my girlfriend is the president

Chapter 710 Sudden Accident

"Mr. Larry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Leng Feng saw Pang Yali winking at him, and knew that she had something to say to him, so he said to Larry Bird.

"It's okay, Mr. Leng, please do what you want." Larry Bird pretended not to see anything.

Leng Feng followed Pang Yali out of the attic, at the top of the stairs, he asked, "Yali, what's wrong with you?"

"Leng Feng, are you really planning to just leave with them?" Pang Yali asked in a low voice.

"What can I do if I don't go? You have also seen that the experimental conditions here are no longer suitable for my research. There is still a long way to go before Life No. [-] can be used clinically. Therefore, I have to go." Leng Feng Said.

"Leng Feng, you misunderstood me. It's not that I disagree with you going to Huanyu Pharmaceutical, but how much do you know about them? In fact, since you sent that video to Huanyu Pharmaceutical, I asked someone to secretly investigate Huanyu The background of the pharmaceutical industry, this company has a military background, is not as simple as it seems on the surface." Pang Yali reminded Leng Feng.

"So what? I went to Huanyu Pharmaceutical just to do my research. As for where my medicine will be used in the future, it is within the scope of the company's business. Yali, you are too worried. Oh! Are you planning to go to Seattle with me?" Leng Feng didn't take it seriously, and Pang Yali was simply making a fuss out of a molehill, worrying unfoundedly.

"Forget it, go on your own, and I'll go after your career in Huanyu Pharmaceutical is stable." Seeing that Leng Feng couldn't hear her opinion, Pang Yali was very disappointed, but she didn't show it on her face.

At this time, Larry Bird and his vice president came out.

Leng Feng hurriedly said: "Mr. Larry, we can go."

"Won't your wife come with you?" asked Larry Bird.

"She won't go, let's talk about it later." Leng Feng said.

"Alright, if madam wants to go, I can send someone to pick you up at any time." Larry Bird was very surprised. Didn't they say that people in Huaxia place great emphasis on husbands and wives? How could this beautiful woman not follow her husband?He shrugged his shoulders and made a regretful expression.

"Then thank you Mr. Larry first." Pang Yali said.

Leng Feng walked into the attic and stuffed the test tube containing Life No. [-] into his pocket. He had nothing else to take with him. All the experimental data were stored in his head. As for daily necessities and clothing, after arriving in Seattle, Just buy whatever you lack.

Leng Feng gently kissed Pang Yali goodbye, followed Larry Bird out of the house, got into the car and left.

Watching Leng Feng go away, Pang Yali leaned helplessly against the door, two lines of hot tears fell silently...

The headquarters of Huanyu Pharmaceutical is located in Seattle, and a fifty-story building is its office location.The third basement floor of the building is the laboratory of Huanyu Pharmaceutical. For the sake of confidentiality, casual entry and exit are not allowed on these three floors, and a special pass is required.Especially the third floor, only a few people can enter, it is the most secret place in the Huanyu pharmaceutical industry.One-third of all kinds of new drugs produced in the world every year come from here.

For the convenience of Leng Feng's research, Larry Bird specially prepared a suite for Leng Feng in the office building as his living room.There are all the facilities inside, no different from the rooms in five-star hotels.There is a special person responsible for Leng Feng's three meals a day, and he can eat whatever he wants.

Leng Feng is very satisfied with Larry Bird's arrangement, which can save him a lot of time and allow him to spend more time on drug research and development.

After a night of rest, Leng Feng had just finished breakfast the next day when Larry Bird came.

"Mr. Leng, did you rest well last night? I hope you can adapt to life here."

"Thank you, Mr. Larry, for your concern. I'm resting well."

"This is your pass. I will be in charge of your experiments in the future." Larry Bird handed Leng Feng a card similar to an ID card.

Leng Feng took it and looked at it, but there was no information about his photo on it, only his pass was written on it.

Seeing Leng Feng's surprise, Larry Bird explained with a smile: "Mr. Leng doesn't know something. Yesterday we collected your DNA information and stored it in this card. This is the only passport in the world. The security measures are very strict." Strong, it will never be copied, and it can effectively protect the secrets of Huanyu Pharmaceutical. Therefore, you can rest assured that your research results will never be stolen."

Led by Larry Bird, Leng Feng walked into a special elevator.This elevator only goes to the basement floors.Larry Bird pressed the number three, and the elevator descended silently.

With a ding dong, the elevator door opened, and Leng Feng and Larry Bird walked out of the elevator.

A foul smell of animals came over the surface, Leng Feng was caught off guard and sneezed several times in succession.

"Hehe, it's my fault that I didn't explain to Mr. Leng that this floor is specially used by Huanyu Pharmaceutical to test new drugs." Larry Bird explained with a smile.

No wonder it smells so bad, it turns out that there are monkeys, orangutans and other primates inside.

On the first floor of Nuoda, there were only a few scientific researchers in white coats. After seeing Larry Bird, they just nodded slightly and went about their own business. No one responded to Leng Feng.

Leng Feng has lived and studied in the United States for many years, and he knows that foreign countries are no better than China, and people are indifferent, especially during working hours, few people take the initiative to chat with each other.This is especially true for scientists like these, who see time as more precious than gold.Therefore, Leng Feng did not take it as a surprise.

At this time, a young man in a white coat came over, and Larry Bird introduced to Leng Feng: "At this moment, Tom is your assistant."

"Hi, I'm Tom."

"Hi, I'm Leng Feng."

"Tom, are you all ready?" Larry Bird asked.

"Boss, after receiving your call, everything is ready, and the experiment can start at any time." Tom said and looked at Leng Feng. He already knew what the experimental project was, and he didn't believe that there was such a magical drug in the world. Allows paralyzed patients to stand up and walk again.If there is, it will be a new invention that shocks the world, and even wins the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Therefore, he doubts that Leng Feng is a liar.

In a large laboratory, lying on the operating table was a monkey whose motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex had been destroyed. The monkey stared at the three people who walked in with teary eyes, and could only squeak in horror. screamed, but couldn't move his limbs.

The door of the laboratory was closed, Leng Feng walked to the test bench, took out the test tube from his pocket, and dropped Life No. [-] into the mouth of the monkey with a straw.

"Tie up the monkey's abdomen." Leng Feng said to Tom, he was worried that the monkey would hurt people after recovering its motor function.

"Okay." Tom naturally understood Leng Feng's intentions, but he felt a little redundant, because he didn't believe that the monkey could recover its motor function at all.

However, in the next few minutes, Tom was surprised.I saw that the monkey's limbs began to wriggle slowly. Although it looked so weak, it was shocking enough.This shows that the Life No. [-] developed by Leng Feng has a powerful effect of repairing the human cerebral cortex.

"Looks like we need to increase the dose." This is the first time Leng Feng has done a humanoid experiment, and the dose of the medicine used is only increased several times in proportion to the weight of the mice. Therefore, although the monkeys have recovered some motor functions, the effect is ineffective. achieve the desired effect.

With Tom's assistance, Leng Feng dripped a small amount of Life No. [-] into the monkey's mouth again. This time, the monkey struggled more obviously, and its paws began to scratch in the air. Fortunately, Leng Feng let Tom tie the monkey's abdomen with a restraint belt. Otherwise, there is a real danger of being scratched.

"Put it in the cage and continue to observe." Larry Bird was very satisfied with the results of today's experiment, and only waited a few days later to see if the monkey had any side effects and the disease recurred.As long as there is not, after doing several similar experiments, human clinical trials can be carried out.

Once Life No. [-] is put on the market, it will definitely be a cash cow for Huanyu Pharmaceutical, no!It is a huge gold mine!Larry Bird seems to have seen countless money rolling in.

"Mr. Leng, what you need to do now is to continue the experiment, purify Life No. [-], and make it into tablets or injections." Larry Bird said happily, patting Leng Feng on the shoulder.

"Okay, Mr. Larry, but shall we talk about cooperation again?" What Leng Feng needed now was not only fame, but also interests.

"That's natural, Tom, I'll leave it to you to be in charge here. You have to observe the reaction of the experimental subjects 24 hours a day, and report to me and Mr. Leng immediately if there is any situation." Larry Bird instructed Tom.

"Okay, please rest assured, the boss and Professor Leng, I will do my best." Tom is also a smart person. Since he saw the miraculous effect of Life No. [-], he naturally knew what would happen in the future. As Leng Feng's assistant, his Fame and fortune will not be less, this is a pie that fell from the sky.

Larry Bird led Leng Feng to his office.

After the secretary made Leng Feng a cup of coffee, he retreated out with great interest.

"Mr. Leng, I am very optimistic about the prospect of Life No. 30.00. However, follow-up production requires a lot of investment, and marketing also needs funds to support it. I want to set up a separate company to specialize in the production of Life No. [-]. You own the company [-] % of the shares, what do you think?" Larry Bird said.

"Mr. Larry, your company is a mature pharmaceutical company. The follow-up process of Life No. 40.00 is nothing but effort for you, and you will not be required to invest much money. When Life No. [-] goes on the market, the supply will definitely exceed demand, and people will ask Huanyu Pharmaceutical to buy it. At that time, the fear is not the lack of market, but the inability to produce so many Life No. [-]. Therefore, I agree with the establishment of a new pharmaceutical company, but I You need to own [-]% of Jiu’s shares.” Leng Feng said.

"Hehe, Mr. Leng is worthy of being a descendant of China's business prodigy. This is clearly the reason why you use Life No. [-] to invest in the new company, okay! I promise you." Larry Bird was very straightforward. He knew that even if he didn't agree, the world There must be many pharmaceutical companies in the world who would agree to Leng Feng's conditions.

"Mr. Larry, happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

The two stretched out their hands and held each other tightly.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Tom ran in in a panic, shouting: "Boss, Professor Leng, something is wrong!"

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