The sun is rising.

Lin Yi walked on the street leading to the school gate.

The system's beautiful prompt sounded:


He immediately felt refreshed, and took a cold shower like a hot day.

"It was detected that Hai Zhicai, who colluded with foreign spies and caused disasters to the country and the people, was arrested and imprisoned. The host made a good deed and was rewarded with 40 points of merit!"

"Good guy, this is the highest reward right now!"

Lin Yi was stunned, and his heart was ecstatic.

"The system automatically uses the 4000-fold card, the merit value is doubled, and the host finally gains [-] million merit points!"

Oh open!

Adding the previous ones, that's 1 million merit points!

The condition for system upgrade to 5 stars has been met!
While Lin Yi was upgrading the system, the system beeped again!


"It was detected that Hallelujah, a spy from the beautiful country, was arrested and imprisoned. If the host does a good deed, the reward will be worth 100 million points of merit!"

Good guy, good guy!Good guy!

Lin Yi was overly surprised.

"The system automatically uses the 1-fold card, the merit value is doubled by [-] times, and the host finally obtains [-] million merit points!"

"Thank you system, thank you very much."

Lin Yi said in his heart with a smile on his face.

"You're welcome, this is what the host deserves!"


When Lin Yi walked into the school gate, as before, all the teachers and students, including the principal, followed Lin Yi's eyes.

The eyes of these people are full of admiration and worship...

"Master Lin, good morning."

"Morning, Master Lin."

"Master Lin was amazing last night. He even found out the traitor Hai Zhicai through live broadcast fortune telling! He and the overseas spy Harulia! Master Lin yyds!"

"How did you know?"

"On the scarf, almost inside, it's all about the headlines about last night's live fortune-telling!"


Because of the long live broadcast, Lin Yi got used to the feeling of being surrounded by the public.

Walk openly.

As soon as he passed the school gate, a girl passed by, pretended to fall, and after making an oops, she fell into Lin Yi's arms precisely.

Lin Yi reflexively supported her.

Looking down, it was Ning Lizi, the school belle of the second year of high school.

"It's you."

Lin Yi let go.

Ning Lizi fell to the ground in a second.

Lin Yi didn't look sideways, and walked forward on his own, thinking:
"I want to move my heart, so I can fall in love, right? No way. What's so good about falling in love? It's great to be alone."

This scene was seen by everyone.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, as if being stabbed by a big cucumber:

Time and space seemed to stand still for a few seconds.

In the next second, Ning Lizi's deskmate rubbed his eyes: "No way, no way, there are still people who refuse the school girl Ning Lizi to throw herself into her arms!"

Like Ning Lizi's high school sophomore, Yang Chunning envies and hates her.

He frowned, heartbroken.

"I've been chasing Lizi for two years, and she refused all of those who bought breakfast and delivered milk tea. I couldn't even touch her hand..."

"Unexpectedly, Senior Lin Yi got the chance to have a skin-to-skin date with her!"

There are too many boys who think like him.

But most of them are very self-aware.

Now and in the future, he will not seek humiliation in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi is the famous Master Lin in Xia Kingdom, a fortune teller!
Moreover, whether it is height, facial features, or hairstyle, they all grow in the aesthetic point of all girls in No. [-] Middle School.

Otherwise, how could he be rated as the school grass, and ranked first in many unofficial lists?


Chang An Ning looked at everyone's reaction and smiled, he became much calmer.

"Don't be 6, my Xiaoyi doesn't like women."

As soon as he said this, many gossiping girls surrounded him, chirping.

"Is that really the case, Senior Chang Anning?"

"Senior Chang Anning, you are Colonel Lin's deskmate! Can you persuade him to return to a normal orientation, I...we all like him!"

"I will do my best!" Chang An Ning agreed with a big wave of his hand, his face full of pride.

Chu Mengling was grinning, and ran all the way, following Lin Yi, just like a follower.

The school belle Wu Xiaoli, who had a bad omen before, froze in place and let out a breath.

"Fortunately, Ning Lizi rushed to do this before me. I am the one who dare not die. Lin Yi, do you really not like girls?"

"Don't you know, boy paper and boy paper can't have children..."

Ning Lizi stood up aggrievedly, cursing at Lin Yi's back:

"Dead straight man!"

"Straight man of steel!"

"I hate you!"


At the end of the scolding, he was still wicked.

"Can't you give me a chance, Senior Lin Yi?"

"I like you so can't be so's too cruel."

Ning Lizi patted the school uniform.

With a look of disappointment, they walked towards their teaching building for the second year of high school.

Tears swirl in its big eyes like spring water.

It didn't take long for Lin Yi to let go of his ruthlessness, which was widely known in the t-bar and forum of Ninghai No. [-] Middle School.

Countless boys who liked Ning Lizi gritted their teeth, wishing they could kill Lin Yi, drink his blood, tear his tendons, tear his bones apart!

In the classroom, Lin Yi spent 1 million merit points to upgrade the system!
[The system is being upgraded! 】

[1%, 2%, 10%... 99%! 】

"Fuck, you won't be stuck here again, will you?"

Lin Yi's heart tightened.

However, to his surprise, the system upgrade was successful in the next second!

[System upgrade successful! 】

[The host no longer needs to read the text for fortune-telling in the future, but directly uses the movie screen to watch the past, present and future events of the fortune-telling target in an instant. 】

Lin Yi shouted happily.

He doesn't like to study, and he doesn't like reading books very much, and he will have some headaches.

It's different now!

[The mall has been upgraded with the system, unlocking supernatural powers: golden light body, yin and yang eyes...]

"It's all good stuff."

Lin Yi explored the system mall in his mind.

"Supernatural Golden Light Body: Once purchased and used, it will be permanently bound to the host."

"From then on, the host can use the golden light body anytime and anywhere!"

"When the Golden Light Curse appears in a critical moment, no one, no weapon, no demon, ghost, or monster can harm the host in any way except for the thunder calamity that counteracts the heavenly dao!"

"Exchange needs: 2000 million merit points."

"Purchase needs: 20 billion Xia Yuan."

Without hesitation, Lin Yi exchanged for a golden body of course!

His current lifespan is 121 years old, which is a bit longer, but if he doesn't protect his life well, it is possible that he will be killed by something one day.

With a sound of "咻", the golden body was thrown from the system mall into the system space.

This is a body exuding dazzling golden light, constantly turning around in the system space.

Lin Yi followed the method prompted by the system with a thought.

He then fused the extracted golden light body with his own body to a high degree.

In the future, as long as he moves his mind, he can instantly use the golden body to defend against all attacks on him and save his life.

Supernatural powers are supernatural powers, no need to draw amulets, no need to chant mantras, anytime, anywhere, the consciousness will be activated instantly!

"I still have 8523.1 million merit points. Let's see if I can exchange one for Yin Yang Eye."

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