Little girl is kneeling!My live broadcast fortune-telling is accurate

Chapter 149 Everything must be first come, first served!Negotiate terms with me?

"You are talking nonsense!"

Wang Linhai was so frightened that he stood up!His complexion changed drastically, and he said angrily when he was impatient.

"Wow, Dean Wang, don't worry, I'll show you two short videos."

Lin Yi took a big step forward, stood with Yan Zi, and turned on the phone video.

It is the conversation between Zhang Sunzhi and Wu Mei, and the words of Zhang Sunzhi recorded after Lin Yi used the True Heart Talisman.

Zhang Sunzhi: "Your President Wang Linhai won't cheat me, will you?"

Wu Mei: "One is to serve you, and the other is to ask the station master to be careful, don't reveal what happened tonight, even if you die."

Zhang Sunzhi: "Hahaha, Dean Wang Linhai is worrying too much. I have done this kind of thing hundreds of times, and dozens of times. When did I tell it? Which time was it discovered?"


Lin Yi: "Did you accept bribes of 300 million and 500 million respectively to help rich men Zhou Jian and Huang Feng, and take away Yan Ling's reserved heart for transplantation?"

Zhang Sunzhi: "Yes."

Lin Yi: "Is Wang Linhai, the director of the Nongken Hospital, your accomplice?"

Zhang Sunzhi: "Yes."

Lin Yi: "Who else is in your party? Tell me all of them."

Zhang Sunzhi: "Wu Mei, the head nurse of the Nongken Hospital, Fei Lichun, the deputy head of our organ station, and Guo Rizhao, the director."


After watching the video, cold sweat broke out on Wang Linhai's forehead, and he sat down on the sofa, feeling lost.

Swallowing, he asked Lin Yi and Yan Zi.

"What do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. Please, Dean Wang and Station Manager Zhang, contact the relevant persons in charge of the organ station and the hospital, and return the transplanted heart tonight to Yan Ling according to the rules of the appointment process and the principle of priority for donating family members." Lin Yisuo Slow down.

"No, Dean Wang! If you do this, my son will be gone! I'll give you [-] million, [-] million! Any amount is fine!"

Huang Feng was in a hurry, and tugged at Wang Linhai's sleeve.

Lost all the look and temperament of the rich in the business world.

His son occupies the first place in his heart!
"Say one more word, labor and capital will cut your throat!" Lin Yi instantly had a Slaying Evil Sword in his hand, and pressed it on Huang Feng's neck.

"Damn it, it's amazing to be rich! I have more money than you, what did I say?"

"Oh, your son's life is life, but the life of someone else's sister or daughter is not life?"

"Everything should be done on a first-come, first-served basis, I really hate people who jump in line!"

"The transplanted heart tonight and the previous one belonged to Yanling! Not your son's!"

"Wait for the next heart transplant, or wait for your son to die."

While Lin Yi was talking.

With his left hand, he quickly drew two immobilization charms and penetrated into the bodies of Wang Linhai and Huang Feng.

Keep them immobile.

Can only move the mouth to speak.

Wang Linhai knew that if this matter was exposed, he would be doomed.

There must be oranges!
And it is estimated that I will sit in prison...

What's the use of asking for more money?

In the end, all of them had to be seized and confiscated!
He said to Lin Yi, "If I contact Zhang Sunzhi on the phone, the person in charge who handles donating hearts and receiving hearts, can you delete these videos?"

"What are you talking about with me?"

Lin Yi's backhand slapped Wang Linhai's face.

"Call me quickly! Call the person in charge of receiving hearts in your hospital! Otherwise, I will kill you right now!"

Lin Yi slammed the Xie Xie Sword on Wang Linhai's neck.

The latter was so frightened that he shook violently and peed out.

"I hit me."

Lin Yi's consciousness moved, and he released Wang Linhai's right hand.

"No, Dean Wang, we both agreed! Give my heart to my son! You already took my money, you can't, don't!"

Huang Feng on the side didn't dare to speak.

I can only shout crazily in my heart.

A phone call from Wang Linhai came, and his son was going to die tonight!

Lin Yi slapped Wang Linhai on the shoulder with his sword, scaring the latter so much that he could hardly hold his phone steady. "Whispering! Do you want to die?"

"Okay, okay." Wang Linhai made a call.

"Yes, give the received transplanted heart to Yanling who made an appointment before, yes, Yanzi's Yan, Lingyu's Ling, um! OK, OK."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Linhai forced a smile and said to Lin Yi:

"I've talked to him."

"Now you can let me go and delete the video?"

Lin Yi took off his cell phone.

Re-immobilized his right hand so that it cannot move.

"I'll let you go after Yan Ling's heart transplant is over."

Lin Yi drew a wall piercing talisman and stuck it on his forehead, went to the next door and pulled Wu Mei and Zhang Sunzhi over.

Only Fei Lichun, the deputy head of the organ station, and Guo Rizhao, the director of the organ station, were left.

Next, Lin Yi followed suit and asked Zhang Sunzhi to call the person in charge of taking out the donated heart and explain everything.


Lin Yi told Yan Zi: "Look at them here, they are all fixed by me, they can't move. I'll go and get Fei Lichun and Guo Rizhao over here too, and they'll be together! "

"En!" Yan Zi nodded heavily.

at this moment.

There was a clicking sound from the door.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen people with black tattoos dressed up by the dark forces of society rushed in like a swarm!

"Boy, you are looking for death, dare to touch our people!"

A greasy-haired man with a cigar in his mouth came out from the hands of the gang of dark forces in black.

On both sides of him stood a man and a woman.

Lin Yi activated the Thief Book and read the major events in Zhang Sunzhi's life, and knew——

This strong man of the dark forces is a well-known big shot in Wanzhou City, known as the Oil Snake!

A man and a woman beside him are Guo Rizhao, director of the Organ Station, and Fei Lichun, deputy director of the organ station.

They colluded with each other and endangered the people of Wanzhou City for a long time!

Seeing these dark forces coming, Zhang Sunzhi and Wang Linhai felt relieved.

As long as Lin Yi is caught and the video evidence is deleted, they will be saved!
You can continue to do whatever you want in the organ station and the hospital, and squander the huge bribe money stained with the blood of the patients!
"Oil snake, hurry up and get him!"

"Hurry up and mutilate him, make him dumb!"

Zhang Sunzhi and Wang Linhai shouted inwardly.

They don't know!

From the very beginning, these conversations and pictures have been broadcast live!
The recorded screen was posted on the Internet, causing waves of strong condemnation!
The inspectors from Wanzhou City have rushed to bring them to justice.


"They're all here, so I won't have to look for them one by one. Tonight, I'll take all of you together."

Lin Yi calmly glanced at the oil snake, Fei Lichun and Guo Rizhao in front of him, and all the dark forces behind them, and said slowly.

"Hahaha! Hahaha..."

Oil Snake and his fifteen members of the dark forces laughed loudly.

The dagger and broadsword in his hand kept shaking, reflecting a cold light.

Yan Zi's heart sank, and she moved closer to Lin Yi.

She knew that this boy, who was about ten years younger than him, was the greatest and only reliance on preventing her from being hacked to death by these people.

"Boy, hand over your phone to us, or we'll hack you to death! And turn off the live broadcast immediately!"

Fei Lichun yelled, they came to save the scene only after seeing Lin Yi's live broadcast.

"Quickly turn off the live broadcast! And hand over the video, we can spare you!" Guo Rizhao also said.

The oil snake put away his smile, grabbed a big knife beside him, and pointed it at Lin Yi's nose! "Throw all your mobile phones over to me!"

Lin Yi pointed at the oily snake, and said to the thousands of water friends in the live broadcast room:

"My friends, my next behavior is self-defense. Check the uncles. If I don't defend myself, they will hack me to death. There is really no way."

In fact, he can solve them with a fixed amulet.

But at this moment, he wanted to kill someone.

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