my girlfriend is the president

Chapter 728 Blood Fog

"I, Ning Jishan, have no other strengths, but I am willing to do anything for my friends. Mr. Unscrupulous, since you think highly of me, please speak up!" Ning Jishan patted his chest, his eyes were red with excitement, and his forehead was veined. violently.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Mr. Ning to be a loyal person, okay! Now that I've said everything, I'll just say it. I want to ask Mr. Ning to help me deliver some goods. However, the goods are special. There are three Child." After Wuliang finished speaking, he observed Ning Jishan's face.

Ning Jishan was stunned, but quickly returned to normal, "Mr. Unscrupulous, don't say that I will help you send three children, even if I kill these three children, I am willing to do it."

"No, no, no, these three children can't be killed, and I can't lose a hair. I still count on them to help me regain the throne of prime minister." Wuliang was very happy, he didn't expect the power of 500 million to be so powerful Great, Ning Jishan was taken down so easily.

"Whose children are they?" Ning Jishan wondered, could three children alone influence the attitude of the Emperor of Japan and the government?
"You don't need to know too much, I will give you another 50 to buy a new van and funeral car, remodel the body of the funeral car, weld the coffin in the car, remember, you can't Go in person, both cars have to be registered in someone else's name, understand?" Wuliang said and took out a check for 50 from his pocket, and put a mobile phone on the table at the same time.

How much is two cars, 50 is useless at all, and I can make a small profit.

"Mr. Unscrupulous, please don't worry, I know what to do." Ning Jishan was elated with joy, the feeling of being rich is great!
"This phone can only be used to contact me, please don't use it to call other people." Wuliang warned again.

"OK, I see."

"Yaoxi! Then, Mr. Ning, please wait for my call after the car is ready. I will take my leave first." After Wuliang finished speaking, he bowed slightly to Ning Jishan, turned and left.

Ning Jishan knew many people who tossed black cars, and soon he bought a brand new van registered with a dead person's ID card, and then hid the car.He also found his childhood friend Huang Min and asked him to help buy a funeral car, and at the same time asked him to help refit it. After finishing these things, Ning Jishan just waited for the unscrupulous phone call.

A week ago, Ning Jishan received an unscrupulous call asking him to buy a new car as a spare, but of course he still cannot register with his identity information.Ning Jishan bought a new car through a black car dealer.

Three days ago, the unscrupulous phone call came again, asking Ning Jishan to hide the new car in an abandoned kiln beside the 104 National Highway, and then drive a van to the Shanghai market to wait for his call.

Ning Jishan followed suit one by one until the three children were sent to the territory of Guangxi Province in a hearse, where they met Wuliang...

At ten o'clock in the morning that day, Xiao Jian's special plane landed safely at the Wa country Xijing Airport.Of course, Genichi Yamamoto of the Yamaguchi-gumi and Gyoichiemon of the Koga family also arrived at the airport, but they could not get close to Xiao Jian and Song Yanran, they could only watch from afar. Xiao Jian just saw them coming to welcome them.

When Xiao Jian and Li Moxin walked out of the cabin and got off the gangway, Ichiro Tanaka quickly stepped forward to shake hands with Xiao Jian and Li Moxin.In front of many media, he didn't want to be overly affectionate, it was purely out of courtesy.

"Welcome King Xiao Jian to visit Wa Kingdom!"

"It's a pleasure to visit Japan, how is His Majesty the Emperor?" Xiao Jian responded politely.

At this time, a Japanese girl came forward to lay flowers, and then the military band played the national anthems of the two countries, and a 72-gun salute was fired.

After the ceremony, Xiao Jian and Li Moxin were invited to board the courtesy car and drove to the Japanese government building. Tanaka Ichiro also prepared a grand welcome ceremony...

After getting into the courtesy car, Xiao Jian hurriedly left Li Moxin, widening the distance between them.

Li Moxin smiled, and said in her heart: This stand-in performed well, and he grasped the proportions very well.

Xiao Jian is also Chen Zhe. Seeing the smile on Li Moxin's face, he finally let go of his hanging heart. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The first test was finally passed...

Although Wu Liang was in the deep mountains and forests of Guangxi Province in China, he got the news of Xiao Jian's arrival in Xijing City of Japan immediately through the satellite phone.

As long as Xiao Jian meets the emperor, at most tomorrow the emperor will personally promulgate the edict, and he can re-ascend the prime minister's throne without any scruples.

Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on Wusang's face.However, how can the conditions promised to these two old things be fulfilled?The smile on Wushang's face was fleeting, because he saw the two mysterious figures sitting cross-legged like dead people.

This piece of lofty mountains has a radius of more than 1 square kilometers, high mountains and dense forests, and belongs to the karst terrain, with countless large and small karst caves.Don't talk about hiding a few people, even if thousands of troops hide in it, it will be difficult to be found.

Xiao Jian, Pei Xingjun and others rushed to the mountain road where the funeral car disappeared, looking at the endless mountains in the distance, their faces became more worried.

At this time, an armed police soldier came to report that the wreckage of the funeral car was found in the canyon not far ahead, but no body was found, and no blood was found in the wreckage.

"They must have abandoned their car and fled into the mountains with their children." Pei Xingjun raised his binoculars and looked around.

"It's like finding a needle in a haystack!" Xiao Jian frowns, looking at the endless mountains, he has nothing to do.

"Fortunately, His Majesty came up with the idea of ​​using a substitute to buy us time. Don't worry, we have dispatched drones and multiple police dogs, and at the same time mobilized the reserve militiamen of the local government. Now nearly [-] people are searching here , they can't escape." Pei Xingjun comforted Xiao Jiandao.

In order to confuse Wushang, Xiao Jian came up with the idea of ​​using a substitute to replace him in the country of Wa.For this reason, he asked Yelia to use hacking techniques to search the population database of China to find the person who looked most like him.After comparison and screening, Chen Zhe was finally selected from hundreds of people.Li Moxin and Song Yanran chartered a flight overnight to find Chen Zhe, and Chen Zhe lived up to Xiao Jian's expectations and became another Xiao Jian.

"I'm afraid it can only be delayed for a few days. Once the unscrupulous conditions are not met, the children will be in danger." Xiao Jian said.

These words invisibly added tremendous pressure to Pei Xingjun. He nodded, turned around and ordered: "Order to intensify the search, and find the children as soon as possible at any cost."


"I'll try it out."

Xiao Jian climbed up a nearby mountain, found a flat place and sat cross-legged, with his hands folded in front of his lower abdomen, his eyes slightly closed, and he quickly entered into a state of meditation.

Of course Pei Xingjun understood what Xiao Jian wanted to do, he hastily arranged for people to guard around, not allowing anyone to disturb Xiao Jian.

A strand of spiritual power as thick as the mouth of a teacup spiraled out from Xiao Jian's head, and then dispersed into hundreds of millions of tiny strands of spiritual power and began to spread in all directions, endlessly, reaching tens of kilometers away...

Endless pictures suddenly appeared in Xiao Jian's mind, flashing like fast forward.



still none!

Although Pei Xingjun and the others couldn't see the thread of spiritual power, they could see the mist steaming above Xiao Jian's head, and the sweat on his forehead gathered into a trickle and flowed down his face and neck.Soon, Xiao Jian's clothes were all soaked through.

Excessive release of spiritual power had exhausted Xiao Jian's spiritual power, his chest was heaving violently, his face was flushed, and his breathing was short of breath.But in order to find the child, he still insists on it, and the more effort, the more hope!
Linglisi has stretched to the limit, without the support of spiritual power, it has already shrunk.

No!I want to continue!


Or a gorilla!

A blurry picture appeared in Xiao Jian's mind. In the dense forest more than ten kilometers ahead, there were human-like creatures moving around!
However, Xiao Jian's spiritual power was almost exhausted at this time, and the picture was very unclear. He tried to gather his spiritual power and mobilize his spiritual power to investigate, but he was already at the end of his strength. After several strong attempts, Xiao Jian's heart could no longer bear it. Live, burst instantly.


Xiao Jian fell on his back, blood gushed out from his mouth, turning into a cloud of blood mist...

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