Little girl is kneeling!My live broadcast fortune-telling is accurate

Chapter 113 Forgiveness, Conditions, Retaliation

A second passed.

Lin Yi knew exactly the ins and outs of He Huimei's ghost encounter.

"How about it, Master Lin, have you figured it out?"

Deng Zihuan asked.

"It's figured out, let them tell you."

Lin Yi looked at Zhong Lun on He Huimei's left shoulder.

And Zhong Gaoshan on the right shoulder.

"If you have any grievances, you can just say it and discuss it."

"The person who killed you is He Huimei. She has nothing to do with her family. Don't scare them, and don't harm them."

"Yes! Master."

Zhong Lun nodded in agreement.

There is no other way if you don't agree, this master can wipe out the three ghosts with a wave of his hand!

"Master Lin Lin, tell me, you just said that my daughter killed them, did you kill them?"

Deng Zihuan obviously didn't believe it!

In her eyes, He Huimei is still the innocent little girl who is good at dancing ballet and folk dance.

How could he kill someone!

"That's right! It was your daughter He Huimei who killed us!"

Gray Yin Qi and black evil Qi hovered above Zhong Lun's head, extremely angry.

"She not only killed me, but also my father, even the flesh and blood that fell out of her stomach!"

Zhong Gaoshan on He Huimei's right shoulder looked at Zhong Xiaoyu who was sleeping on her stomach, and wiped away two tears.

"I do not believe."

He Guanfa shook his head, how did his daughter become a murderer?

He Chunlin didn't believe it either, and looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi assured them:
"You don't have to doubt that."

"If she hadn't killed the man, the three ghosts wouldn't be pestering her."

"Why did my daughter kill someone?"

Deng Zihuan asked the two adult ghosts opposite.

"We also want to know." Zhong Lun said.

They go to sleep and wake up to find that their souls have left their bodies.

And He Huimei was holding a fruit knife in her hand.

Their throats were cut, and the bed was covered in blood!

Both the man and the ghost looked at Lin Yi at this moment.

Lin Yi said to them, "Because a rich second generation, Lian Chengjue, he instigated."

"Because He Huimei followed Zhong Lun and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, she suffered all the hardships and grievances, so she was seduced by Lianchengjue's sweet words and was played with."

"Ah! This child was born by my daughter?"

He Guanfa and his wife were shocked.

Prior to this, He Huimei had never told them about it.

He Chunlin was also stunned.

Pregnant before marriage and gave birth to a child!
How could my sister be like this...

At least get married first.

Lin Yi continued, "Later, He Huimei found out that Lian Chengjue had other women, and they started arguing."

"Lian Chengjue originally wanted to play with women. In order to kick her away, he said that she would break up with Zhong Lun, or that she would kill Zhong Lun before marrying her."

"She is used to the extravagant life of visiting high-end shopping malls and western restaurants."

"In order to marry into a wealthy family, I broke up with Zhong Lun, but Zhong Lun refused."

"She really killed someone."

"One kill is three..."

"So that's it, this woman!"

The evil spirit and cloudiness on Zhong Lun's head became more intense.

The ghost trembled with anger.

If He Guan hadn't issued a doctor to save people and accumulated countless merits to protect He Huimei, he would have killed her!

Zhong Gaoshan was just as angry!

He Guanfa patted his thigh.

"Confused, my daughter!"

"It's so easy to marry into a wealthy family!"

He looked at Deng Zihuan, "It's all your fault, you used to let her learn ballet and folk dance every day, and you didn't let her read more books!"

"Reading can cultivate a sound personality and distinguish right from wrong!"

"You blame me?" Deng Zihuan also turned to He Guanfa.

"You stay in the hospital every day, have you spent time with the children?"

"It's the son's fault for not teaching his father! Read and read! When they were young, they not only needed to read, but also had to be taught! Only then can they know how to distinguish right from wrong!"

He Chunlin quickly reconciled with it.

"Mom and Dad, stop arguing and think about how to solve the problem first."

At this time, He Guanfa and Deng Zihuan shut up, looked at Lin Yi, and then at the three ghosts opposite.


Deng Zihuan bowed her head and apologized.

"It's my daughter's fault, we didn't teach her well."

He Guanfa also apologized.

"I'm sorry, my sister did too much and killed you..."

"But she wasn't like this before, that scumbag Lianchengjue must have given her some enchanting soup!"

"Please forgive her."

"Forgive her?"

Zhong Lun closed his eyes at this moment, struggling inwardly.

It turned out that she was bewitched by scum...

In fact, he still has her in his heart.

Even if it becomes a ghost.

Zhong Lun murmured in a low voice:
"I'm sorry, it must be my problem. I didn't make a lot of money to buy a house and a car to get married."

"Being pregnant before you get married makes you suffer and feel wronged."

"That's why you are so easily swallowed by scum."

It's really okay.

Your girlfriend has already cuckolded you, and you can still forgive me!

Lin Yi thought, but he is an outsider, so it is hard to say anything.

It would be great if Zhong Lun forgives He Huimei.

But Zhong Gaoshan refused.

In a cold voice:
"Forgive her?"

"Murder pays for life! This is the law of the country!"

"In one night, three of our lives were taken away, how can we just forgive him?"

"Besides, it was her own child that she killed in the end. To make such a big mistake is simply unreasonable!"

After Zhong Gaoshan finished speaking, his anger made his face darker, and the temperature in the room dropped several degrees Celsius suddenly.

Lin Yi felt that Zhong Gaoshan was right.

State-owned state law, murder must pay for life!

Besides, it was her own flesh and blood that He Huimei killed, the wife went too far.

Tiger poison doesn't even eat babies.

"Dad, why don't you just forget about it?"

Zhong Lun looked at Zhong Gaoshan.

"The culprit who caused the tragedy was that rich second generation, scumbag Lianchengjue."

"We want revenge, we should find him immediately! Kill him!"

"Son, why are you still facing He Huimei!"

Zhong Gaoshan hates iron but not steel.

People have cuckolded you!
And killed your son!

Kill your father!

Forgive me?
"Dad, I still love Huimei..." Zhong Lun recalled those sweet and romantic scenes in college.

"Hui Mei is not bad by nature."

"She was only bewitched by that scumbag Lian Chengjue, so she did such an outrageous thing."

"We should seek revenge on him!"

"Revenge on Lianchengjue is absolute! But He Huimei, I don't want to let her go!"

The resentment and cloudiness around Zhong Gaoshan became more and more intense.


"No matter how much you beg me, I won't let her go."

"Then, Dad, we don't want to kill Huimei, but we can send her to prison for trial. She killed someone and should be punished. Do you think this is okay?"

"That's fine, but I have conditions."

Zhong Gaoshan looked at He Guanfa, Deng Zihuan, and He Chunlin.

"Tell me, we will agree to any conditions!" Deng Zihuan hurriedly said.

"First, find out Lian Chengjue's address for us, we're going to kill him!"

Deng Zihuan suddenly nodded in agreement!But looked at He Guanfa again, shook his head slightly,

"We haven't seen Lianchengjue before, how can we find him?"

"Master Lin can figure it out." He Chunlin looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi nodded slightly: "I can find it."

Zhong Gaoshan continued to raise conditions, "Second, you cooperate with the inspectors and send He Huimei to be tried and sent to prison for the rest of her life."

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