterwards, the senses of smell, touch, and taste began to become more sensitive in turn.

The eyes are getting brighter and the voices are getting clearer.

After about an hour, maybe a day, Li Yingjie's head finally became less confused.

But he still didn't have the strength to stand up, so he could only sit there and observe the situation around him.

This should be a forest, but obviously not where it was before.

The climate is completely different.

It should be in autumn here, and the weather is not particularly cold.

Li Yingjie kept looking around every corner, but he still didn't see where Lin Xiaoying was.

He was a little anxious and forced himself to stand up.

But tried several times without success.


But at this time, Lin Xiaoying's situation was much better than Li Yingjie's.

She was lying among the weeds, and the snow-white kitten was lying near her ears, occasionally sticking out its tongue and licking her forehead.

In the sky, gray-white clouds floated slowly.

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