"Miss Xiaomei, why don't we go up and eavesdrop, and eat some melon by the way?"

Li Yun encouraged Xiaomei.

Because Ye Chen was talking on the phone with Zhou Qin.

Ye Chen somewhat understood how Li Yun's chatter came about, it must have been influenced by Zhou Qin before.

"Oh, it's so annoying. Longing for the variety show has to be filmed for half a month before it ends. It's too inconvenient not to accept such permanent guests in the future."

Ye Chen chuckled, but didn't say anything.

"Oh, by the way, Chenchen. I heard from Sister Xiaomei that you have a villa in the capital?"

After Zhou Qin finished speaking, she was extremely nervous.

She is a girl after all, the reason why she mentioned the villa was not because she wanted to live with Ye Chen.

As a girl, of course she couldn't bring it up.

Outside Ye Chen's study, the little undercover agent went crazy with joy.

"Sister Xiaomei, sister Zhou Qin took the initiative, she is hinting at Brother Ye Chen, what a red chicken."

Xiaomei covered the overjoyed little assistant with her hand, the two looked at each other and blinked, Xiaomei let go of her tender and smooth hand.

The two chuckled lightly, leaned over to the door again, and listened with ears pricked up.

Ye Chen did not disappoint Zhou Qin, nor did he disappoint the little assistant who was eating melons outside the door.

"Yes, that villa is quite big. I wonder if you would like to move here and live with me."

Ye Chen is an orphan in this world, he actually needs a feeling of home.

Zhou Qin on the other end of the phone is happy.

Rolling around on the bed with the phone.

The restless two beautiful white legs were swinging happily in the air.

Zhou Qin was extremely shy.

She wanted to agree, but she was afraid that Ye Chen would look down on her.

But she really didn't talk about friends.

"Hmm!! Chenchen, do you think I'm too casual?"

Zhou Qin finally asked.

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback.

"Fool, it's too late for me to be happy. Living alone in an empty house doesn't feel like home at all."

Zhou Qin rested her chin with her hands, thinking of Ye Chen's life experience, Zhou Qin's heart ached.

She understands why Ye Chen can write love poems about the day and night.

"Don't worry, the place where you are in the future will be my home."

Outside the study.

The little assistant was so sweet.

Xiaomei has mixed feelings in her heart.

The two of them ate for a while, they didn't want to take the high-speed rail, the phone call between Ye Chen and Zhou Qin might have to continue.

It was already 7 o'clock in the evening when Marven Ye and his team returned to the villa in the capital.

Xiaomei didn't expect Da Mi to come over in person to see Ye Chen's prosperous face, Xiaomei took it for granted.

There was a mischievous smile on his face, and when Ye Chen looked over, Xiaomei's smile disappeared immediately.

"Why, do I have flowers on my face?"

Li Yun, who knew the situation, smiled like a goose goose.

Ye Chen touched his nose, and led by Xiao Mei, walked to the parking lot.

Soon came to several cars of the company.

"Get in the car, Brother Ye Chen." Li Yun opened the door.

As soon as Ye Chen stepped on it, a pleasant voice mixed with excitement sounded:
"Ye Chen, welcome back."

After Da Mi finished speaking, she took off her toad mirror and poked her head out from the back seat.

Xiaomei and Li Yun looked at each other and sighed regretfully.

Why can't Miss Big Mi lose her composure?

It was agreed that she would cover Ye Chen's eyes from behind.

Big Mi thought about it too, but she didn't dare.

She was afraid that after the real teasing, the feeling of not being able to get it would tear her heart apart.

After Ye Chen got into the car, he stared straight at the big mi who was sitting over.

"Why, there are flowers on my face?" Da Mi said coldly.


Xiaomei and Li Yun smiled happily, Ye Chen had just said this.

After listening to Li Yun's explanation, Big Mi smiled and beat Ye Chen a few times.

Ye Chen quickly looked away, and said to the driver in front:
"Today is Friday, go back early to see the effect of "Youth with You 2"."

Big Mi felt lost for a while, she still wanted to cleanse up Ye Chen.

But thinking of Ye Chen's self-disciplined nutritious meals, he felt relieved, and quickly asked the driver to drive towards Ye Chen's villa.

A group of people rushed to Ye Chen's house, checked the time, and guessed that the show hadn't started yet.

"Wow, brother Marven Ye, you are such a local tyrant. This villa is comparable to that in Jiangnan." Li Yun admired.

Big Mi was also shocked, the villa she lived in was not as luxurious as Marven Ye's Villa in all these years of struggle in the capital.

But thinking about transferring 20 billion to her casually, Da Mi took everything for granted.

"Huh, it's still comfortable at home!" Xiaomei and Dami said in unison.

The two chuckled.

The little assistant was at a loss.

Both of them are wearing professional attire, and they are all matched with Hesi.Xiao Mei is the pure black one, while Da Mi is rose and silky.

Looking at the two well-known women from behind, bending over to change shoes, Ye Chen almost whistled.

They are all very big, and they are all good at giving birth.

Ye Chen turned on the TV with the remote control, but the show hadn't started yet.

Xiaomei and Dami looked at each other, sitting on the sofa next to Ye Chen on the left and right.

"Li Yun, hurry up and cook."

Big Mi felt a little embarrassed and diverted her attention by talking.

But she didn't know what to say.

Before the little assistant got up, Xiaomei smiled and said:
"Let me do it, Ye Chen's dinner is my best."

After Xiao Mei left, Da Mi breathed a sigh of relief.

He happily accompanied Ye Chen to watch TV.

Fortunately, "Youth with You 2" has already started, otherwise Da Mi must feel very ambiguous.

"Ye Chen, until now, Qing 2 and Jiangnan Satellite TV have not made a sound. They can't be behind the scenes, right?"

No wonder Da Mi thinks this way, the photos circulated on the Internet are Qing 2's practice room.

Ye Chen sneered:
"It doesn't matter whether they are behind the scenes or not. This matter is more or less related to them, and at least it is at fault for improper management."

"Then what do you mean?"

Ye Chen watched himself singing on TV, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart.

"Get a copy of the contract signed with Jiangnan Satellite TV, and find a lawyer to see if there are any loopholes."

Big Mi nodded, at the moment she was completely attracted by Ye Chen's voice.

【.Sentenced to be lonely for life by love, don't fight back, don't let go】

Da Mi thought of her marriage and suddenly burst into tears.

The little assistant poked Ye Chen's arm with his hand, then pointed at Big Mi.

"Sister Big Mi may think of her marriage, so go and comfort her."

Ye Chen looked at Li Yun angrily.

He took a few tissues and handed them to Da Mi, and patted her shoulder with a sigh.

Unexpectedly, Big Mi hugged Ye Chen, and cried even harder.

"Hey, it's too much, Zhou Qin will be jealous if she knows it."

"Woooo. You hate it. Zhou Qin is my best friend. She won't mind."

"Sister Big Mi, you can just cry, why did you wipe your nose on me?"


Little assistant Li Yun laughed heartlessly.

Ye Chen was a little embarrassed, the smell coming from Da Mi's body faintly made Ye Chen unable to control himself.

Fortunately, his song ended at this time, and it seemed to take away the unhappiness in Da Mi's heart.

She hugged Ye Chen quietly and sniffed a couple of times secretly.

Big Mi's heart exploded.

Good job! !

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