[Fuck me, what a scumbag man is to attack such a young girl! 】

[I must have met a scumbag! 】

[Little sister must have been a good person before, but she was taken away by a scumbag. 】

Lin Yi's words shocked the water friends.

Also very angry!
Yang Zhenzhen was silent for a long time.

For her, this scene was simply the scene of a large-scale social death!

She really didn't expect that Lin Yi is so awesome, this can be calculated.

It turned out that the posts she saw attacking Lin Yi on the Internet were all wrong!
Why is there a script, there is no script at all.

How embarrassing it was for her now!
It's over, Barbie Q.

What can I do, I can only firmly deny it!
"Hehe!" Yang Zhenzhen sneered.

Pretending to be disdainful, he said to Lin Yi, "Hehe, you are an ugly sensationalist!"

"Calling that I'm not a chick is just for hype!"

"Whether I am a chick or not, I know better than you!"

"Could it be that you took it away? Otherwise, how would you know!"


This little sister is very powerful.

To be honest, Lin Yi doesn't like this kind of girl very much.

A little unhappy, he continued: "How do I know, of course I calculated it, little sister."

"Listen to me about your past and your current situation, and see if it's right."

"You were born with a big red birthmark on your chest, from the neck down to your knees. It's so big it covers almost all the skin in front of you."

Yang Zhenzhen remembered the ridicule and bullying he received when he was a child, and his eyes were red.

"Not only that, but your two hands have three extra fingers!"

"Because of these two points, your biological parents thought you were a bad omen, so they abandoned you and threw you in the mountains."

"If it wasn't for a disabled couple who found and adopted you, you would have froze to death that winter."

"Am i right?"

Lin Yi asked Yang Zhenzhen.

Yang Zhenzhen didn't speak.

What Lin Yi said was not wrong at all.

In front of her body, there was indeed a large red birthmark, as red as blood!

The hands did grow a total of six more fingers than normal.

When she grew up, she heard the gossip of the people in the village,

Said she was a bad omen.

Abandoned in the mountains by his biological parents.

The one who was carried back from the mountains by Zhu Weishan and his wife was saved from freezing to death and being fed to wild wolves.

[What a poor little sister. 】

[What cruel parents, they should be investigated carefully, arrested and shot! 】

[Tiger poison does not eat its children, they are so cruel, throwing children into the mountains, are they going to feed tigers and wolves? 】

Water friends sympathized with Yang Zhenzhen.

I think her life is too bad!

After being silent for a long time, Yang Zhenzhen raised his head, his eyes were red, and two lines of tears flowed down.

Said to Lin Yi, "Master, I was wrong..."

"I shouldn't question you, I shouldn't plan to expose you, I shouldn't threaten to beat you until you can't get out of bed."

"It's okay, I don't take it seriously at all."

"Then, Master Lin, help me figure out, how about my future?"

"Yes. However, I have a request."

"Master, please speak."

"You confess the one who took you away... that is, the one who hurt you and led you on the wrong path."

"Speak his name and home address to the screen. I will help you figure out the future of you and your adoptive parents, and help you change your destiny."

"Ah... I'm afraid he will bring someone to hurt my parents."

"Don't be afraid, there are inspections from Ganshui Province in this live broadcast room. As soon as you mention his name and home address, the inspections will catch him soon. He will never have a chance to hurt your parents, trust me , Trust the inspectors in Ganshui Province."

[Ganshui Provincial Inspection Department: We are here! 】

[Ganshui Provincial Inspection Department: With us to keep your family safe, scumbags have no chance! 】

When Ganshui Province's inspections were filled with bullet screens, the water friends took the initiative to give way.

On the entire screen, there were only these two sentences repeatedly brushed up by the Ganshui Provincial Inspection Department.

Yang Zhenzhen saw it, and said with confidence: "Jin Lihao, he is the owner of Feitian Bar, and he lives at No. 18, Hengshui Third Street, Longdu City, Ganshui Province."

"At that time he lied to me, and I lost my virginity."

"Hateful, what a judge! Ganshui inspectors, it's up to you."

[Ganshui Provincial Inspection Department: Don't worry, leave it to us, he can't escape the scum! 】

"I wish you success in your actions, and release the results as soon as possible, so that everyone can take a good look at what he looks like! Greetings to the eighteen generations of his family's ancestors."

Lin Yi said.

[Damn scum, it's time to kill his whole family! 】

[I was so angry that my mouth was crooked! 】

[Poor little sisters, you should be more careful.There is a lot of bad money in society!Met by accident! 】

Seeing the water friends scold the scumbag Jin Lihao so severely, instead of saying bad things about her Yang Zhenzhen.

And he kept comforting her, reminding her to be more careful in society, and not follow the ways of bad guys.

Yang Zhenzhen's sense of social death just now has faded a lot.

It's all her own fault, she insisted on angering Master Lin and let him figure out her miserable past.

After sitting up straight, Yang Zhenzhen said to Lin Yi, "Master Lin, can you help me figure out my future?"


Lin Yi nodded slightly, "Because your living conditions were too poor since you were a child, and you wore dirty clothes, you were always called dirty by your classmates and bullied by them."

"So you gradually developed a strong desire for material life."

"From time to time, you ask your adoptive parents for money, lying to them that it is food expenses, but in fact you use it to buy beautiful clothes and shoes, and you often go hungry in the elementary school in the town."

"Your desire keeps expanding, and you have a bad mentality of vanity and comparison. Just like those women in the society, you fell in love with glamorous big foreign brands."

"If you don't have enough food expenses, you hide it from your adoptive parents and teachers and work as child labor outside the school to make money."

"After earning a little money, you feel that going to school is useless, and you simply plan to drop out of school."

"No matter what the teacher and your adoptive parents persuade you, you won't listen, and you will go your own way."

"Now that you have seen all kinds of cruelty in society, you regret it a little."

Yang Zhenzhen pursed his lips and nodded, what Lin Yi said was not wrong at all.

"Your future is very bad."

"It's all because of vanity and comparison."

"When you were 19, you had your third boyfriend, who was still a bad person in society, and his name was Chen Kun."

"He is lazy and has no fixed job. He wanders the streets every night and steals things."

"One day, he stole 10 yuan and was very happy, so he took you and his brothers to a hot pot restaurant outside for dinner."

"During the meal, you met your boyfriend's enemies."

"Besides, they started fighting."

"You think you are the head of the eldest sister and the woman of the eldest brother, so you took a fruit knife and participated in the fight."

"Then, I accidentally stabbed the other party half to death."

"You got into the orange."

"Your blind father and one-armed mother visited you from the village to the city's detention center. Although they scolded you for not being up to date and beat you for the first time, they spent all their small savings of 1 yuan. Some relationships protect you."

"But in the end, you were beaten half to death by an overbearing female prisoner inside, and your two arms were broken. Your parents were heartbroken when they found out. Your father's mood fluctuated greatly, and he was stimulated by the high blood pressure. died."

When Lin Yi said this, Yang Zhenzhen burst into tears.

"Hey, master, you... teach me, what should I do to change the fate of me and my family?"

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