Entertainment: At the beginning, the queen was pulled into the Civil Affairs Bureau

Chapter 33 Who Said That Those Who Stand in the Light Are Heroes

It has to be said that some people are purely moral kidnapping.

But some celebrities do belong to the type that deserves scolding.

Even if you don't donate money, as long as you don't show up, it's wrong to post those things that are out of date on the public platform at this time.

Lin Lingqi didn't bother to answer at all, he knew in his heart whether he donated or not.

Lin Lingqi is busy with one thing now, he wants to sing a song for those heroes.

That song is called The Lonely Brave, God's Work from Earth.

The song has been recorded, but he did not release it directly on the music platform.

In front of the computer, Lin Lingqi was editing a video, which was all about firefighters' emergency rescue and disaster relief.

Seeing that neither Lin Lingqi nor Su Yingxue responded, some sunspots cursed on Weibo and other platforms.

It is impossible to respond, Lin Lingqi will not look at those things at all.

When Lin Lingqi uploaded the video to Douyin, it immediately caused a sensation.

The first thing I saw was Lin Lingqi's fans, and then Douyin also started recommending it.

Title: Dedicated to our most beloved person, who said that those who stand in the light are heroes? #孤雄者#火火战士#反行者#无名英雄# The cutest person.

For a while, many of those who saw the video cried.

This video is too hot.

A low and passionate prelude sounded.

"Both are brave.

The wound on your forehead, your, different, your mistake..."

As the music sounded, the tall and straight figures of firefighters and soldiers appeared in the picture.

A picture of fire fighters walking retrograde towards the sea of ​​red flames.

Then there are scenes of various rescue and disaster relief by fire fighters.

Wherever there is danger, there is their orange figure.

They move forward in the mud, they guard in the wind and rain, they sleep on the ground, and they soak noodles in cold water.

Trembling and shaking, they built a dam in the flood.

They build bridges of life with responsibilities and commitments.

They jumped at the people who jumped from the building regardless of their own danger in the sky.

They are fighting on the front line and doing their best to protect the safety of people's lives and property.

They rescue people in the fire, they fight floods and rescue, they fight earthquakes and provide disaster relief, and they rescue from high altitudes.

Gradually, various dangerous and dangerous scenes appeared one after another.

The music also gradually became louder.

"I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, and the way you don't kneel.

I love you, persist in despair, and refuse to cry.

I love your tattered clothes, but dare to block the gun of fate.

Love that you are so like me, with the same notches.

go?Does it match?This ragged cloak.

fight?fight!With the humblest dreams.

To the whimpering and roaring in the dark night.

Who said that those who stand in the light are heroes..."

A firefighter rushed out of the sea of ​​flames with his bare hands holding a flame-breathing gas tank.

A firefighter fell from a height but still used his body as a pad for a child.

Several firefighters were blown away by the explosion in the fire scene.

Several firefighters were engulfed in the flames and burned to death.

Those pictures made me cry.

They were young, but they sacrificed honorably for the people.

There is no such thing as a quiet time, it's just that someone is moving forward with a heavy load.

The video is already deeply touching, coupled with the song of the Lonely Brave, those who hear it are sad and those who see it cry.

Until the end of the video, the music still echoes in the minds of those who watch the video, and the images emerge.

Who says a man covered in mud isn't a hero?
Who said that playing ordinary games is not a hero?
Who said that those who stand in the light are heroes?
They are heroes, and firefighters are our heroes.

Although they did not stand in the light, they silently walked forward with the weight of the lights of Wanjia.

The song and the video fit together perfectly. The video is full of Flame Blue's original intention and mission, and it is full of the persistence and perseverance of the firefighter who is a retrograde.

Behind the lights of thousands of families, they took the lead bravely.

They forge ahead and use their actions to compose their own hymn.

This video is also very touching.

This song is too good to listen to.

Overburned, blew up.

This song sings everyone's courage to face difficulties and face life.

Stepping into adversity and nirvana, shining in the dark.

Break the shackles of fate, face difficulties and go straight up.

Persist in what others cannot, and take the journey of your own choice.

With love and light in your heart, not afraid of loneliness and hurt, be your best self, and rekindle hope after despair.

Whether we are in a dark alley or flying against the wind, we must fight hard, fight for ourselves, and fight for our dreams.

We may have hesitated and despaired, but we still believe and work hard.

Because we are lonely and brave, and we are also light chasers, and we are still the brightest star in the night sky.

Because we are fearless, we have a bright future.

"Who said a man covered in mud is not a hero?"

"Who says those who play ordinary games are not heroes?"

"Who said that those who stand in the light are heroes?"

The comments are neat and tidy, all of which are these few sentences.

At this moment, they temporarily ignored Lin Lingqi's talent.

At this moment, they only know that the firefighters are the eternal heroes in their hearts.

Not just fire fighters, there are many, many unsung heroes.

For example, people's soldiers, such as anti-drug police, such as white night angels, such as sanitation workers who clean the streets every day before dawn.

They may be covered in mud, they may stand in the dark, but they are all heroes.

Many people couldn't calm down for a long time. They thought of the fire fighters and volunteers who died yesterday.

Many people played that video over and over again, even if they were already in tears, they still continued.

In just one day, Lin Lingqi's video directly exceeded [-] million likes and tens of millions of comments.

Longguo Daily named and praised.

Longguo Satellite TV named and praised.

All major official media have named and praised.

After watching that video, none of them were stingy with their desire to like it.

This is definitely a miracle, unprecedented, unprecedented.

Lin Lingqi's video immediately became popular all over the Internet, and the number of fans also increased crazily, from more than 100 million to 2000 million in one day.

Naturally, the song The Lonely Brave also became popular.

It wasn't until everyone calmed down that anyone started discussing the song.

Many people started a single cycle. They listened to the song of The Lonely Brave over and over again, and their eyes were still moist.

The song The Lonely Brave is also very well written.

The melody has ups and downs, melodious and melodious.

The positive energy of the lyrics expresses the indomitable will and the spirit of going forward.

This song is passionate and powerful, sad and tear-jerking and beautiful.

Lin Lingqi is definitely a musical genius.

However, sunspots also appeared.

They're still the problem.

You sing and make videos, and you have gained a lot of traffic.

The question is, have you donated?
You are the only one who is popular, can you participate in one if you make a donation?
This is the case with Heizi, they may be repeating the song of the Lonely Brave while playing a single.

But at the same time, they are grabbing your black spots and blackmailing you to their heart's content.

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