Ye Chen was still a little emotional, but from He Qiong's standpoint, he felt relieved after thinking about it.

He's not a chicken-hearted person either.

Taking advantage of the fact that the live broadcast camera was still not ready, Xiaomei said hello and pulled Ye Chen aside.

"Chenchen, can you stop taking risks, and don't destroy the character set created for you. If the game collapses, everything will be over." Xiaomei persuaded patiently.

Because she knows very well that Ye Chen, a top-notch artist, has few works that are out of the circle, so it is difficult to last.

"Miss Xiaomei, do you think I hang my throat every morning for fun?"

Xiaomei pursed her mouth:
"if not??"

Ye Chen smiled confidently and said:
"I asked the company's vocal teacher before. In fact, my voice is not bad, and the breadth of my vocal range can be regarded as a T1 array among Chinese male singers."

As an agent who has worked in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, Xiaomei certainly understood what Ye Chen meant.

Xiaomei sighed, if Ye Chen could study at the Berkeley Conservatory of Music like Wang Lihong, I am afraid that Ye Chen's musical attainments would not be much worse.

Speaking of which, Ye Chen's real voice has a wide range, but he can't control whistle and falsetto at all.

To put it simply, in terms of vocal range, Ye Chen can be regarded as a piece of uncut jade.

Xiaomei patted Ye Chen's shoulder and said softly:

"Don't worry, I've been in the circle for so long, I will definitely help you find a few tailor-made high-quality songs."

Ye Chen shrugged indifferently, the contract with Tianyu Media is not over, and now he releases songs, he can only benefit Tianyu Media.

However, like the live live version, it is generally not within the contract limit.

The female choreographer in charge of Ye Chen came out after the meeting, looking very energetic.

Everything was as she had guessed, the close-up shot of Ye Chen sucking scorpion poison taken by the cameraman of the team, I heard that the live broadcast platform exploded.

Xiaomei watched her gesture, patted Ye Chen's arm, and left.

Since the company deprived Ye Chen's team, although the number of announcements has been greatly reduced, Xiaomei has been very busy.

On Ye Chen's side, after the female choreographer played the board, he and the three guests officially appeared on the live broadcast.

"Chenchen, why aren't you worried about Zhou Qin's situation at all?"

At the prompt of the on-site director, Huang Lei deliberately brought the topic back to Ye Chen and Zhou Qin.

"Don't worry, the scorpions on the island are not very poisonous. Coupled with timely treatment, there should be no problem."

Then Ye Chen smiled confidently and said:
"If I guess correctly, Zhou Qin and Mr. He should be back soon."

Huang Lei slammed Zhang Yixing down with his foot, but Zhang Yixing's expression was a bit dull.

Sighing heavily, this baby is hopelessly hopeless.

"Ye Sang, can you leave a contact information? If you come to play in the foot basin, you must contact Coriander."

Hanazawa Coriander's tone was very sincere.

It's also natural.

"Well, the phone is with my manager, just ask her for it later."

Huaze Coriander is a very careful woman, even if she is a celebrity artist.

Perhaps all women in the East are like this.

"Ye Sang, Coriander noticed the muscle on your arm, and it twitched from time to time. You must be tired from climbing the tree just now. Let Coriander help you squeeze your shoulders."

Huaze Coriander's tone is very doting.

At the same time, it reveals a strong expectation.

Ye Chen didn't care, taking advantage of the Oriental women, no man in Daxia would feel guilty.

Huaze Coriander put Ye Chen's head in a place where she had enough money as if nothing had happened.

The soft touch made Ye Chen feel that the Dongyang girls are pretty good.

Really generous, able to deal with! !
I really didn't expect that coriander, which is less than 1.6 meters tall, has a very sophisticated technique.

This is the live broadcast room.

The audience, which was about to reach 2000 million, was directly cut in half.

The impact of the sudden suspension of the broadcast is really a bit big.

However, the remaining tens of millions of viewers can be regarded as Ye Chen's diehard fans.

"It's not in vain that I'm a fan of Ye Chen, he won glory for the big Xia man."

"Climb upstairs, no one is allowed to snatch my Chenchen away."

"That's right, it's amazing to allow my family, Chenchen, to form a CP with Miss Zhou Qin. It's too sweet and sweet for the two of them to be together."

Huaze Coriander pinched Ye Chen's shoulders and arms, which naturally aroused heated discussions in the live broadcast room.

But at this time, Teacher He and Zhou Qin had already returned from the hospital.

Zhou Qin, who was helped out of the car by the female assistant, quickly collapsed.

"Ye Chen, come and help me!"

Zhou Qin's voice has never been so alluring.

The few people who originally wanted to go forward were all stunned in place.

It was He Qiong who was seasoned, and his hearty laughter broke the situation:
"Tsk tsk, Ye Chen is amazing. The doctor said that your treatment is too good, and you don't need them to deal with it at all."

After seeing Mr. He finished speaking, Zhou Qin grabbed his arm and said:

"Mr. He, I want to sit next to Ye Chen."

He Qiong was a little speechless.

He doubted that if Ye Chen were a resident guest, the team he yearned for would not need to eat at all.

Dog food is enough to keep them full!
"Okay, let Zhou Qin sit there, who made her a sick person. Take your seats quickly, come over and help the master serve the dishes." Huang Lei tried to smooth things over.

"Good master!"

Zhang Yixing hurriedly went to the kitchen.

If he stayed at the dining table outside again, He Qiong felt that he would die of embarrassment.

"I'm going to help too!!"

Just as Ye Chen got up, Teacher He Qiong pressed his shoulders.

"Let Coriander come over to help, this sick patient's mouth has turned up, and he needs someone to coax him."

He Qiong's teasing voice made Zhou Qin grunt:

"Teacher He, how can it be as you said!"

He Qiong smiled, and also entered the kitchen to help bring out the dishes from the steamer.

It doesn't matter to Ye Chen, after all, he also did work today, and it's normal to touch fish.

It's just that Zhou Qin grabbed Ye Chen's arm and bit it hard.

"Bad guy, why did you hook up with a girl from Toyo without even an hour?"

Before Ye Chen could answer, Coriander who came out with the dishes showed a sweet smile and said:

"Ye Sang, I really like Daxia's food, it smells delicious."

Zhou Qin gritted her fine teeth as she looked at the bitch green tea.

Oriental women are too ignorant.

After everything was ready, He Qiong picked up the drink:
"It's still the same old tune, welcome Coriander and Ye Chen to Mushroom House as guests. Cheers!!"

"Desert organic milk TLX, invites you to share the joyous moment."

After reading the advertisement, Huang Lei said with a smile:
"Zhou Qin, you suffered a lot today, eat more food to make up for it!"

"Ha ha."

The teasing sounds of He Qiong, Zhang Yixing, and Huang Lei made Zhou Qin punch Ye Chen's arm with a pink fist.

Teacher Huang Lei's cooking skills are beyond words, the taste is really good.

Especially a few seafood, the taste is too delicious.

"Mr. Huang, you are really harmful. I will definitely owe you death when I leave tomorrow." Marven Ye praised.

Zhang Yixing next to him let out a silly "haha" laugh.

Everyone was talking and laughing, eating very happily.

At this time the phone in the house rang.


He Qiong said while eating:

"Ye Chen, according to the rules, you have to answer this call. But take it easy, you know some difficult dishes."

Ye Chen slapped Zhou Qin's left hand off his thigh, and this girl became more and more courageous.

"Hello, this is Mushroom House!" Ye Chen said while pinching his nose.

"Hi, I'm tomorrow's guest, I want to order."

Ye Chen was very familiar with the voice on the phone.

This dog thing, no matter how it looks like psoriasis, I can't get rid of it no matter what.


Ye Chen directly hung up the phone, unplugged the phone line, and returned to the dining table as if nothing had happened.

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