my girlfriend is the president

Chapter 74 Moving Into The Villa

Xiao Jian didn't expect that the villa of Li Moxin's family was so big, and the garden behind it had more than two acres of land, which was unimaginable in Jinghua City where every inch of land was expensive.

Feng Yulan was very enthusiastic after seeing Xiao Jian, "You are Xiao Jian, I heard Mo Xin mention you earlier, you are really a good-looking talent, hehe, we will be a family from now on, don't be polite here."

"Hello, Auntie, I will trouble you in the future. If I do something wrong, please criticize me." Xiao Jian hurried forward to say hello.

Feng Yulan had a very good impression on Xiao Jian, she looked graceful and luxurious, and although the years had made her youthful, she was still a beautiful woman, obviously she was also a famous beauty back then.

"Wang Ma, lead Xiao Jian to look at the room." Feng Yulan instructed Wang Chaozhen.

Wang Chaozhen stepped forward and said to Xiao Jian: "Master, please follow me."

Xiao Jian was taken aback by this address, but he was relieved immediately, everyone has come to live at home, and it will be a matter of time for the uncle.

Xiao Jian's guest room is located on the third floor, not far from Li Moxin's room.

After opening the door, Wang Chaozhen said, "Grandpa, if you think there is anything missing, just tell me."

Xiao Jian entered the door and looked around. The room was furnished like a luxury hotel, all the bedding was new, and the electrical appliances in the room were complete, including computers and TVs.

"Thank you, Wang Ma, it's already fine."

Li Moxin also followed, holding Xiao Jian's arm, "Xiao Jian, follow me to see Dad?"

"Well, it should be."

Looking at Xiao Jian's back, Wang Chaozhen slightly shook her head and sighed softly...

Feng Yulan accompanied Xiao Jian and Li Moxin into her apartment, "Xiao Jian, this is Mo Xin's father, alas! He has been lying on the bed for more than three years, look at his current appearance, alas! Her father back then He is also a handsome man, full of talent!"

Li Zhongzhong was lying on his back on the bed, his face was devoid of color, his mouth was slightly opened, and his breath was like a thread.

Xiao Jian asked: "Auntie, how did Uncle get injured? Can you tell me?"

Feng Yulan sighed: "Oh! That was when Mo Xin was young, her mother and Zhong Zhong were out, and there was a car accident on the road, her mother died on the spot, and Zhong Zhong's head was also injured. It was easy, but who knew Three years ago, he suddenly became what he is now. All the big hospitals, including famous foreign doctors, have seen him, but they are helpless, and he has become a vegetative state, no different from a mummy except that he still has a breath."

Xiao Jian nodded. It seemed that Mo Xin's stepmother was really not easy. She only married Li Zhongcheng after he was injured.

"Auntie, can I take a look for Uncle?" Xiao Jian asked.

"What? You know medical skills?" Feng Yulan looked a little surprised.

"Mom, Xiao Jian is amazing. Uncle Pang had a car accident, it's all..." Li Moxin seemed to realize that she had slipped her mouth, so she quickly stopped the topic.

"I'm not afraid of my aunt's jokes. I studied advanced nursing in college, so I know a little bit about medical skills." Xiao Jian replied.

Li Moxin had mentioned this to Feng Yulan before, "Oh! Okay, I'll have help in the future, just take a look." Feng Yulan didn't take it seriously, a layman who doesn't understand medicine can still see the truth.

Xiao Jian walked to the window, touched Li Zhongcheng's right hand, faced his palm, and sent out a burst of true energy tentatively.

Feng Yulan thought that Xiao Jian was calling for Li Zhongcheng's pulse, so she didn't care, she turned her head to the window, wondering what she was thinking?
Xiao Jian* controlled the true qi to flow in Li Zhongzhong's body, and as the true qi moved along Li Zhong's meridians, the scenes inside his body appeared in Xiao Jian's mind one by one.

strangeness!There is no abnormality found in Li Zhongcheng's body, and the meridians of the whole body are flowing unimpeded. Except for some diseases in the spleen, stomach and liver, he should not be unconscious!

I rely on!Is he pretending to be sick?
This thought made Xiao Jian break out in a cold sweat, there is no inside story, right?Xiao Jian knew very well that after his zhenqi entered other people's bodies, even the dead would react. Li Zhongcheng's performance could only show one point, that is, he was pretending!
Li Moxin looked at Xiao Jian nervously, seeing that he couldn't help shaking his head, she couldn't help asking worriedly: "Xiao Jian, is my father seriously ill?"

Xiao Jian slowly withdrew his true energy, and just about to let go, he suddenly felt something strange in the palm of his hand, as if Li Zhongzhong was scratching him with his nails on purpose.

Feng Yulan also walked over nervously, "Xiao Jian, how is Zhong Zhong's condition?"

Xiao Jian let go of Li Zhongcheng's hand, sighed deliberately and said: "Uncle's body is very weak, and the functions of the organs are somewhat damaged, especially the liver, spleen, kidney and stomach, there are some problems."

Li Moxin grabbed Xiao Jian and asked, "Xiao Jian, do you have a solution? I know you can do it."

Xiao Jian shook his head and said: "Mo Xin, uncle has been lying down for too long, and his brain function has also been damaged. This is not something that happens overnight. Take your time. I can help with some massage and acupuncture, which may help .”

Feng Yulan let out a deep breath, sighed and said, "Xiao Jian, I'm afraid I will trouble you in the future."

Xiao Jian said: "Auntie, since we are a family, you are still so polite."

With a gloomy expression, Li Moxin dragged Xiao Jian out of her father's bedroom.

Perhaps because of Xiao Jian's arrival, the Li family's dinner was sumptuous, and Feng Yulan specially opened a bottle of [-] Lafite.

"Xiao Jian, Mo Xin is still young, you should pay more attention to the company's affairs." Feng Yulan deliberately tested Xiao Jiandao.

"Auntie, I'm just a driver. Besides, I don't know how to manage a company. It would be nice to be a good driver." Xiao Jian was very modest, and his words were tight.

"Well, you can learn it! Come on, let's drink!" Feng Yulan picked up the wine glass and toasted Xiao Jian.

Li Moxin felt very strange, why did Xiao Jian lie, isn't he learning business management by himself?However, she didn't point it out on the spot, thinking of asking Xiao Jian why later.

After drinking a few cups of Lafite, Feng Yulan asked Wang Ma to serve the meal.

After eating, Wang Ma made tea for everyone.Feng Yulan picked up the teacup and took a sip, then said: "Xiao Jian, let Wang Ma warm up a cup of milk for you before going to bed later, drinking a cup of milk before going to bed is good for your body and sleep."

Li Moxin nodded in agreement, "Mom, this is for our own good, and I sleep well!"

Since it is the rule of the Li family, Xiao Jian naturally does not want to break it, not to mention that he is not allergic or disgusted with milk.

After drinking a cup of tea, Li Moxin stood up and said to her mother, "Mom, Xiao Jian and I went up."

"Well, let's go, don't play too late, Mo Xin, remember your promise." Feng Yulan said this sentence with a deadpan expression on her face.

Li Moxin's pretty face flushed, she responded, and pulled Xiao Jian upstairs.

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