It was strangely dark this day. Although Li Yingjie didn't have a watch or something to tell the time, the sky was fine just now, but now it suddenly turned dark, something was wrong.

He hurried to the open space and looked up at the sky.

I saw that a large cloud was coming from a distance, and there was a strange smell in the air.

The peculiar smell before it rains.

After a while, the wind picked up.

Li Yingjie hurriedly carried the basket to collect the dried meat on the ground, racing against time!
The wind blows very fast, whistling as if it wants to blow off the trees.

A small half of the jerky was blown away, but Li Yingjie didn't have time to pick it up, so he hurriedly put the rest of the jerky into a basket, and then carried the basket into the newly built shelter.

Before the rain fell, Li Yingjie hurried to the shelter again, pressing down a few heavy branches to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

Then he hurried into the shelter.

In less than half a minute, heavy rain fell outside.

The downpour came in an instant, leaving no time for the contestants to react.

Among the 100 people, only a few have built shelters, and most of them are still struggling to start a fire.

As a result, when the rain fell, not only did the fire not start, but it also drenched them to the bottom.

Li Yingjie lay on his stomach in the shelter, listening to the sound of rain outside, feeling a little at ease in his heart.

The happiness in the world is like this. It is raining heavily outside, but I have a place to hide from the rain, and it is still warm.

Unhappy things are just the opposite, nothing more than heavy rain outside, but I don't even have a place to hide from the rain.

While thinking about this, he suddenly heard a scream from nearby, and Li Yingjie suddenly got up from the ground.

"It seems that someone screamed."

The heavy rain continued outside, and the clattering sound covered up other sounds.

The water on the ground kept flowing, because Li Yingjie built the shelter at a relatively high position, so the water did not flow into his shelter, but all converged towards the creek in front of him.

Li Yingjie raised his head and listened carefully with his ears facing the outside of the shelter.

In the rain, apart from the first scream, there was nothing unusual.

If it was any other time, Li Yingjie might have given up, but now that he was on a desert island, the screams were not only strange, but also a little scary.

After listening quietly for five or six minutes, Li Yingjie thought he was just hallucinating and was about to give up. Suddenly, there was another scream.


His ears moved slightly, and after careful identification, it was indeed a human voice.

It was a girl's voice, and the distance was not particularly far away.

It's just blocked by the sound of rain, so it's not particularly clear.

In an instant, a thought popped into Li Yingjie's mind:
Could it be that one of the contestants encountered danger nearby? !

The rain outside was very heavy, as if it was poured down with a basin. The rain on the deserted island was obviously different from that in the inland.

After thinking about it, Li Yingjie felt that he couldn't just leave him alone. If someone was really injured in the heavy rain, he would definitely not be able to hear the sound but do nothing.

He said to the aerial camera that landed at low altitude: "Family, I heard screams in the rain. Maybe someone is in danger. I have to help her."

With that said, he took off his jacket, leaving only the short sleeves inside.

It's raining heavily now, and I'm wearing a jacket when I go out, it won't dry in a while, so I have to take it off.

Tightening his shoelaces, Li Yingjie rushed into the torrential rain.

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