The ability to strengthen items means that he can strengthen his tools once and make his own tools more powerful.

When Li Yingjie saw the hatchet on the ground, a screen popped up in front of him, just like a system panel, with a prompt on it:
Items: Ordinary hatchet.

Sharpness: Fair.

Hardness: average.

Evaluation: A hatchet made of ordinary pig iron has a lot of wear and tear on the blade. The sharpness is average. It takes a lot of effort to cut meat. The hardness is average. When cutting bones, there will be gaps. The rating is one star.

Li Yingjie picked up the hatchet on the ground and looked at it. The blade did have some wear and tear, but it was still quite sharp when used, but he didn't expect that the evaluations in the system were all average.

And it's only one star.

After thinking about it, Li Yingjie felt that the hatchet was still very useful, so he immediately said silently in his heart: "Strengthen the hatchet!"

The system didn't even have a second reminder, and responded directly: "Ding, congratulations to the host, the hatchet has been strengthened successfully!"

Immediately, a screen appeared in front of Li Yingjie again, and the content on it changed.

Items: Sharp hatchet.

Sharpness: Good.

Firmness: good.

Evaluation: After refining, the blade wear has been repaired, the sharpness is good, it does not require too much force when cutting objects, the hardness is good, and it is no longer easy to crack when cutting hard objects such as bones and stones. The rating is two stars.

Li Yingjie thought that after strengthening, he could make himself an artifact, but he didn't expect that it was only strengthened from one star to two stars, and the sharpness and hardness only changed from average to good.

This strengthens the ability, generally.

Just when Li Yingjie was complaining from the bottom of his heart, Lin Xiaoying said to him: "What's the matter, why are you so dazed with a hatchet!?"

Li Yingjie came back to his senses immediately, shook the hatchet, and said casually: "What do you want to do with this wild boar!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and slashed at the pig's hind legs.


The place he cut was not a joint, but the pig's hind leg snapped off, and all the bones and muscles were snapped apart.

Lin Xiaoying stared wide-eyed, looking at the broken pig leg in surprise.

"Is this knife so sharp that it cut off a pig's leg in one go!"

Li Yingjie was also a little surprised.

A hatchet with a system rating of only two stars cuts off the bone with a single stroke. Is this the strength of two stars!
"Haha, this pig may have osteoporosis, so its bones were chopped off in one fell swoop!"

Li Yingjie said nonsense casually.

He tried a few more times, and found that the hatchet was indeed much sharper, and now cutting meat is exactly like cutting cabbage, without stress!

Li Yingjie secretly thought in his heart, it's a good thing he went to sign in first, otherwise he would have to use the hatchet that wasn't sharp enough to handle the pork, and it wouldn't take a lot of effort.

Lin Xiaoying only marveled at Li Yingjie's ability to chop off the pig's hind legs, but she didn't think there was anything unusual, so the two of them then handled the pork normally!
The pig's trotters were cut off and roasted in two. I'm afraid they would have to deal with the pork all night tonight, so they had to get something to eat.

The two discussed it and decided to turn the pork into bacon.

So Li Yingjie began to cut the pork into small pieces.

Lin Xiaoying was burning the smoked meat beside her.

The surface is coated with salt and smoked on the fire, and the fragrance will soon be released.

Li Yingjie was always on guard. He felt that such a strong smell might attract the beast.

But until all the pork was cut, no beast came over.

At 2:11 system time, the two sat on the ground and began to rest while gnawing on pig's trotters.

At this time, they were in the middle of more than a dozen fires, surrounded by fires of bacon, and they didn't feel the slightest cold.

"How about it, is pork much tastier than kangaroo meat!" Li Yingjie asked.

Lin Xiaoying immediately nodded heavily, and said, "It's really not on the same level. Throw away all the kangaroo meat tomorrow, I don't think we can eat it anymore!"

"Haha! I think so too!"

The two looked at each other in a tacit understanding.

At this time of staying up late, Lin Xiaoying didn't feel sleepy either, the two sat in front of the fire chatting while smoking the meat.

Li Yingjie talked about the next plan.

This wild boar came at the right time. With this meat, they would not have to worry about the difficulty of hunting when they went out to explore, and they would have something to eat at any time.

"We will make the bow and arrow first, and then we will make the bamboo house. Then we will carry all our things and look for other people on the island."

Li Yingjie briefly talked about his next goal.

It will take about two days to make the bow and arrow, and it may take four to five days to build the bamboo house, so they will not be able to set off until a week at the earliest.

Moreover, those bamboos are still a little wet now, and it may not be enough for a week!

Lin Xiaoying knew in her heart that when Li Yingjie said to leave to find other people, he didn't mean to find other people to make friends with, but to kill them in the past.

A week later...

In fact, according to the current situation, a week is also very fast.

In fact, their current life is very regular. They wake up in the morning to practice boxing, start their day's work after practicing boxing, and go to bed after practicing boxing at night.

In this case, a day passes without knowing it!
At that time, the existence of the two of them will definitely speed up the progress of the game.

However, Li Yingjie will definitely kill a lot of people, maybe he will kill too...

Lin Xiaoying was inexplicably nervous.

At this moment, the kitten in Li Yingjie's arms suddenly crawled out and sniffed.

It looked at the surrounding fires, seemed a little scared, bit Li Yingjie's cuff and asked him to take him out.

So, Li Yingjie grabbed it out of the fire and came to the river.

"Smell food?" he asked the kitten.

Obviously it doesn't understand.

It jumped out of Li Yingjie's hand and jumped directly into the river.

With the experience of last time, Li Yingjie calmed down a lot this time.

I saw this little guy dived and swam a few meters away, then got under the aquatic plants, and came out after a while, with a black stone in his mouth.

It didn't eat the stone directly, but jumped back to the shore with it in its mouth, shaking the water from its hair.

"What kind of stone is this?!"

Both Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying looked over curiously.

After shaking off the water from his hair, the little guy jumped onto Li Yingjie's shoulder, and threw the black stone in his mouth to him!

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