my girlfriend is the president

Chapter 602 One step to the sky

Huaxia Kingdom, Qing City, Lu Province.

This is a dilapidated five-story residential building with green-brown walls and covered with moss. It should be an old building in the 80s of last century.The sewers in front of and behind the house are in disrepair for a long time, and the sewage flows across, and the smell can make people faint.

It is said that this place will be demolished soon, and many residents have already signed a demolition agreement with the developer and moved out.

Xihu on the fifth floor is Liu Yuqi's home, but it can't be regarded as her home, because this house is also rented by her father Liu Liangxiu.

In the dark room are some simple furniture, the paint is mottled, and it has long lost its original color.In a small bedroom, a middle-aged woman was lying on a wooden bed, who was Liu Yuqi's mother.A year ago, she was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer. Because she had no money for treatment, her neck was so swollen that it was hard for her to speak now.

"Her dad, the landlord is here again, have you found the house yet?" The voice was hoarse and vague.

Liu Liangxiu shook his head slightly, sighed and said, "The rent of a house in the city is too expensive, go to the suburbs, I can't take care of you, what should I do?"

"Oh, I'm the one who dragged you down, you might as well die." Yuqi's mother burst into tears.At the beginning, because my husband accompanied me to see a doctor, I delayed an order, produced many defective products, was sued by the other party, and lost a lot of money. Since then, the business began to decline, and finally the company went bankrupt.

"Look at what you said, we can earn money if we lose it. If you lose it, what's the point of my life?" Liu Liangxiu sat next to his wife and wiped the tears off her face with his hand.The eyes that looked at his wife were full of love.

"Her dad, why don't you let Yuqi come back, you are too tired from working so hard. I'm really afraid that you will be exhausted."

"Then how can I do it? How can my daughter give up halfway after she finally got admitted to the graduate school of the Japanese country? It's okay, I'm in good health." Liu Liangxiu comforted his wife.

For the sake of the family's livelihood and her daughter's tuition, Liu Liangxiu now works two jobs. During the day, she goes to a factory to work in the workshop, and at night, she takes a taxi job and runs until midnight.This situation has been going on for more than a year.

Today, the factory workshop is on holiday for maintenance, so he can finally rest for a day.But thinking of earning more than 100 yuan less, he felt as if a piece of meat had been gouged out.

"It's noon, I'm going to cook, and I'll go to the hospital to buy some medicine for you in the afternoon." Liu Liangxiu said as he got up and went to the kitchen.

Seeing her husband's stumbling back, Yuqi's mother covered her mouth and burst into tears.In fact, she really wanted to die, but she couldn't leave her husband and daughter behind.

Just as Liu Liangxiu walked into the kitchen, his old cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was his daughter's phone.Liu Liangxiu's heart skipped a beat, isn't her daughter asking for tuition fees?Alas, I don't have much money in my hand. If I can't do it, I will go to the blood bank to sell some blood. Good or bad, I have to pay for my daughter's tuition.

"Yuqi, how are you doing recently?"

"Dad, are you and Mom okay?"

"Well, well, your mother just went out to buy vegetables, why don't you wait for her to return one for you?" Liu Liangxiu lied because she was afraid that her daughter would hear the change in his wife's voice.

"Dad, have you moved? Why can't I ask you to open the door?" There were knocks on the door from the phone receiver.

"Ah? You, have you returned to your country?" Liu Liangxiu's house had already been sold to pay off the debts, and she kept it from her daughter.

"Yeah, we just got off the plane, and the rental car came over." Liu Yuqi said.

"Ah, my cell phone is out of battery. I'll change the battery later and call you back." Liu Liangxiu was startled, worried that her daughter would not go back to study after seeing the situation at home.He didn't even catch the meaning in his daughter's words.

Liu Liangxiu hung up the phone in a hurry, and trotted to the bedroom, "Her mother! It's no good, Yu Qi is back, why didn't the child say hello beforehand, so we can make preparations."

"What?" Yuqi's mother was surprised and delighted, "Yuqi is back? Come on, help me up, I want to change clothes, oh, put on makeup."

"Hey, what should children do when they see this at home?" Liu Liangxiu rubbed her hands anxiously.

"Her dad, Yuqi is getting older, and she should know about these things. Let her choose her own path." Yuqi's mother really couldn't bear to see her husband suffer. The suave man has now become a little old man.

"Okay, the child has arrived, even if I want to hide it, I can't hide it. I'll call her now." Liu Liangxiu sighed helplessly.

Unexpectedly, before he called, Liu Yuqi's call came in, "Dad, we have already arrived downstairs, which unit are you in?"

"Ah!? Oh! I'm going down now!" Liu Liangxiu was very surprised, how did her daughter know that she moved here.

"Her father, go quickly, I'll get up and tidy up." Yuqi's mother unexpectedly became energetic, sat up by herself, and began to change clothes.This is maternal love, this is family affection, and it is more effective than any panacea in the world.

Liu Liangxiu hurried downstairs, and when he walked out of the corridor, he couldn't help being stunned.

I saw two luxurious Rolls-Royces parked in the sewage downstairs, and my daughter Liu Yuqi was standing beside the car looking around for her father.Standing next to her were four hardcover men wearing sunglasses, watching all around vigilantly, they were bodyguards at first sight.

A balding middle-aged man was standing beside the other car, with a black leather briefcase under his arm, looking at Liu Yuqi respectfully.

Liu Liangxiu is also a person who has seen the big world, but at this moment he cannot accept the facts in front of him, what happened to his daughter?
"Dad!" Seeing her father, Liu Yuqi threw herself into his arms regardless of the sewage under her feet, "Dad, you have suffered!"

"Princess, this place is dirty, please step on it." A bodyguard stepped forward, took off his suit and laid it on the ground.

"Princess? Yuqi, you, you..." Liu Liangxiu laughed directly, staring at her daughter blankly.He knows the goods, this suit costs at least several thousand yuan, so it has become a stepping cloth.

"Dad, let's go up and talk." Liu Yuqi wiped away her tears and took her father's arm.

"Sir, please!" Liu Liangxiu said politely when he saw the bald man approaching.

"No, no, no! You don't have to be polite to me in front of the princess, old sir, please."

The bald man hurriedly followed behind and went upstairs together.

At this time, the downstairs was surrounded by spectators, seeing this situation, they began to discuss in a low voice.

"Mother Zhang, is that the daughter of the old Liu family? It's so grand."

"Tch, it's nothing more than getting a lot of money, there's nothing to show off."

"Damn! Awesome, Rolls-Royce!"

"Tsk tsk! There are bodyguards."

"Maybe it's for sale!"


"Baga! If you dare to insult our princess again, I'll kill you!" A bodyguard who understood Chinese, heard someone insulting Liu Yuqi, and scolded unceremoniously.He could really kill for the princess's reputation!
The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones!Tough and fearful!
That person was wronged, seeing how the bodyguard was so tyrannical, he naturally didn't dare to refute, everyone shut up for a while, watching the excitement quietly...

Walking into the house, Yuqi's mother was already waiting to welcome her daughter at the door, but her body was weak, so she could only lean on the door frame.

Seeing her mother's appearance, Liu Yuqi couldn't control herself anymore, she fell to her knees and hugged her mother's leg and cried bitterly.

"Mom, your daughter's unfilial piety has caused you and your father to suffer!"

"Daughter, mother's good daughter." Yu Qi's mother stroked her daughter's head, tears streaming down her face.

"Princess, please take care of yourself!" The bald man stepped forward and whispered comfortingly.

Yuqi's mother was stunned, when did a woman become a princess?

Liu Yuqi got up, helped her mother into the room.

Seeing everything in the room, Liu Yuqi couldn't help sobbing again.

"Sir, please sit down! The house is dirty, you are laughing." Liu Liangxiu invited the bald man to take a seat.

"Old man, don't dare, how can I have my seat in front of the princess, please invite the second elder to sit." The bald man was terrified.

"Sit down!" Liu Yuqi ordered.

"Yes!" The bald man winked, and found a small horse to sit in front of the broken coffee table.

"Well, what's going on here?" Liu Liangxiu looked more and more puzzled, how could this man be so afraid of his daughter.

"Dad, Mom! That's what happened. When I was working and studying in Japan..." Liu Yuqi told her parents about her experience.

"Oh! Good man, why didn't you ask her name?" Liu Liangxiu blamed her daughter.

"Dad, I asked Mr. Gyoichiemon, but he refused to tell me, and I can't help it." Liu Yuqi thought of Xiao Jian again, and felt strange.

"You two old men, my humble Honda Accord, is Princess Yuqi's housekeeper and serves the princess exclusively. Seeing the situation of your two elders, I would like to invite them to the country of Wa for medical treatment and a family reunion." The strange name of the bald man turned out to be the name of a car.

"Her father, I'm not going to Japan. They killed so many of us back then, so I shouldn't be a traitor." Yu Qi's mother shook her head resolutely.

Honda Accord looked embarrassed, and said with a smile: "You two old people, in fact, the people of the Japanese country also yearn for peace, and there are only a very small number of militants. Besides, Princess Yuqi will be in charge of a large company in the Japanese country in the future. Your two elders stay in Huaxia How can the princess rest assured?"

"Mom, why don't you go to Japan with me? You can come back when you're cured." Liu Yuqi was also worried about her parents.

Yuqi's mother looked at her husband hesitantly, Liu Liangxiu thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's see your mother first, and we'll talk about other things later."

Hearing that Liu Yuqi's parents agreed to go to Japan, Honda Accord stood up happily, "I'll contact a chartered plane and leave immediately."

"What? Chartered flight? It costs a lot of money." Yuqi's mother was taken aback. Can her daughter have so much money?
"You two old people, the property under the name of Princess Yuqi is enough to buy a few planes, and this little money doesn't matter." Honda Accord said respectfully.

Liu Yuqi blushed pretty, and said in a low voice: "Mom, don't worry about it so much, anyway, you and Dad won't suffer any more in the future, let's go! We don't want anything here."

Liu Liangxiu glanced at the familiar home, nodded and said: "Okay, let's go, let's give these things to the neighbors, at least they are useful guys."

Liu Yuqi and her father supported her mother and walked downstairs slowly. Liu Liangxiu entrusted the key to a neighbor, "You can use the things upstairs if you see that they can be used. Please give the key to my landlord."

Amidst many envious eyes, Liu Yuqi's family got into the car, the wheels were spinning, the sewage was splashing, and the two luxury cars gradually drove away from people's sight, leaving behind endless guesses and legends...

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