Little girl is kneeling!My live broadcast fortune-telling is accurate

Chapter 30 Endorsement Advertising Fees Increase!Reduction of explosion and deflagration accidents

"Next year, I have to add some endorsement and advertising fees, not to mention [-] million, tens of millions..."

Lin Yi thought about it.

Of those little fresh meat stars who are not half as popular as him, which one's annual brand endorsement fee is not tens of millions?

No need to wait for the next year, no need to wait for the people on Lin Yi's side to speak.

When he was in the second class.

Xia Zhuang, Boys' Home and Huayao all wrote to Su Yuhe.

Su Yuhe forwarded it to him, and sent a lot of emojis celebrating with fireworks.

Lin Yi took a look.

Call Xia Zhuang, the three big companies, on the road!
Take the initiative to modify the contract of endorsement advertisement.

Xia Zhuang gave Lin Yi 3580 million endorsement advertising fees a year!
The Boys' Home gave 5660 million!
Huayao gave 6850 million!
They all knew that Lin Yi had a large number of fans and stickiness.

Now we have the first cooperation with Xia Guo's high-level security department!
In the future, this internet celebrity brother will bring unimaginable benefits to the three companies.

"You cooperate with them and amend the contract."

Lin Yi explained to Su Yuhe on WeChat.

Then pretend to listen to the class seriously.


After the third class is over.

The system is beeping.


"It was detected that there were a total of 3860 million water friends in the live broadcast last night. They have deeply remembered all the common sense of kitchen gas safety and practical handling skills, so as to avoid gas deflagration and explosion accidents in their homes in the future. If the host does a good deed, he will be rewarded with merit points 80000 points!"

Needle does not poke.

The process of exchanging for Tianji Palace has taken another big step forward!

Now his merit value has accumulated to 78.1.

To exchange for Tianji Palace, only 100 million merit points are needed.


Liu Yan is a talent who majored in law.

She carefully read the old contracts signed with Lin Yi and the new contracts signed by the three companies Xia Zhuang, Boys' Home and Huayao three times!

Finding that there were no clauses unfavorable to Lin Yi, Su Yuhe asked Su Yuhe to arrange a meeting and signing meeting.

The matter of contract modification was solved so simply at the beginning.

The signing will be held in Lin Yi's private villa.

The chairman of the three companies are here.

They are all very aware of Master Lin's influence, so they dare not be careless.

When they met Lin Yi, everyone was smiling, and it was like a spring breeze when people saw it.

Usually in the company, among the three chairman of the board, which one of them doesn't show people with a strict image, scaring the staff to death.


When signing the contract, the three directors were willing to give Lin Yi tens of millions, and they didn't feel bad at all.

And I can't wait to sign for five or ten years!
But Lin Yi refused to let...

The future is still long, there is no need to hang yourself on a tree.

During the meeting, Su Yuhe and Liu Yan felt that Lin Yi didn't look like a high school student. He had his own opinions about the future and was not easily shaken.


Two days later.

The impact of Master Lin's live broadcast popularizing kitchen gas safety is still going on, and it is constantly fermenting!

Huo Jiajun, the director of the Ministry of Security, Lin Zhenghao, the deputy director, and Wei Hengxing, the director of the secretary, all received an authoritative report from the polling agency.

Data Display:

After the popularization of Lin Yi's live broadcast, the number of daily gas explosion accidents has dropped by 20% compared with before!

Deflagration accidents dropped by 28%!

Obviously, the future will continue to go lower!

Considering that Lin Yi was in class during the day, Huo Jiajun did not call him, but sent a text message to express his thanks:
"Xiao Yi, thank you for your cooperation, saving countless ordinary families!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do. The water friends gave me a lot of support before, and I have to give back to them and the society."

In Lin Yi's physics class, he secretly replied to Huo Jiajun's text message.

The grace of dripping water should be repaid with a spring.

Not to mention the crazy support from water friends.


Wei Hengxing also called Su Yuhe.

Thanks to her for helping to set up the line and complete this safety promotion activity!

"If you have time, we will make arrangements to invite Master Lin to have dinner with you!"


Like Lin Yi, Su Yuhe is a snack foodie!


Friday night, seven o'clock.

Lin Yi will broadcast it after dinner.

The water friends are enthusiastic!
"I am your Master Lin, who knows the past, present and future..."

"1 deduction for fortune-telling, free of charge."

In less than three seconds, the screen was full of numbers 1.

Lin Yi did as usual and selected a lucky audience.

"The missionary on which the sun never sets, Fake-Yang, is brave. We have sent you an invitation for a video connection. Accept it and we can begin our story."

In the next second, the video connection is successful.

A crooked man in a white robe with a cross on his chest appeared on the screen.

【Excuse me!It turned out to be Hierarch Falk! 】

[It's Hierarch Yang!Hi, Hierarch Yang! 】

[It feels like he is here to pk with Master Lin. 】

[It should be, I had a fortune-telling with him before, and it was quite accurate. 】

[Herarch Fake is good at Western Tarot cards, astrology, and divination...]


Huh, this guy seems to have a lot of background.

Lin Yi looked at the other party.

This crooked man, known as the leader Yang and the leader Fake, is about 50 years old.

With a big brown beard on his face, he looks like someone from Arabo.

some mystery...

"What is this crooked fruit water friend?"

Lin Yi asked.

Simultaneously activated the Book of Thieves!

"Master Lin is very popular recently. It has made people in our circle almost starved for food."

As soon as Falk opened his mouth, the smell of gunpowder was very strong!

Recently, fewer and fewer Xia people came to him for fortune-telling.

It was so serious that in the past five days, he didn't even have a single customer!

If this continues, his income will be cut off!

After asking some former clients, he knew that there was a fairy-like figure on the Internet, Master Lin!
[I'm sorry, Master Fake has taken gunpowder? 】

[It's no wonder you don't take gunpowder!Master Lin's prominence made him have nothing to eat, hurry up! 】

[Yeah, Fake also does online fortune-telling, Master Lin is ranked first, he has to be ranked second.The two belong to a competitive relationship, so Fake doesn't compete to compete, is that okay? 】

[Obviously I was under the influence of Master Lin and had nothing to eat, but with one sentence, I drew the entire fortune-telling circle to him, and let everyone target Master Lin to win the bamboo shoots! 】

"Xia Guo has a saying that cutting off a person's fortune is like killing one's parents..."

Falk wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Lin Yi's angry shout.


"You're using the wrong sentence!"

"I earn mine, you earn yours, everyone depends on their ability, why is it that I cut off your money? What logic!"

[That's right, if you can't shit, say the latrine is hard! 】

[You can't do it yourself, but you say that others hurt you! 】

[Speechless dead! 】

[It's rare to see Master Lin furious... But, he's really handsome!What if I love him more?Everyone said, can I kick my boyfriend and stay with Master Lin? 】

【Toad wants to eat!You are a toad, Master Lin is a swan! 】

【Master Lin is the man you will never get! 】

[Okay, don't make noise, eat melons, and see how Master Lin deals with him! 】

Master Fake was so stunned by Lin Yi that he had nothing to say, and his white face turned red.

"I want to compete with you on who is better at fortune-telling, tonight the winner will be decided! Master Lin, do you dare?" He smiled confidently, stroking his big brown beard.

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