Although the ancient black ice that has not melted for thousands of years is hard, it is vulnerable to high-strength alloy drill bits. After half an hour, the drill pipe has penetrated more than ten meters into the ice layer.

Li Moxin's eyes were fixed on the drill hole, and she clenched her hands nervously, the palms of which were covered with sweat.Lu Tong, Zhai Lang and others also looked nervously at the screen of the life detection instrument, for fear that the curve on it would disappear in an instant.

At the same time, Xiao Jian, who was deeply trapped in the ice cave, also heard the roar of the drilling machine above his head, and faintly heard someone talking.He was ecstatic in his heart, knowing that he was saved.However, he also felt strange, who would come to rescue him?How do these people know that they are in the ice cave?

Suddenly, the drill sank sharply, followed by the sound of idling.

Zhai Lang has rich experience, he knows that the drill bit has been driven into the underground ice cave.

"Bring up the drill!" Zhai Lang ordered immediately.

The moment the drill bit was lifted out of the ice, a white mist spewed out from the small drill hole, and the ensuing coldness made the surrounding air instantly atomized, and white ice crystals flew all over the sky, which is really beautiful!

Li Moxin couldn't care about the cold, she threw herself on the drill hole, and shouted into it: "Xiao Jian! Are you there? Xiao Jian!"

The familiar voice came into the ice cave from above, and Xiao Jian burst into tears immediately. He choked up and responded: "Mo Xin, I am Xiao Jian, and I am still alive."

"Xiao Jian!"

"Mo Xin!"

Lu Tong, Zhai Lang and others also heard Xiao Jian's response from the ground. They were also very excited. Lu Tong rubbed his hands and stomped on the spot: "It's all right now, Xiao Jian is fine now! It's all right now Already!"

"Mr. Li, you, please get out of the way. After I ask about the situation, I can continue to rescue." Zhai Lang stepped forward to persuade Li Moxin.

"Yeah!" Li Moxin wiped away her tears and stepped aside.

The two foreign scientists were stunned. They didn't expect that there was a real person under the ice, and it was a big living person.The cold air that emerged just now is enough to prove that there is Eternal Ice below. It is not ordinary cold. How did this person survive for such a long time?

"Mr. Xiao Jian, are you okay? I am the rescue team invited by Mr. Li." Zhai Lang shouted from the entrance of the cave.

"I'm fine. I can go up by myself after you enlarge the drill hole." Xiao Jian raised his head and shouted.

"Okay! Please avoid the drilling hole! The farther away the better." Zhai Lang was worried that the expansion of the drilling hole would cause the ice to collapse.

"Okay!" Xiao Jian walked to the ice wall next to him.

Zhai Lang got up and ordered his team members to replace the larger drill bit to expand the drilling.

The drilling rig was spinning, and an hour later, a large hole with a diameter of [-] centimeters was completed.When the drill was just lifted, before Li Moxin and the others came to their senses, a figure flew out of the drill hole and landed directly on the ice.This person has long silver-white hair that flutters in the wind, looking like a fairy!It was the naked Xiao Jian!
"Xiao Jian!" Li Moxin flew forward and hugged Xiao Jian tightly.

"Mo Xin!"

The two hugged each other tightly, and Xiao Jian, who was so excited, had already forgotten that he was naked.

Everyone was very excited, but no one noticed that Xiao Jian was still naked at that moment.

Lu Tong was still an old man, he quickly took off his coat and put it on Xiao Jian, "Xiao Jian, my good apprentice!"

Only now did Xiao Jian wake up, and he couldn't help but blushed, "Master!"

Those two foreign scientists widened their blue eyes in surprise. It is a miracle that a person can survive in the black ice for such a long time, and this person can fly!This is too beyond the scope of human cognition, right?

"Sir, can I ask you a few questions?" Scientists have the curiosity to explore unsolved mysteries.

Xiao Jian thought that these two foreigners were also the rescue team invited by Li Moxin, so he spoke very politely, "What's the problem?"

"You, are you still a person?"

"Ah! Hehe, of course I'm a human, an out-and-out Chinese." Xiao Jian was stunned for a moment, and then he understood why they asked such a question. He was so excited just now that he didn't hide his actions at all.

Zhai Lang and the others on the side were also surprised, because even a person with super physique would not be able to survive for at most two weeks if trapped in the ice and snow, but how could Xiao Jian survive in the ice for so long?And it's alive and well.However, they all know that China has a long history, and there have always been many magical legends. Today, they just verified it with their own eyes.

It was Zhai Lang who reacted quickly. He hurried to the car and took out a new set of clothes and handed them to Xiao Jian, "Mr. Xiao Jian, you can change into your clothes."

Xiao Jian smiled embarrassedly, walked to the side and changed his clothes.

"How do you know I'm here?" Xiao Jian asked Li Moxin curiously.

Li Moxin looked at Lu Tong, "Thanks to Uncle Lu Tong, it was he who provided this clue, so we found it."

"Sir, how did you survive below? We..." A foreign scientist has yet to get the answer he wants.

"Xiao Jian, ignore them, these two people are not with us." Li Moxin whispered in Xiao Jian's ear.

That's it!

Xiao Jian waved his hand and said, "I'll wait for you at the edge of the glacier!"

After finishing speaking, a long howl came out of his mouth, and he disappeared in the distance of the glacier after a few moves...

"Let's withdraw too!" Li Moxin couldn't hold back her excitement and waved her hands.

At this time, Zhai Lang and the others had already packed up all kinds of instruments and tools, and everyone got into the car and drove to the edge of the glacier.

"Oh my God, it's unbelievable, it's just amazing."

"It's over, I forgot to take a picture of all this just now."

The two foreign scientists looked at Li Moxin and the others who had gone away, very annoyed.When they returned to China and published everything they saw in a paper, it caused an uproar all over the world.

That night, a military plane flew to Tianshan City.Those who came by plane included Manila, Xiao Yingying, Pang Shitong, Pei Xingjun, and several officials in civilian clothes.

Tears and hugs are naturally indispensable for the reunion after a long absence.

Pei Xingjun pointed to the few official personnel to introduce Xiao Jian. After some courtesies, everyone boarded the plane, and the military plane roared up and disappeared into the vast night sky...

Kang Na and his wife broke up with Xiao Jian and returned to Jinghua City to keep Xiao Jian's secret.It wasn't until a year ago that looking for Xiao Jian was as crazy as treasure hunting, and they realized that their benefactor was the one they were looking for with a high reward.

Faced with hundreds of millions of dollars, Kang Na was very calm. She said to her husband: "The matter of our benefactor is just a memory for us. If there is a destiny, we will meet him again."

"How is he so rich?"

"Because the benefactor is not an ordinary person. When I rescued our son, I knew it. That distance is simply impossible for ordinary people."

"Well! He is our memory."

In the early morning of this day, Kang Na had just returned from sending her children to school, when there were two unexpected guests at home.

"Father, they are..."

"Kang Na, they, they were sent by the benefactor."

"Ms. Kang Na, hello, we are the lawyers of the Xiao Group, and we are here to find you specially entrusted by Mr. Xiao Jian." A lawyer wearing glasses stepped forward and said.

"This is a share transfer document. These shares are worth one billion yuan. You can sign on it and it will belong to you." Another lawyer took out a document and handed it to Kang Na.

Connor took it over in doubt, looked at it, and couldn't help being taken aback, "This, this won't work, I can't take these shares."

"Oh! Mr. Xiao Jian has already thought that you may not accept it, so please sign it. The legal person of the company has been registered as you, and you cannot change it even if you don't accept it." The lawyer took out another document .

This is a newly established transportation company, with more than 100 brand new vans under its name, office buildings and parking lots, and the legal person's name is Kang Na.

"Ms. Kang Na, this is a wish from Mr. Xiao. Please accept it so that we can go back to work. Please don't embarrass us, please?" the lawyer said in an almost pleading tone.

Kang Na had no choice but to sign her name on the legal documents. She never thought that she would become the boss of a company.

A poor mountain village in the northwest of China.

Sanwazi, an old sheep-herding man, became the laughing stock of the whole village.

"Sanwa, didn't you say that the big company wanted to give you money? Why haven't you seen anyone for a long time?"

"After taking care of other people's meals, but still wanting to ask for money, who is it?"

"Third child, when you have money, do you want to beg for a roommate? How many children will you have?"

"I didn't want money, it was someone who found me and agreed. If there is money, it doesn't matter. If I have sheep, I will win!" Sanwazi blushed, and he explained clumsily.

Early this morning, Sanwazi had just woken up and was about to drive the sheep up the mountain.Suddenly, several guests came to the house, and Zeng Mingwaliang's car parked at the door immediately attracted the whole village, and the yard of Sanwazi's house was full of people.

"You are the third child? But you managed a meal for a blind man back then?"

"It's me, what's the matter?"

"Oh! That person is the president of our Xiao Group. According to the reward offered that year, you can get a bonus of [-] million Huaxia coins. We are here to give you money."

"What! [-] million? How much is that?" San Wazi had no idea about the number [-] million.However, the villagers understood it, and immediately let out an exclamation, and then explained it to the people around them.

"Oh! Let's use an analogy. The bonus given to you can buy all the sheep in your village." The visitor looked at the sheepfold and realized that Sanwazi was illiterate.

"My God! How do you spend so much money? I don't want so much." Sanwazi looked surprised.

Everyone in the village was talking about it, and countless pairs of eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

"Sanwazi, for the sake of your future life and safety, we have already bought you a house in the city and hired a few domestic helpers to serve you. If you want, you can find a daughter-in-law. You will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life." .” The visitor said.

Sanwazi hesitated, he looked at his flock, and then at the husband's family, he was very reluctant.

"Let's go!" The visitor couldn't help saying, pulling Sanwazi to the door.

"Wait a minute, what's wrong with my sheep?" Sanwazi struggled, looking back at the sheep.

"No, you can buy such a flock of sheep with your daily interest."

Sanwazi had no relatives and no one to rely on in the village. Hearing this, he had no choice but to shout to the surrounding villagers: "Have you divided this sheep? When you go to the city, play with me!"

Sanwazi left, and his house was in a mess immediately, robbing sheep and things, and more people were in a daze. Someone said to himself: "I saw that blind man that day, why didn't he stay?" How about a meal?"

In order to take care of Sanwazi's second half of his life, the Xiao Group hired a financial management team to manage his 5 million yuan.Soon after, Sanwazi married a wife, gave birth to a child, and lived happily.

Gannan Province, Qingshui Township.

The mother and daughter who had seen Xiao Jian were also in a daze at this moment.They had a luxurious new home like a dream, and their daughter was sent to the best private school in Jinghua City, and there was a long string of zeros on the passbook.

"Mom! What's wrong with you?" The girl is still young and has little concept of money. She still doesn't know that her family and her future have been changed because of what she said back then.

"Baby, my mother was wrong back then, and I was a weak man. You have to learn from that blind uncle and be a great person."

"Mom! I just want to be a good person! Because good people get rewarded!"

Mother froze for a moment and thought deeply...

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