There was chaos in the cabin of the plane, no matter how the stewardess shouted and dissuaded her, it was of no avail.Fortunately, the plane was so turbulent that no one dared to loosen their seat belts.

The giant seemed to want to stand up, but after looking at Xiao Jian, he reluctantly gave up this plan, raised his hands and covered his head and cried loudly.

Song Yanran hugged Xiao Jian tightly, tears streaming down her face, her voice choked up: "Xiao Jian, I'm the one who killed you."

Xiao Jian smiled bitterly: "No one can blame, this is fate!"

Seeing that the scene was out of control, the stewardess stumbled to Xiao Jian and begged, "Sir, can you help me?"

"They're all dying, what can I do for you?" Xiao Jian's expression was also very depressed, he wasn't depressed about anything else, he was in his twenties, and he was still a virgin, so there was no reason for this.

"Sir, although the forced landing is very dangerous, there is still a great chance of survival, but the mood of the passengers is not conducive to the forced landing. I need your help. There is still a lot of work to be done." The flight attendant is very beautiful, a pair of talking The eyes are also pleading with Xiao Jian.

Hearing that there was hope of survival, Xiao Jian became emotional, "Say! How can I help you?"

"Your actions just now have conquered most people. Your words must be effective and calm everyone down." The stewardess said.

Xiao Jian nodded, unfastened his seat belt, walked to the front seat of the cabin, and shouted, "Don't fucking cry!" The voice was full of confidence, covering the cries of the passengers.

"If anyone cries again, I'll throw him out of the plane!" Xiao Jian added.

Song Yanran burst out laughing, Xiao Jian was really funny, he thought it was a bus, the windows were all sealed, how could he throw them away?
However, Xiao Jian's two voices did have an effect, and the cabin really quieted down, even if he was crying, he was sobbing softly.

"Is crying useful? We are all afraid of death. If the plane crashes, we only have this little time left. Before you die, leave a message for your family. Oh! There is paper and pen on the seat, write down what you want to say , Damn it! I want to write it as soon as possible!" Xiao Jian grinned and returned to his seat.

Song Yanran smiled slightly, and said sarcastically, "Xiao Jian, do you still look like a highly educated person?"

Xiao Jian said: "Is it useful to say nice things?"

There was silence in the cabin, only the sound of the tip of the pen rubbing against the paper, and the sobbing stopped.The passengers felt that what Xiao Jian said was right, it would be better to write than to cry!
Taking advantage of this opportunity, the stewardess quickly said: "Gentlemen and ladies, please finish writing as soon as possible, and then sit according to my request. Take off your shoes, jewelry, watches, keys and other items, and put them in Bags, when the plane made an emergency landing, everyone held their heads in their hands, and their bodies tightened..."

Song Yanran asked Xiao Jian in a low voice: "Can we live?"

Xiao Jian shook his head and said, "I have to ask Lord Yan if he wants us."

Song Yanran asked, "What did you write?"

Xiao Jian said: "I didn't write anything. If I really die, my relatives will be even more sad when they see these things."

"I didn't write either, Xiao Jian, I—I want to talk to you." Song Yanran hesitated for a while, then said.

"Let's talk, if you don't say it, maybe you won't have a chance in the future." Xiao Jian said.

"Xiao Jian, I like you, really! I like you so much." Song Yanran rested her head on Xiao Jian's shoulder.

Xiao Jian was dumbfounded, people were telling the truth before they died, Song Yanran was Li Moxin's best friend!

"If it wasn't for dying, I would never have told you what was in my heart for the rest of my life. I know that you belong to Mo Xin, and I don't want to hurt her." Song Yanran continued.

Xiao Jian didn't make a sound, but silently hugged Song Yanran's shoulder.If he really died, it would be nice to have a lover to accompany him, let alone a beautiful woman!
Suddenly, the voice of the captain came from the loudspeaker: "Gentlemen and ladies, the plane is about to make an emergency landing. I am as afraid of death as everyone else. My wife and children are also waiting for me to go home. Please rest assured that the ground has been repaired." With various emergency measures, we will succeed, please follow the requirements of the crew! Thank you!"

The stewardess checked every passenger carefully, and after confirming that they were correct, she sent a signal to the captain.

"Everyone hold your head! The tighter the better!" Several stewardesses also fastened their seat belts and curled up tightly on their seats.

Thick fire-retardant foam has been sprayed on the airport, and multiple fire trucks and ambulances are on standby with their lights flashing.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the plane in the sky, praying silently in their hearts.

Captain Gao Yanqing saw that the fuel on the plane was exhausted and the plane had glide to the desired height, with the nose of the plane facing the runway, and resolutely pushed down the * rudder.

The fuselage collided violently with the ground, one wing broke off, and the fuselage tilted and slid forward along the runway, causing dazzling sparks.

There was an exclamation in the cabin, several suitcases were shaken open, and the luggage fell one after another, hurting several passengers and wailing in pain.

Xiao Jian threw himself on Song Yanran's body, protecting her tightly with his body.At this moment, Song Yanran had a decision in her heart, if she survived the catastrophe, she would be Xiao Jian's woman!
The sparks on the runway were annihilated by the foam, and the plane continued to taxi and came to a slow stop.

Three or four fire trucks quickly drove to the vicinity of the fuselage and began to spray water on the plane to cool it down.

The plane's hatch and emergency exit door were opened, and the inflatable slide was ejected.

The stewardess shouted excitedly: "We succeeded, everyone, don't panic, take your time one by one and slide down the slide!"

Xiao Jian helped the stewardess organize the passengers to escape, Song Yanran also wanted to stay, but was caught by Xiao Jian and thrown out from the emergency exit.Song Yanran went down the slide to the ground, and was pulled to a safe place far away.

After more than ten minutes, Xiao Jian also slid down.

"Xiao Jian, I'm here!" Song Yanran saw Xiao Jian slid off the plane, ran up barefoot desperately, and fell into Xiao Jian's arms.

"We are saved!"

"Great, long live the captain!"


People who didn't know each other started hugging each other.

"Brother, this is my player card. I'll take care of watching the game in the future!" The giant stepped forward and gave Xiao Jian an affectionate hug, and stuffed him with a card.

Looking at the lights of the airport, Xiao Jian saw the words on it: Gong Dabin of Baiyin men's basketball team.Depend on!I said why it looked a little familiar, but he was still a star!

A stewardess led the captain Gao Yanqing and a person who looked like an official came over.

"President, captain, thanks to this gentleman's help this time, I have read the information, his name is Xiao Jian." The stewardess pointed to Xiao Jian and said.

"Mr. Xiao Jian, thank you." Gao Yanqing was very excited. He successfully made an emergency landing and saved hundreds of lives. It will be a lifetime honor for him.

"Mr. Xiao Jian, I am the president of Shannan Airlines. In recognition of your contribution, the company has decided to reward you with 100 million yuan, and you will be free to fly on Shannan Airlines planes for life and enjoy VIP-level treatment."

I rely on!Just two words of scolding is worth 100 million, if I had known it, I would have scolded more!

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