my girlfriend is the president

Chapter 722 Xu Hanlin's Body

quiet!It's eerily quiet.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes in the office stared at Huang Min. These people have been invading the Chinese public security front for many years, and they all carry a kind of majesty in their bones. These people look at each other, and the eyes of these people are knives, swords, which can pierce people's souls.

Huang Min lowered his head, but he could feel the pressure from his surroundings. He seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat. Although the weather had turned cold at this time, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat the size of soybean grains, and his back was covered with sweat. His clothes were also soaked with sweat.

"Five...four...three..." Pei Xingjun's counting voice was clear and powerful, like a war drum ringing in his ears...

"I... I said..." Huang Min finally couldn't bear the pressure, and sat on the ground slumped.

"Now it can be considered that you took the initiative to confess and make meritorious service to atone for your crime. In the future, you may get a lighter punishment from the court and tell everything you know." Pei Xingjun pulled a chair and sat in front of Huang Min.

"Ahem, comrade policeman, I...I have a request." Huang Min still hesitated.

"Say, if it is reasonable, we will agree to you." Pei Xingjun said.

"Comrade policeman, I'm worried that if I tell the truth, that, that Ning Jishan will come and harm our family, you policemen have to protect us." Huang Min gritted his teeth and said.

"If this Ning Jishan is the suspect in this case, then he probably has no chance to come out alive to take revenge on you and your family." Pei Xingjun said calmly.

"Okay, I will explain everything." Huang Min knew that he would not be able to pass today's test, and he would have to say it sooner or later. It seems that Ning Jishan committed a big case, otherwise so many high-level policemen would not have come. This time he is dead, alas!Killed by this bastard!

"From the beginning, let's talk in detail." Pei Xingjun signaled a policeman to record.

"Yes, yes! Comrade policeman, just half a month ago, Ning Jishan came to the factory to find me and asked me to help him buy a funeral car, and then modify the rear, that is, weld a coffin to the carriage Li, he gave me 20 yuan at that time. You know, a funeral car doesn’t cost that much money at all, at most around [-] yuan, but he gave me twice as much. At that time, I knew there must be Question, but I, I was greedy for the money, so I agreed." Huang Min began to talk.

"Huang Min, who is Ning Jishan? How do you know each other?" Pei Xingjun asked.

"He and I are both locals. We have known each other since we were young. This man practiced judo in a sports school since he was a child, and then went to the national team. A few years ago, he was injured while playing in Japan and retired from the national team. He I returned to Xiangfan City, but I haven't found a suitable job." Huang Min replied.

"Go on," Pei Xingjun said.

"Well, I spent more than 9 yuan to help him buy a funeral car, and then modified it. Just three days ago, he found me again, and he was driving a brand new white van The van came, oh! It’s the one in my workshop. He found me and said that he would bring the car in a few days and ask me to dismantle it. I agreed." Huang Min said.

"Who did Ning Jishan come with? Did you say where the car came from?" Pei Xingjun asked.

"He came alone, and he just told me those things, and nothing else. I know that this person has a bad temper, and he is tall and tall. I was afraid of him since I was a child, so I just I didn't dare to ask more questions." Huang Min said.

"You continue?"

"Yes! It turned out that yesterday afternoon, he really came in a van. I knew he must have done something bad when he came to see me, so I arranged for the workers to have a holiday. Ning Jishan came from the van. Three children were carried out, two boys and one girl, and they were all put into the coffin of the funeral car. Then he asked me to dismantle the cargo immediately. I agreed at that time, and he took the children and drove away. Because I feel that this car is a new car, and it is a pity to dismantle it, but I am afraid that he will come back and see this car and trouble me, so I changed the color and planned to sell it cheaper, and then lied to him that it had been dismantled, who knows , Who would have thought that you would come to the door so quickly." Huang Min explained everything like beans poured from a bamboo tube.

"Where did Ning Jishan drive with the child?" Pei Xingjun asked.

"Comrade! I really don't know this! No matter how curious I am, I don't dare to ask him. You have to believe me. Everything I say is true. If there is a half-truth, my whole family will die. ’” Huang Minsheng was afraid that the policemen would not believe his words, so he swore a poisonous oath.

Pei Xingjun turned his head to look at the other members of the task force, and saw that they all nodded slightly, and he himself believed that what Huang Min said was true.

"Huang Min, we have to verify everything you said. Do you have any other information about Ning Jishan? For example, what friends does he have, his family situation, etc.?" Pei Xingjun asked.

"I know his home, and I can take you there. Now his old mother is alone. His father died of illness many years ago. As for his friends, I don't know many. This person likes to use force at every turn, so there are not many A true friend. Oh! He has been living in poverty for the past few years, but he seems to have made a fortune recently, otherwise he will give me 20 yuan if he doesn’t make a move. I really don’t know about the rest.” Huang Min thought side said.

"Okay, take us to Ning Jishan's house." Pei Xingjun waved his hand, and several policemen came up and escorted Huang Min out, and then asked him to lead the way to Ning Jishan's house.

"It seems that this Ning Jishan has continued to abscond with the child. I suggest that we immediately investigate the funeral car thoroughly and chase it along the way." Pei Xingjun said.

"I agree with Director Pei's opinion."

"I agree!"

"I suggest to investigate Ning Jishan's related people, and we must not let any suspicious person go." An expert made a suggestion.

"Okay! In this case, let's split up." Pei Xingjun immediately divided the work, and then went to work separately...

At the same time, Xiao Jian's special plane had already flown to the border of Huaxia Kingdom.

Since Xiao Jian came to China for a private matter, it is inconvenient to disclose it to the outside world, but in order to show respect for Xiao Jian, the senior management of Huaxia Kingdom still sent two fighter planes to escort him.

Under the escort of fighter planes, Xiao Jian's special plane landed safely at Shanghai Airport.The secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the mayor greeted him at the airport.

Xiao Jian, Li Moxin, and Song Yanran got off the plane, shook hands with two Shanghai stock market officials and said after a few words: "I want to see Xu Hanlin's body."

The secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor looked at each other, both of them were very surprised. They didn't expect that Xiao Jian didn't go to visit the old man Guo Da and the two nannies first, but went to visit the dead driver, which shows that this person has a kind heart .

The secretary of the Municipal Party Committee said: "Your Majesty Xiao Jian, we feel very sad and regretful about what happened to your family in Shanghai. Now the Shanghai police are fully cooperating with the Ministry of Public Security and the National Security Bureau to solve the case. Your injured family members have been properly resettled. Xu Hanlin Comrade’s body is in the funeral home, we will take you there.”

"Then trouble." Xiao Jian nodded, lowered his head and got into the car prepared for him. Li Moxin and Song Yanran got into the car together and sat in the back row with Xiao Jian. .

According to the arrangement of Huaxia State's high-level executives, the Shanghai Stock Exchange also kept a low profile on Xiao Jian and his party, so they only sent a car and did not arrange guards along the way.

Three cars drove out of the airport one by one and headed for the funeral home in Shanghai...

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