Time rewinds to a few minutes ago.

Li Yingjie heard screams from nearby, and rushed out of the shelter in a hurry.

When I went out to see, the creek outside my shelter had turned into a small river.

Of course, even if it turned into a small river, it would not be able to submerge my shelter. The water level in the place I chose was very high, and it was impossible for such a heavy rain to submerge it.

To flood there, unless it rains for three days and three nights.

However, although he didn't have to worry about his own shelter, Li Yingjie was very worried about the location where he screamed just now.

That location is right by the creek.

If someone had actually been injured there, they might have been swept away by the water.

So, Li Yingjie hurriedly rushed there.

Li Yingjie couldn't see the road on the ground clearly in the heavy rain. Li Yingjie fell down several times and his body was covered with black spots.

He ran to the creek to look for it, but he didn't see anyone for a while. Li Yingjie felt that he might be hallucinating, but think about it, if someone was really injured here, he might be her last hope .

So he didn't give up.

He couldn't find it here. He thought it was on the other side of the creek, so he crossed the creek again and continued searching on the other side.

The rain was too heavy, and the line of sight was seriously affected. After searching for several minutes, I watched the stream rise and deepen.

Li Yingjie felt that this person might have been washed away by the stream, and was about to follow him downstream to look for it. When he turned his head, he saw a lower place on the opposite bank, and there was a girl lying there.

Behind her, a tree was trembling, its roots washed down by the rain, and it was about to fall.

Actually, Li Yingjie hesitated for a moment in his heart.

To save her?

If I go, I will probably be crushed to death by that tree. I have just obtained the system, and the future is already destined to have a bright future. What if I die here like this...

does it worth?
But after hesitating for a moment, Li Yingjie gritted his teeth and rushed over.

It's not my style to ignore death!
But after going down into the water, the turbulent current almost washed him away.

Fortunately, his body has been strengthened by the strengthening potion, and his physical fitness is strong.

Li Yingjie kicked the bottom of the water with both legs, jumped out of the water, and came to the girl.

Without a word of nonsense or the slightest hesitation, Li Yingjie pulled the girl up on his back, turned around and ran away.

Just a few meters away, the big tree behind him fell down.

The crown of the tree hit the ground, and the splashed soil flew out and hit Li Yingjie's calf. His calf hurt for a while, and it must have been bruised again.

But never mind, he made it!

The girl was saved!
Li Yingjie looked back at the girl, who happened to be looking at him too.

"Thank you!" she whispered.

"What? The rain is too loud to hear!"

Li Yingjie spoke loudly, and saw that there were a few trees in front of him that were less rainy, so he hurriedly hid there.

"Are you okay!" Li Yingjie asked.

But immediately, he saw the girl's dislocated wrist, and the bones of the arm protruded several centimeters upwards, which hurt just looking at it.

Li Yingjie hurriedly grabbed it, pinched the surrounding area, and found that it was only a dislocation, but not a broken bone, so he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But the wrist is dislocated, and it needs to be connected as soon as possible, otherwise the hand will definitely swell after a long time.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yingjie suddenly raised his head to look forward, and exclaimed, "What is that!?"

The girl was startled by his expression, and turned her head to look hastily.

Li Yingjie seized this opportunity and squeezed her wrist violently.


Go on!

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