【impossible!This is impossible, the Holocaust did not exist, why should we apologize! 】

[The shrine commemorates the national hero of our Sakura country, you are disrespectful!Baga! 】

[What do you think you are!Also asked to burn down my shrine in Sakura Country!Let me apologize to Sakura Country? 】


The students from Sakura Country, who had a good day as a kid, tapped on the screen of their mobile phones with flying fingers, sending barrage!

Lin Yi knew that this was a result of their Sakura Kingdom's cover-up history education.

Compared with Germany and Italy, their attitude towards history and war is quite incorrect and infuriating!

Today, his words spread to Sakura Country, and the top management of Sakura Country should have the same attitude as these foreign students.

Then watch from the sidelines and watch them destroy the country.


At this time, Korea and the United States successively released news on the Internet.

The general content is that the coordinates of the demon cave are in the Qingwa Grand Palace in Korea.

The coordinates of the strange sea are above the devil city in America.

Yes, the sea of ​​monsters is in the air!

Fortunately, the two countries have informed the public in the news that people with supernatural powers and related agencies have dealt with it, so don't panic too much!

In fact, their higher-ups panicked more than anyone because they knew too much.

After seeing Lin Yi read a talisman on the Internet, he wiped out tens of thousands of zombies, and successfully suppressed the zombie tunnel in Yunzhongshan!
They plan to use diplomatic means to find Lin Yi and solve the crisis in the Demon Cave!And the strange sea crisis!

Lin Yi didn't know what happened online and abroad.

Go to bed on time.

When I woke up, it was already daylight.

Wash your face and brush your teeth slowly, enjoying a carefree life.

After eating the unpretentious seafood noodle soup made by Aunt Lu.

Only then did I receive a call from Xia Guo's top spokesperson.

"Director Forest Bureau, are you at home now?"

"Yes, are you?"

"I am Zeng Shixiang, the highest-level diplomatic spokesperson of the Xia Kingdom."

"Hi, may I ask what Mr. Zeng wants from me?"

Lin Yi often sees this sharp-eyed, charismatic diplomatic spokesperson who is worthy of the appearance of a big country on TV.

I really like him.

"There is something I want to discuss with you. We are already outside your house."

Zeng Shixiang said.

"Wait for me, I'll open the door for you."

Lin Yi walked out of the living room on the first floor.

opened the door.

I saw eight cars parked on the right.

All black.

In style!

Zeng Shixiang stood outside the front red qi business car.

Standing closely behind him were more than a dozen tall bodyguards.

Seeing Lin Yi walking out, Zeng Shixiang stretched out his hand and shook him tightly.

"Please come in." Lin Yi smiled.

Zeng Shixiang is striding forward, his aura is quite strong, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a dragon and a tiger, he is often praised by foreign media for his demeanor, but his eyes are as sharp as an eagle!
Lin Yi invited him to sit down in the living room and soaked in the treasured Yuqian Longjing.

Zeng Shixiang just took a sip.

Just go straight to the topic.

"Director Lin, Sakura Country has asked us for help, and I want you to come out and help them solve the crisis in the corpse pit. What do you think?"

Without thinking about it, Lin Yi replied directly:

"I watched it while sitting, standing, or lying down. Anyway, I watched it with cold eyes."

"Hahaha! Hahaha..."

Zeng Shixiang raised his head and laughed.

The voice is so full of energy, it makes people feel that his voice is about to shatter the glass!
After laughing, Zeng Shixiang stood up and affirmed Lin Yi:

"I knew you would do this!"

"Don't worry, we are all relieved!"

After Zeng Shixiang finished speaking, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly and went out.

Lin Yi thought of a poet in his previous life——

Li Bai!

He is too bold and unrestrained!

When he walked to the gate of the villa, Zeng Shi left a message:

"If the top management of Sakura Country agrees to burn down all Yasukuni Shrines!"

"And a sincere acknowledgment of the inhuman error of war!"

"A sincere apology to all heroes and people who died innocently!"

"Finally, in front of the monument, offer flowers longing for peace!"

"Then, Director Forest Bureau can consider helping them suppress the corpse pit."

"If they don't want to do it, or don't quite do it—"

"Then please let the director of the Forestry Bureau watch with a cold eye. Let their Sakura Kingdom be destroyed!"

Lin Yi looked at his tall back and made an OK gesture:


in recent months.

All over the country of Sakura, people are attacked and killed by zombies every day!

And there are more and more cases like this!

Today, all the people in Fukuoka Prefecture died before they could be transferred!
The number reached more than 6!

Not only small places like Fukuoka Prefecture, but also many big cities were invaded by zombies, causing countless casualties!

In Higashioi, the capital of the cherry blossom country, even though it was well prepared, more than 2000 citizens were killed yesterday, and a total of 13 people have been attacked and killed.

It was not exposed before because some high-level officials concealed the report.

Now, the crisis has become too big to control, and there is no way to hide the truth!
Lin Yi effectively killed tens of thousands of zombies within three seconds, and successfully suppressed the video of the zombie passage in Yunzhongshan crater, which was sent back to Sakura's country.

A small half of the people in Sakura Country asked the higher-ups to follow Lin Yi's request!

In order for Lin Yi to step out, solve the big crisis of the zombie invasion, and permanently suppress the corpse pit!
Otherwise, Sakura Country will be doomed!

Thermal weapons of mass destruction cannot be used in urban areas at all.

Once used, it will accidentally injure civilians, causing greater casualties and panic.

And rifles and other small-injury hot weapons were found to be unable to completely kill the golden corpse and the flying corpse!

Even iron corpses and copper corpses can only slightly injure them...

The commoners of the Sakura Kingdom had no choice but to ask the higher-ups to agree to the conditions proposed by Lin Yi.

Burn the Yasukuni Shrines in the entire Sakura Kingdom, and sincerely admit all the inhumane crimes committed by the war, and apologize to the innocent people and heroes of Xia who died tragically!

But the higher-ups care more about the noble heads of the Sakura Clan!
Never humbly apologize and admit the heinous crimes committed by war!
Directly ignoring the safety of civilians!

In the largest Yasukuni Shrine in Higashioi, the highest level of the Sakura Kingdom led their subordinates to kneel down to the "national (zhan) heroes (criminals)" they considered, and swear loudly together:
"I am Sakura Country! There is nothing wrong!"

"Those crimes are all history fabricated by Xia Guo..."

"Today we will stand united and face this crisis together!"

"I believe! Believe in us, the Sakura Clan, we will definitely be able to get through this difficult time..."

This scene has long been sent back to Xia Guo's live broadcast room by Lin Yi's Sky Eye.

The water friends were all furious:

【History will not lie! 】

[Compared to Germany and Italy, this Cherry Blossom Country is really shameless!No conscience at all! 】

[If you make a mistake, you have the courage to admit it, isn't it normal?The Cherry Blossom Country is not, what a shameless nation! 】

[Everyone, don't be angry, just wait and see them be wiped out! 】

[Master Lin, switch to other screens, we want to see something bloody! 】


As soon as Lin Yi thought about it, the screen in the live broadcast room changed.

I saw a tide of zombies surrounded the Higashioi Shrine, and they were rushing towards the senior officials of the Sakura Kingdom who bowed down to the war criminals!

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