Little girl is kneeling!My live broadcast fortune-telling is accurate

Chapter 92 Inaction!dereliction of duty!Post-mortem

The man with the knife held up the kitchen knife and was about to chop off Xiaoyu's head!

Other parents and children retreated in panic, screaming again and again.

The eyes of the children were covered with the palms of their parents.

The two old men in the security room panicked. They wanted to take out the anti-riot forks and rush out to save people, but in the end they turned back, closed the iron door of the security room, and locked it!
In order to protect myself...

They were shivering in the security room.

The murderer was too close to them.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi immediately called out the mahogany sword:
"go with!"

Under the control of his imperial swordsmanship, the mahogany sword swished to the murderer and pierced the latter's palm holding the knife.

The kitchen knife clanged to the ground!

The assailant wanted to bend down to pick up the kitchen knife.

Lin Yi once again controlled the sword!
The mahogany sword turned back and pierced through the murderer's left palm with a swoosh!Bring countless blood flowers.


The murderer screamed.

To be on the safe side, Lin Yi used Yujian for the third time, "Sword Clone!"

The mahogany sword is divided into two swords, fly away!
It precisely penetrated both knees of the murderer.

In this way, the murderer completely lost his ability to move and could no longer commit crimes!

The parents swarmed up and held down the murderer tightly.

Those who make calls make calls, those who kidnap people kidnap people.

At this time, Lin Yi saw the two security guards in the security room, and saw that the murderer was completely controlled, so he grabbed the anti-riot fork and rushed out pretendingly!

"Are you a qualified security guard?"

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes and questioned the two security guards.

Hearing this, the parents turned their heads and glared at the two security guards:
"You are really punished. With the salary of the security guard, you just watched this man commit murder! You can't come out to save people!"

"Wait until you subdue the murderer before you come out, pretending!"

"We want to see your principal!"

"How did you become a security guard!"

"Security security is to keep one party safe. This is your job! You are paid, but you don't do anything! If it weren't for Master Lin, how many of our children would suffer!"

Someone recognized Lin Yi.

The two security guards quibbled, "You parents are also here, why don't you save people!"

"Us? Hehe! We're not security guards, we haven't gone through anti-riot training! We're not mentally prepared, and we don't have the ability!"

"You are the security guards. Have you ever received anti-riot training?"

"If you have received anti-riot training, then your inaction just now is dereliction of duty!"

"If you have not received anti-riot training, it is your school or security company's responsibility!"

"Let your principal come out! Let the person in charge of your security company come out!"

The parents surrounded the two security guards.

They pursed their lips, knowing that they had neglected their duty.

I didn't take it seriously during the anti-riot training before, just pretending!I think that when they were engaged in security, this kind of thing would not happen today.

Now dead, still a child, things are going up!They dare not admit that they are dereliction of duty because of fear, and they are still quibbling:

"We were busy in the security room just now, I really didn't see it! If we saw it, we would definitely come out to save people."

"Yes, we really didn't see it just now. Let's focus on dealing with the murderer first!"

"The murderer is tied up, and we have also called the police. You don't need to deal with it. Now you will be held accountable for your inaction!"

Parents pulled two security guards.

"Be quiet."

Lin Yi had already opened the live broadcast room.

Tell the parents to be quiet.

The parents saw that it was Master Lin.

Then everything quieted down.

Lin Yi seriously injured the murderer and saved countless children.

They were very grateful and willing to listen to him.

Lin Yi walked up to the two security guards, stared into their eyes and asked:

"You said you didn't see it just now?"


The two security guards said in unison.

Even without blushing and heartbeat, he pretended to be righteous.

"Do you really think you can escape responsibility by lying?"

Lin Yi pointed to the camera on the left side of the school gate.

"The camera captured your every move in the security room, are you sure you still want to argue?"

"We are not quibbling! If you don't believe me, you can check the surveillance."

"The two of us really don't want to excuse ourselves from responsibility!"

The two security guards looked at each other with a tacit understanding, thinking that the camera was broken.

Take a gamble!
"Okay, then wait."

Lin Yi called Zhou Dahai, director of the Ninghai Municipal Inspection Bureau.

Let him bring the inspection of the most powerful network information technology department in their inspection bureau.

Zhou Dahai said yes!
Two 10 minutes later.

Zhou Dahai brought a large group of people here.

Dealing with the scene of the deal with the scene.

Recovery data for camera data recovery.

Ten minutes later, a prosecutor from the Network Information Technology Division shouted:
"found it!"

"The video is complete!"

"Now let's switch to today's murder time."

Lin Yi and others, as well as a group of parents, surrounded the security room.

The three LCD screens in the security room were also repaired.

The two security guards still had a glimmer of hope, but their eyes began to evade.

On the screen, the displayed time is 17:02.

At this time, Tao Le Kindergarten was still out of school.

The murderers who retaliate against society indiscriminately hang around in front of the school gate with kitchen knives in hand.

The camera captured the two security guards in the security room seeing the knife-wielding assailant wandering in front of the school gate. After discussing with each other, they each played with their mobile phones.

It's because of the closed school gate that I don't care about it!
In other words, I was afraid and dared not leave the school gate to chase people away.

The most irritating thing is that in the next 10 minutes, they didn't even report to check and catch the murderer.

I must be thinking, maybe the murderer will leave on his own after a while!
Then, kindergarten is over.

The tragedy happened!

"This surveillance video is evidence!"

The parents were so angry that they pointed at the noses of the two security guards and cursed!
"You two bitches!"

"What else to say!"

"Call your principal out!"

"Also, call out the person in charge of your security company!"

"It's not over!"

The two security guards knew there was trouble.

One of them had no choice but to call the principal of the kindergarten:

"Where are you, good son-in-law? Come to the school, something happened, and my friend and I can't solve it."

"I'll be right there, there's nothing I can't fix!"

The kindergarten principal over there has a big tone.

The two security guards, one is his father-in-law and the other is a friend of his father-in-law. Both are nearly 60 years old, one is 55 years old and the other is 56 years old.

All of them were arranged by the principal Xu Haodian to work here.

The typical fertile water does not flow to outsiders' fields...

After seeing the surveillance video, the water friends in Lin Yi's live broadcast room cursed:
[I'm so mad, the security guards are useless?Zhuo! 】

[Poor little sister, she died under the knife, how old is she, she just left... Her parents must have cried to death! 】

[We must investigate thoroughly, severely punish these two security guards, and hold the kindergarten principal accountable! 】

[The murderer who killed people indiscriminately must not be let go!How ruthless, the kindergarten children will not let go...]

[People who retaliate against the society are really scary... All schools should take precautions! 】

When Xu Haodian arrived, seeing the blood on the scene, the inspection vehicle with flashing lights, and countless inspectors, his legs immediately went limp!

Almost fell to the ground.

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