The maelstrom is spreading!

Countless runes flashed!

A breath of law pervades the air!
The terrible attraction is constantly increasing! !

Pangu has turned into the most terrifying black hole!

Thousands of miles around!


Hundreds of millions of miles!
All energy in the endless area is absorbed!
The law of all things is being stripped away!

Pangu is getting stronger!
The other gods and demons are weakening! !

Constantly weakening!
This feeling of power disappearing is like someone cutting flesh with a slow knife!

Painful and difficult!

at last.

Another demon strikes.

Gravity Master waved!

A pale yellow light appeared at Pangu's feet.

Infinite Gravity Boost!

The pressure between the sky and the earth seems to have increased billions of times!

Pan Gu's straight body also bent a bit.

A streak of red blood appeared on Pan Gu's body!

Pangu's pressure to support the world has become even greater!

Take this opportunity.

The Demon God of Fire took the opportunity to make a move!

Reddish flames floated out.

Initially it was only the size of an egg.


After leaving the Demon God of Fire, he zoomed in rapidly.

ten feet!

Hundred feet!

Wait until it is close to Pangu!
The huge fireball seemed to be like a sun!
high temperature!


Everything burned!

The Demon God of Wind embraced him with both hands!
A tornado that pierces the sky with nine paths appears!


Then the tornado merges!

Cohesion! !

Formed a wind spear!
Endless law runes are circulating on the wind spear!
Just exist!
It has already broken the space!

The world is collapsing!

The Demon God of Wind didn't hesitate either! !

Be direct.

The wind spear pierced through the air!

With a violent roar!

First come first!
Before the big day flew to Pangu's body.

The Windspear has arrived!
The wind spear collided with the imprint of the endless avenue.

Terrible roar resounded in all directions!
A shield composed of the Dao of Pangu's power.

It's like being thrown a huge stone on the water!

A huge depression appeared!


Countless vortexes appeared!
Just at this time.

The great day has come!

Infinite light!
Hentai hot!

There are endless explosions!
The huge flame covered everything.

"How about it?",

"Is Pangu okay?!",

Outside the studio.

Dragon country.

Someone is asking.

The movement of this battle was too great, and it attracted the attention of many people.


"I don't understand, why didn't Lin Shen come out and stop it?"

"Could it be that God Lin really wants to see the gods and demons created with great difficulty just fall?"

"Only Pangu is left?"

Someone is puzzled.



"That's it!"


"Put your dog's brains out!"

"I just don't know, when the three thousand gods and demons in the prehistoric world of your Dragon Kingdom are dead, can the potential of the world still be called the highest?"

Some Tianzhu people laughed all over their faces.

What is the use of being strong in the prehistoric world of your Dragon Kingdom now?

The rules of the world are not perfect!
Gods and demons kill each other!

In the end, what else?
What else has a world of supreme potential?
That's it?

The Tianzhu people looked disdainful.

Just a pity.

Their Chosen ones died in battle!

It should be a little later to challenge the Chosen One of the Dragon Kingdom!

In endless white light.

Pangu's body was exposed.

The imprint of the avenue is floating.

Countless runes circulated.


different from the previous state.

The runes in front of Pan Gu had already lost one third.

It seems that the avenue of power is going to be derived from one world after another!


It also lost some of the long-lasting charm of the avenue.

Pan Gu's process of perfecting the Dao of Power was interrupted a bit!
The wind spear that seemed to annihilate everything was directly distorted by runes one after another.

At this moment, the big sun that covered the sky directly turned into a small fireball.

Sealed by the seal of the endless avenue, floating beside Pangu.

There is wind rolling!

The spear and fireball flew directly into Pangu's mouth!

It was directly swallowed by Pangu!

There is a silver light flashing!
Light up!
The gods and demons have fallen!

Another few balls of laws fell directly into Pangu's mouth!
The Dao of Power is getting brighter and brighter!

"Oh my God!"

"With just one blow, two powerful demon gods were instantly killed?"

Outside the studio.

The people of Youlong Kingdom were stunned.

"Can anyone tell me how strong Pangu is?"

"How many Shivas can he compare to in strength?!"

Someone directly released the video of Pan Gu killing the Demon God of Fire and the Demon God of Wind with one blow, and typed the above title at the same time.

This video went viral all over the internet!

"I am the Emperor of Reason!"

"Analysis post, I hope everyone will like it!"

"Lin Shen's prehistoric world is very strong, there is no doubt about it!!"

"And the strongest one should be Pangu, there is no doubt about it!"

"But how strong is Pangu?"

"Here, we need a comparison - Shiva!"

"In the confrontation mode, Luo Hu from the forest god prehistoric world easily slapped the Quartet and killed Brahma!"

"It can be roughly converted. Assuming that the strength of other gods and demons is the same as that of Brahma, then the strength of one Rahu is equal to eight Brahmas!"

"Of course, it's obvious that Luo Hu has a lot of spare power!"

"Here, we set Rahu's strength as ten Brahmas!"

"As for Pangu in the prehistoric world, his strength is more than ten Rahu?"

"In other words, Pangu's strength is at least one hundred Brahmas!!"

The rational emperor typed hundreds of words eloquently!

Immediately, the netizens were astonished as heaven!


"God, please accept my knee!"

"It turns out that Pan Gu's strength is at least one hundred Brahmas?!"

Countless netizens are swiping their screens.

The Tianzhu people are confused!

What the fuck? ! !

what happened?
When did Brahma, our creation god and demon, become a unit of measurement? !

The Tianzhu people were angry.

"You Long Kingdom people, don't go too far!"

"Huluo was bullied by dogs!"

"Wait until our Great Tianzhu rises, you Dragon Council will regret it!!"


The voices of Tianzhu people are very loud, but no one pays attention to him.


This unit of measurement spread directly to the world.


"You say, how many Brahmas are there in the strength of our God?"

The Germans are asking.

"One or one and a half?"

"Anyway, I think we should have the strength of two Brahmas!"

Someone from the White Bear Country said.

Heard discussions all over the world.

The Tianzhu people want to vent their anger!


But can't find it!

You can only become a keyboard warrior and start a battle with the people of the Dragon Kingdom!
at this time.

Another announcement sounded.

attracted the attention of the world.

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