my girlfriend is the president

Chapter 701 Visiting China

After the whipping incident, everyone in Yanhuang was self-disciplined, and the order became more orderly. They almost never closed their doors at night and never picked up lost things on the road.Even some people who have made minor mistakes, after being discovered by the police, do not need to be locked up in the police station at all, but draw a circle on the spot and let them stay there until they have stayed for enough time before leaving on their own.It really reproduces the legendary painting ground as a prison in the Han and Tang Dynasties of China.

Yanhuang Kingdom's economy also began to get on the right track. Under Xiao Jian's instruction, the headquarters of the Xiao Group moved from Huaxia Guogang City to Treasure Island, and Huaxia Kingdom became a branch there.Today's Xiao Group is no longer the same as before, and has become the largest group in the world.Not only the state-owned branches in China, but also branches in Japan, Myanmar, and the United States.Its subsidiaries include ocean transportation, tourism, real estate, film and television, medicine, and even arms and other industries.The annual transaction volume is as high as several trillion Huaxia coins.After moving the headquarters of the Xiao Group to Treasure Island, its own income alone is enough to allow the people of Yanhuang Kingdom to live a moderately prosperous life.

In view of the fact that the territory of Treasure Island is too small, there are no other mineral resources except gold, so it is not suitable for the development of industry and manufacturing.With the help of economists from the Huaxia Kingdom, Xiao Jian made a long-term plan for the Yanhuang Kingdom, which is to take the smoke-free industry—tourism route, and vigorously build a tourism economy.Xiao Jian intends to use ten years or less to make Yanhuang Kingdom the most desirable tourist resort in the world.

Moon Bay and Sun Bay are currently the largest artificial projects on the entire planet, which is enough to become a gimmick to attract tourists.What's more, the waters of Treasure Island are indeed beautiful, and there are several months of monsoons in a year. The waves are several meters high, and the seabed is gentle. It is the most ideal paradise for surfers.

Let the people of Yanhuang Kingdom live a happy life, this is Xiao Jian's ultimate ideal...

In the golden autumn of October, the Nth United Nations General Assembly will be held in Jinghua, the capital of China.

At the invitation of the Huaxia government, Xiao Jian will also visit Huaxia before the United Nations General Assembly.Now Yanhuang Kingdom has submitted an application for membership to the United Nations Headquarters. At that time, Xiao Jian will participate in this conference and represent Yanhuang Kingdom to accept the vote of the member states of the United Nations on whether to recognize its legal status.

However, Xiao Jian was very entangled in the issue of which wife should accompany him to Huaxia Kingdom.Finally, after careful consideration by Xiao Jian, Li Moxin, Song Yanran and others, it was decided to let Li Moxin visit China together as Xiao Jian's wife.

There is a reason why they did this. One is that Li Moxin is Xiao Jian's first girlfriend, and the relationship between the two has gone through many twists and turns before finally being cultivated; into a political marriage.As for Yelia and Manila, they didn't intend to go with Xiao Jian at all. Their idea was very simple. It was their greatest love for him to help Xiao Jian govern the Yanhuang Kingdom.

However, there are still two issues that need to be resolved urgently, that is, the issue of the national flag and the national anthem.A country can't be blank on this, right?

After everyone brainstormed, Xiao Jian finally decided that the dragon flag would be the national flag of Yanhuang.The red background of the dragon flag is embroidered with two intertwined golden dragons in the middle, one male and one female, which symbolizes the endless life of the Yanhuang Kingdom and its eternal existence from generation to generation.

The national anthem was specially composed by domestic music masters in China. The tune is fresh and implies progress. It is also a catchy song that is easy to sing.

Everything is ready, the only thing missing is the flight.At ten o'clock in the morning that day, Xiao Jian, Li Moxin, and Xu Haitao boarded the special plane under the eyes of everyone escorting them. The plane roared into the blue sky and flew to Huaxia Kingdom.

For Xiao Jian's visit, the senior officials of Huaxia State attached great importance to it, and the President of the country personally greeted him at the airport.Of course, leaders of other major countries also went there together.

When Xiao Jian walked out of the cabin first and walked down the gangway, the Chairman of Huaxia State stepped forward and shook hands with him tightly. The four big hands were tightly clasped together, and the four eyes met, everything was said in silence.

A Huaxia girl ran up to Xiao Jian, raised her hand to salute a standard Young Pioneers salute, and presented a bouquet of flowers.Xiao Jian kissed the girl's forehead lightly to express his gratitude.

Holding flowers in his hands, Xiao Jian looked at the crowd welcoming him, and he was extremely excited. He never thought that he would return to his homeland as the king of a country one day. Trembling slightly.

"Chairman! Me, I'm finally back."

"Hehe, King Xiao Jian, the people of Huaxia Kingdom welcome you, and the Huayan Friendship Association will last forever." The chairman calmly reminded Xiao Jian to pay attention to his identity at this time and restrain his emotions.Because it's live on TV all over the world!

"Yes, the people of our two countries will always be brothers, relatives!" Xiao Jian understood that he was trying to restrain his emotions.

"That's right! Although Huaxia Kingdom and Yanhuang Kingdom are separated by tens of thousands of miles, the family relationship between us cannot be separated by thousands of rivers and mountains. King Xiao Jian, shall we inspect the guard of honor of the three armed forces together?"

Xiao Jian introduced Li Moxin and Xu Haitao to Chairman Huaxia.

"Chairman, this is my wife Li Moxin."

"Hello, Ms. Li!"

"This is Xu Haitao, Commander of the Three Armies of the Yanhuang Kingdom!"

Xu Haitao was more excited than Xiao Jian, he quickly saluted the chairman, "Hi, chairman!"

The Chairman of Huaxia State introduced to Xiao Jian the leaders of other countries who came to greet them together. Xiao Jian and Li Moxin stepped forward to shake hands and say hello one by one.

When introducing Dao Song Aiguo, Xiao Jian and Li Moxin were slightly embarrassed, but they quickly returned to normal.

"This is Mr. Song Aiguo, the former prime minister of China."

"Hello, old man!" Xiao Jian could only call his father-in-law that way.

"Uncle, why are you here?" Li Moxin asked in a low voice.

"Why can't I come? Don't you allow a father to welcome his son-in-law?" Song Aiguo requested to come to the airport to meet Xiao Jian and others this time.Seeing that his daughter and son-in-law have their own country, it is also difficult for him to restrain his emotions. After all, blood is thicker than water, and family affection is far more moving than politics.

"We'll go home to see you at night!" Li Moxin whispered to Song Aiguo.

Accompanied by the Chairman of the Huaxia Kingdom, Xiao Jian began to inspect the guard of honor of the three armed forces, while Xu Haitao followed closely behind Xiao Jian.

Reviewing the guard of honor of the three armed forces is the highest etiquette for welcoming foreign guests. At the same time, the salute is roaring!

When Xiao Jian, accompanied by the chairman, walked to the guard of honor of the three armed forces, the commander immediately drew out his command saber and saluted the saber.The guard of honor of the three armed forces pays attention!

This is the first time Xiao Jian has seen the soldiers of the guard of honor of the three armed forces at close range. He had only seen them on TV a few times before, and he was very envious of these handsome soldiers. Now they are standing in front of him, all of them are heroic, Imposing.

After inspecting the guard of honor of the three armed forces, Xiao Jian stood side by side in front of the microphone with the President of Huaxia.

At this time, the military band played the national anthems of the two countries.

The chairman of Huaxia Kingdom delivered a warm welcome speech, welcoming Xiao Jian and his party to visit Huaxia Kingdom.

"...Although the Yanhuang Kingdom and the Huaxia Kingdom are thousands of miles apart, I believe that the friendship between the two peoples will last forever, from generation to generation..."

Xiao Jian also gave a speech of thanks.

"...I was born in Huaxia Kingdom, and I have always been a descendant of Yanhuang Kingdom. Although I have established Yanhuang Kingdom and become a king myself, it can be known from the name of this country that my roots are still in Huaxia Kingdom, Yanhuang Kingdom The people of China have always been an inseparable lineage of the people of Huaxia. I believe that no matter how many years have passed, 1 years, or even longer, Yanhuang and Huaxia will always be brothers and relatives! Long live Huaxia! Long live Yanhuang!"

When Xiao Jian and others got into the Huaxia limousine and left the airport for Jinghua City, countless cameras faithfully recorded all this and broadcast it simultaneously around the world.

Xiao Jian would never have imagined that his appearance would set off another bloody storm...

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