my girlfriend is the president

Chapter 753 Living Human Experiment (1)

With the unremitting efforts of Leng Feng and Tom, the research of Life No. [-] has finally made a breakthrough. Now it is possible to control the behavior of the experimental subjects and make the monkeys completely obey the orders of humans.This result satisfied the U.S. military. With the special approval of the president, a huge amount of special funds was allocated to the account of Lengfeng Laboratory.

Five months later, in the mountains near the small town of Lausanne, under an abandoned gold mine, a brand new laboratory was completed.This area is listed as a military protected area by the US military, and no one is allowed to enter or leave at will. Even the air is listed as a military no-fly zone.

This morning, Larry Bird, the boss of Universal Pharmaceuticals, and General Obama of the military led Leng Feng to board a military plane and flew directly to the small town of Lausanne.

When the plane landed, Leng Feng got out of the cabin and saw the surrounding environment and couldn't help being stunned, "Huh? Isn't this the small town of Lausanne?"

Leng Feng and his wife Pang Yali had been to this place for adventure and play, and they are very familiar with it. Although the landscape has changed a little now, the general outline is still there, so it should not be wrong.

Larry Bird patted Leng Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile: "That's right, the water flowed back to the sea, didn't you think it would come back again?"

Obama looked serious, and he said to Leng Feng: "Professor Leng, since your research project has been classified as a top secret by the military, you cannot tell anyone about your whereabouts, including your wife."

Leng Feng nodded. Since he had already signed a contract with the military, he naturally had to keep it a secret.But after all, I still have my own laboratory, which is one step closer to my final dream.

After passing through two checkpoints in succession, Obama showed his special pass, and the armed soldiers raised their hands to let them go. The three of them walked to a mine, and a half-meter-thick iron gate appeared in front of them.

"Mr. Leng Feng, please put the palm of your right hand on this detection screen." Larry Bird pointed to an LCD screen on the door and said.

Leng Feng put his right hand on the detection screen, a white light flashed back and forth, and a gentle female voice said: "Fingerprint and palmprint are being detected, please wait a moment!"

Five or six seconds later, a female voice said, "The fingerprints and palm prints have been verified, Professor Leng Feng, please come in."

The heavy iron door slid open to one side, and there was a tunnel inside. The light at the top made the tunnel as bright as day. The tunnel was very short, only more than ten meters long, and at the end was an elevator.

The three walked into the elevator, and Larry Bird pressed the down button. The elevator fell silently at high speed, and stopped after falling for a full 200 meters.

When Leng Feng stepped out of the elevator, a laboratory made of high-strength bulletproof glass appeared in front of him.Although it is already hundreds of meters underground, there is no sense of stuffiness, and the air is very fresh without any peculiar smell.

Larry Bird handed Leng Feng a chip card, "This is the key to enter."

Leng Feng took the card and swiped it on the access control, the glass door opened to both sides, and the three walked in.

The laboratory is divided into upper and lower floors. The three people entered the upper floor, which was divided into more than ten rooms, each with different functions.

Larry Bird introduced to Leng Feng one by one at the front: "This is the pharmacological analysis room, this is the anatomy room, there is an elevator to the next floor; this is the medicine storage room; this big room is the dining room, and the one inside is the kitchen ...,"

The last room was Leng Feng's lounge. He went in and took a look. There were all kinds of facilities in it, comparable to a five-star hotel room.

Next to the cold front lounge is a spiral staircase that leads down to the second floor.

The three went downstairs along the stairs, and what appeared in front of Leng Feng was a row of small rooms made of special steel. In the room, there was only a bed welded to the floor and a squatting pit. There were no windows on the wall, just the door There is a viewing hole.

"What is this for?" Leng Feng asked.

"Hehe, these rooms are used to hold experimental materials." Larry Bird laughed.

"Could it be the prisoner?" Leng Feng understood in his heart when he saw the bed and the pit.

"Yes, the materials used for experiments in the future are all human beings. They are all people who have committed the most serious crimes. The lightest ones have been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. If they are not used for experiments, they will also die of old age in prison. It's a pity," Obama said.

Leng Feng frowned, hesitated to speak, he understood that things were beyond his control now.

The other row of houses was also divided into several rooms. Larry Bird introduced: "This is a gas chamber, this is a physical destruction laboratory, and there are shooting holes in the wall; this large room is specially used for bombardment. Experimental, capable of simulating vehicle impacts at different speeds..."

After watching the experimental site, Larry Bird patted Leng Feng on the shoulder and said: "Professor Leng, the military is looking forward to you. Tom and other assistants will come to report to you tomorrow, and the experimental materials will also be delivered tomorrow. First The batch is five people, I hope you can carry out human experiments as soon as possible."

Leng Feng nodded silently...

After seeing off Larry Bird and Obama, Leng Feng lived in his lounge that night.

Early the next morning, Leng Feng had just finished washing when he heard movement downstairs. He came out and saw a group of soldiers escorting five criminals in handcuffs and shackles, and they were locked in five small rooms. .

At this time, a soldier went upstairs to Leng Feng and saluted, "Professor Leng, please sign the receipt book for confirmation."

Leng Feng took the pen and notebook from the soldier, and signed his name on it.

As soon as the soldiers left, Tom and more than a dozen assistants in white coats also came to the test site. After a brief introduction to each other, Leng Feng learned that these more than ten assistants were all from the military, and even the cook and two servants Workers are also members of the military.

After eating a simple breakfast, Leng Feng asked Tom to take out the newly developed Life One.Then he led a group of assistants down to the small room on the ground floor to select suitable subjects for the experiment.

The register in Leng Feng's hands clearly recorded the crimes and punishments of the five criminals. Among them, the information of one criminal caught Leng Feng's attention: Rambo, 45 years old, a Californian, was sentenced to 150 years for rape and homicide. Years in prison with no explanation for life.

Leng Feng hated this kind of scum who raped women the most, and he was the subject of today's experiment.Leng Feng didn't have the slightest sympathy for this kind of person. He walked to the door of Room 1.9 and carefully examined Rambo through the observation window. He saw that this person was about [-] meters tall and had a beard all over his face, but his face was very long. , and the brow bone is sunken inward, and the chin protrudes forward, just like an undeveloped gorilla.No wonder he wanted to rape women, no woman would like him when he looked like this.

"Little boy, what are you looking at? Is the ass itching, haha! Believe it or not, I will make you feel so happy!" Rambo slammed on the iron door of the room with his handcuffed hands, shouting manically.

Leng Feng was startled, he took a few steps back and said to Tom, "Take him to the laboratory!"

After several assistants finished signing, Leng Feng handed the registration book to Tom.He first went to the laboratory to configure the injection of Life No. [-], and made preparations before the experiment.

Not long after, Rambo, who was in handcuffs and shackles, was carried in by several assistants, and tied upside down on the test bench. In order to prevent accidents during the test, several restraint belts were made of special nylon silk. Tough and very strong, a restraint belt the thickness of a chopstick can withstand a ton of tension without breaking.

Leng Feng held up the needle and walked up to Rambo. Rambo stared at Leng Feng in horror, struggling and shouting: "You, what are you going to do? I'm not sentenced to death, you can't inject me with poison!"

Leng Feng said coldly: "Don't worry, this is not poison, but a good medicine that can turn you into a superman!" Before he finished speaking, the needle had already plunged into Rambo's arm.


As the liquid medicine was pushed in, Rambo let out a terrifying cry. A few seconds later, his eyes were as big as bells, his limbs twitched at first, and then straightened suddenly, the blood vessels and veins under the skin exploded , the muscles swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye...

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