Little girl is kneeling!My live broadcast fortune-telling is accurate

Chapter 179 Why do you want to hurt people?because i hate

[Mist grass, fog grass, hell three-headed dog? 】

[Worry, immortal body? 】

[It must be! 】

【Master Lin, be careful! 】


Just when the water friends kept exclaiming behind the screen.

Lin Yi swung his sword again!
The second big head of the hellhound king was cut off again.


I saw a third big head that was exactly the same.

Lin Yi thought it was fun, and cut off with the third sword.

Beheaded the third head of the King of Hellhounds.

Now, it no longer grows new heads.

【call!I was really worried about Brain Gong just now, these hell dogs are really weird! 】

[Now it is dead! 】

【Master Lin will always be divine! 】


Lin Yi didn't look at the barrage.

One thought becomes a symbol.

God Thunder Talisman!
Fireball Talisman!
Two talismans appeared in front of Lin Yi's eyes.

He is going to completely wipe out this giant dog ghost!

At this moment, the whistling wind came.

The sand on the asphalt road rustled.

"Again!" Gong Liu hurriedly closed his eyes, and he was not afraid if he couldn't see them.

Lin Yi heard the reputation.

I saw a dark-skinned woman in a red robe floating towards me like a ghost.

Although her complexion is black, her facial features are all characteristic of yellow people.

It's like a yellow woman who died of poisoning and her whole body turned black.

Falling on the road, she pointed at Lin Yi and said angrily:
"Don't touch my pets!"

"Otherwise I'll kill you!"

She was still a little afraid of Lin Yi.

Can the man who can put the most vicious hellhound king, be a simple man?


"I'm familiar with the plot when I beat the young ones to the old ones."

Lin Yi said in a low voice.

He completely ignored the female ghost in red on the opposite side.

Yes, Lin Yi thought she was a ghost.

Heels off the ground!
Water friends also found out!

There were screams behind the screen.

After that, the barrage body protection will be issued:

[The female ghost in red is rumored to be very fierce! 】

[That's right, there are some women who can't think about it. When they kill themselves, they often dress like this, and then turn into ghosts, and then take revenge on the people they hate! 】

[My mom, I can't sleep tonight Jimeis! 】

[Do you need your little brother to sleep with you? 】

【roll! 】


"I just moved, what can you do to me?"

Lin Yi pointed his sword forward!
I saw the god thunder talisman covered with purple lightning, like a dragon and a snake!
Then into the body of the king of hell dogs.


The king of hellhounds was constantly being shocked into convulsions, and his fur was scorched.


Black smoke billowed from the cracks.


The female ghost in red stretched out her claws and flew towards Lin Yi!
As soon as Lin Yi's consciousness moved, the Punishing Sword cloned himself, and tens of thousands of swords stood in front of her.

She was illuminated by a silver-white light.

Immediately covering his eyes, he was repelled by more than ten meters.

She watched helplessly as her pet was electrified by the divine thunder!

The body keeps getting lighter as the black smoke rises out.

At the position of the abdomen, a black irregular stone the size of a basketball was exposed.

"King of Dogs!"

The female ghost in red yelled, almost crying.

"I beg you to let him go, please, I won't hurt anyone again, I promise you!"

"I beg you to let our Taoist leader go!"

It turns out that the real culprit is this female ghost in red!

Lin Yi pinched the Fireball Talisman with his sword fingers.

Consciousness controlled the thousands of sword clones of the Xiexie Sword, surrounding the female ghost in red.

Densely packed!

Flies cannot escape from it.

Lin Yi is holding a clone of an evil sword!

Holding the Fireball Talisman, he looked at the hellhound king on the ground, and finally at the female ghost in red.

said to her:
"Tell me first, why do you want to kill someone?"


The female ghost in red hesitated to speak.

I felt that Lin Yi would not let her go if she said it.

But let's not talk about it, my beloved pet will be completely wiped out.

She bit her lip and finally made up her mind.

Open your mouth, and explain clearly the reason why the hell dogs are controlled to hurt and eat people in cities all over the Xia Kingdom!
"Because I hate it!"

"I hate everyone in this world."

"If it weren't for their aggressiveness, I wouldn't be too hard to think about it. In the end, I took poison and ended my life early."

Speaking of this, the female ghost in red paused.

Scenes of the past appeared before her eyes.

Looking up to Lin Yi, he continued:

"I like dogs."

"Really, really like it."

"I think dogs are more emotional than humans!"

"I feel that dogs are closer than all relatives!"

Some water friends can't stand it anymore:

[Not necessarily, every dog ​​is better than everyone in reality? 】

[No matter what creature, there are good and bad.I don't think it's right to have this idea! 】

[Actually, I think most of the time, what she said is quite right.Man, it's really bad!Take my cousin as an example, not only played tricks on me in business, but also made me bankrupt!He also played cross-cutting to win love and married my girlfriend! 】


When water friends expressed their opinions one after another.

The female ghost in red continued to say:
"Before I died, I raised a lot of dogs, including a small teddy dog ​​and a tall wolfhound..."

"There are 63 in total."

"Once, I was walking my dog ​​on the sidewalk by the river. The big wolf dog was far away from me, about ten meters away. I don't know why. It jumped on a ten-year-old girl and accidentally bit her. throat."

Water lovers, take a deep breath!
[I made up my mind, if I were that little girl...horrible! 】

[Poor little girl! 】

[Big wolfdogs are very fierce, some are taller than children!To the waist of an adult! 】


When Lin Yi heard this, he asked the female ghost in red:
"Did you have a leash when you walked your dog?"

His tone was cold.

The fact and his guess should be 89 to [-].

"I was really careless, and the big wolf dog was also careless..."

"Fuck off Nima!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but swear.

"Let me ask you, did you follow the dog keeping regulations and leash your dog while walking?"

"I... no, I didn't know something like this would happen..."

The female ghost in red shook her head slightly.

"Before that, the big wolfhound was very obedient and never bit anyone. I don't think it will bite people."

"Many of my friends also said that it doesn't bite."

When water friends hear this, let's call the button!
[Hehe, I'm drunk, what logic, big sister!You and your friends think that if your big wolfdog can't bite people, it won't bite people?It didn't bite people before, it doesn't mean it won't bite people in the future, rabbits will bite people! 】

[That's right, I really have no quality!Walking the dog on a leash, this is a dog-raising regulation that everyone in Xiaguo knows! 】

[You are going to die, but you can still be so confident, this red-clothed ghost lady, you are so awesome!Awesome! 】


Lin Yi also couldn't see the past, present and future of the female ghost in red.

Just let her continue talking.

Solve the mysteries for all!
Completely solve the strange incident of Xia Guo's mad dog cannibalism!
The female ghost in red suddenly turned cold.

"After my dog ​​killed someone, it was reported in the news, and many people abused me on the Internet, and there were all kinds of nasty things..."

"Because I couldn't bear it, I chose to kill myself."

She looked at Lin Yi.

Will the Taoist priest take pity on her?
"Oh." Lin Yi looked indifferent.

"Then why do you still control the hell dogs and let them kill and eat people all over the country?"

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