Adventure in Forbidden Land: Unlock the National Style Playing Box at the beginning

Chapter 89: The candle in the southeast corner is extinguished

"For those nine-eyed dzi beads?"

After hearing Fatty Wang's words, Wu Tianzhen was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't think of Fatty Wang's level.

But Master Hua sneered.

"Do you think this thing, even if they take it out, is life-saving?"

"What do you mean?" Fatty Wang didn't understand what Master Hua'er said. In his opinion, if he really had that thing, he would really have nothing to worry about for a few lifetimes.

But Master Huaer is also a figure who has been in the commercial market for many years.

The business under him is no longer like Uncle Wu's way of making a living through handicap, but involves all walks of life.

So he naturally has his own views on this kind of sudden wealth.

"Not to mention anything else, when I introduced the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead, there was a key point, do you remember?"

"?" Everyone looked at Master Hua'er.

"2 million?" Qin Feng whispered.

Obviously, everyone's attention was attracted by the auction price of 2 million yuan that Master Hua said.

But Master Hua shook his head.

He didn't even turn his head to look at the increasingly invisible Li Xia and the others, but shone the flashlight in his hand on the huge white jade block.

"Yes, a type of ore that is rare in Tibetan areas."

Master Hua'er said unhurriedly.

But although he spoke logically and like a gentleman, he did not pretend to be a secret, but directly said, "These nine-eyed dzi beads are simply priceless treasures in the eyes of those Tibetans! If they take those things , will inevitably attract countless Tibetans to chase and kill him.”

"Which one of those Tibetan tribesmen is not tall and powerful? With their two strikes, it is impossible to resist their attack."

"Then they use the money from selling the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead to hire bodyguards! With the money, are you still afraid of a ball?"

But Master Hua still shook his head, "Let's not talk about whether he has the money to hire bodyguards, let's just say that, assuming they can escape the pursuit of the Tibetan tribe by chance. Then it's impossible to let go of what they have in their hands..."

"Impossible to make a shot? Why?" Qin Feng also didn't understand.

But at this time, Wu Tianzhen also reacted, "Because this thing is too valuable! Ordinary people can't afford it at all, and those who can afford it need a lot of news to spread, and it takes a lot of time and money to buy it." energy."

"That's right." Master Hua nodded, "Even if this thing is in my hands, it will take at least three months to get rid of it, and it will be even more troublesome to get the money into the account."

"But in this three-month period, is it enough for them to disappear several times?"

After listening to Master Hua'er and Wu Tianzhen's analysis, Fatty Wang suddenly realized, "Oh, this is the reason why trees attract wind!"

Wu Tianzhen and Master Hua'er chuckled, but didn't reply to him, but the blind man turned his head and inadvertently took another look at the nine-eyed dzi on top of their heads.

I thought to myself: three months?Give me a black blind man, and I can make a move in three days.

"Let's go forward for another half an hour. If there is still no clue for the little brother, let's rest."

Qin Feng stood up at this time.

To be honest, for Qin Feng, the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead did not arouse his interest at all.

"En!" Several people nodded, and Fatty Wang didn't look back with the flashlight, but began to re-examine the surrounding environment.

And it took more than half an hour for a few people to leave.

The blind man has begun to feel a little tired.

Started to yawn wildly.

Although Master Hua'er was not as exaggerated as Hei Xiazi, he still didn't talk much, and his eyelids were in a state where they could close at any time.

Fatty Wang was fine, but he was a little impatient walking in such a claustrophobic space.

In the entire forbidden area, only Qin Feng is still concerned about the whereabouts of his little brother Zhang Qilin.

It's just a pity that the place Qin Feng came to now is like a mining area of ​​white jade blocks in the past. In this forbidden area, there are no clues except for those large white jade blocks like jade beds.
Walking along, Qin Feng also found something wrong with the state of several members of the team. Seeing an open space in front of him, he was about to call them to rest.

But I never thought that when I walked to the open space, the whole space suddenly became brighter.

There is a small burial chamber not far from the clearing.

Taking a closer look with the flashlight, Qin Feng found something familiar!

It's a small piece of fabric from my Tang suit!

This is exactly what I left behind when I bandaged my brother's wound before!

"Brother has been here before!"

Qin Feng shouted loudly,
Fatty Wang and Wu Tianzhen became excited too!

In fact, when the few people were on their way before, they had been faintly worried that they were going in the wrong direction.

Because in that case, not to mention wasting a lot of time, the most fatal thing is to drift away from the little brother.

And now I have found my brother's direction!Then everything is acceptable!
"This must be the clue my brother left us, let's move forward!"

Qin Feng said with some excitement.

But at this moment, Fatty Wang held Qin Feng back.

Fatty Wang glanced back.

Only then did Qin Feng realize that Hei Xiazi and Master Hua'er were already tired.

Wu Tianzhen also suggested at this point, "Since I have already discovered the clues of the little brother, let's wait for a night's rest and then go to him. This forbidden area is such a big place, and he can't run far!"

"En." Qin Feng nodded, without thinking too much, and found a spacious place to set up camp with a few people.

And the sleep this time was much better than Qin Feng's previous few sleeps. Master Hua specially prepared sleeping bags for everyone because he was worried that several people could not sleep well.

Sleeping in this kind of sleeping bag with automatic insulation function is much more comfortable than sleeping naked on the ground.

It's just a pity that the sleeping bag prepared for Zhang Qilin is no longer needed at this time.

Master Hua'er and Hei Xiazi were almost extremely sleepy, and they fell asleep after lying down in the sleeping bag for a short time.

Fatty Wang and Qin Feng and Wu Tianzhen didn't talk too much, because they didn't feel sleepy at first.

But as soon as he lay down, his head began to feel dizzy. The next day's expedition to the forbidden area was another torment.

It didn't take long for them all to fall asleep.

After sleeping until midnight, Qin Feng suddenly felt the urgency to urinate, so he got up and wanted to find a place to urinate.

But this time, he almost didn't scare him enough.

Because at some point in the southeast corner of his secret room, three candles were suddenly lit.

A strange wind came from somewhere, and the candles were dancing gently in the strange wind.

"Could it be that Fatty Wang ordered it?"

Looking at these candles, Qin Feng was a little curious, but he didn't think too much about it, but when he opened his pants, he took out a thing that many boys envied and many beauties frightened, and was about to urinate.

He suddenly discovered that in that small tomb, that is, in the southwest corner where Qin Feng and the others were, there was a large water tank covered with stone slabs, lonely.

And there's nothing next to him?

After the urination, I don't know what Qin Feng was thinking, so he walked to the water tank in a half-confused and half-awake state!

But he hasn't opened the bluestone slab covering the water tank yet.

The flashlight in Qin Feng's hand saw something through the gap that shouldn't be seen at this time.

Those are hands!

A pair of rotten hands.

A part of the rotten hand has exposed the glistening white bones, while the other part still maintains its fleshy body, like chicken feet that have been gnawed by someone.

Looking at this scene, Qin Feng felt a little disgusted, and then he seemed to smell something in his nose!
And this smell is so familiar!
It's just that Qin Feng didn't remember it for a while.

And at that moment!Another strange wind hit again!

Qin Feng suddenly felt a chill behind him, and looked back!
Got it!

The candle on the southeast corner went out!
What made Qin Feng dare not move even more was that a pair of cold hands had already rested on his shoulders!

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