Adventure in Forbidden Land: Unlock the National Style Playing Box at the beginning

Chapter 179: Ending - Escaping from Fate (6) Finding the Ending Choice at the Ending

But Qin Feng read the book of prophecy happily.

It's a pity that something happened...

The content in the book of prophecy has not changed at all.

A stone chamber, an open black box, a person...


Qin Feng was disappointed.

But at this moment, Zhang Qilin called Qin Feng.

Note conditions are subject to change.

It turned out that the second layer of the stone box had disappeared just now.

In the blink of an eye, it suddenly appeared again.

But this time the content of the mural has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The first is that the ghost element is gone.

The second is that the original one about evil spirits eating people turned out to be Fatty Wang and the others.

The first result is that the original evil spirits ate people, and the people in the stone room chose to close the passage, Fatty Wang Wu Tianzhen and his group opened the mechanism, and then they escaped from the forbidden area.

The second result is that the people in the stone room opened the passage, and the traps that trapped Fatty Wang Wu Tianzhen and the others began to shrink, and then the group of people were trapped to death in the forbidden area.

"Depend on!"

Seeing this result, Qin Feng and the others cursed!
It seems that the result now!I couldn't accept it even more.

Before, it was just the choice of the younger brother and the team.

Now there is one more, which has become the choice of myself and the entire expedition team!

Doesn't this mean that if you want to go out alive...

So all the teammates who came with me have to die?
What kind of mission is this!

Breaking the 100% similarity of acting?
Could it be that 100% acting is to exchange the lives of teammates?
Qin Feng cursed in his heart!
How can he not accept this reality!
If 100% play is exchanged for the lives of teammates.

If I escaped by myself, I would exchange for the lives of my teammates...

Damn it!

everything that's happening now...

It seems to be the most severe growth in Qin Feng's life...

If you don't wear the golden hoop and can't complete the 100% performance, then you will be trapped here to death.

But if you wear the golden hoop and complete the 100% performance, then your teammates will be trapped here to death...

This multiple-choice question seems to be how to choose.

I'm sorry, it's all wrong...


Zhang Qilin on the side, after seeing this prophecy, also remained silent...

Obviously, his heart is also very heavy...

Although he kept saying that he didn't believe in the existence of prophecies...

But he also knew that all of this might be true.

In the past, he would have chosen to sacrifice himself without hesitation, and then let Fatty Wang and Wu Tianzhen walk out alive.

But now there is one more Qin Feng, one more variable.

And in this equation, because of this variable, everything is different...

He doesn't know how to choose...

He suddenly felt a severe pain in his head.

So many memories came flooding back.

Qixing Lu Palace, Xisha Undersea Tomb, Snake Marsh Ghost Town.Zhang Family Ancient Building, those places...

Those people who appeared in Zhang Qilin's sight one by one...

Sudden!He freezes.

Because of the person in front of him - Qin Feng.

He looked at Qin Feng, and saw that he suddenly picked up the platinum ancient knife, and then cut all the contents inside!

Then he slashed hard!

The black box has already been split in half by Qin Feng!

"Qin Feng?"

Zhang Qilin called Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng was silent.

Said after a while.

"Sorry, brother, I don't know how to choose..."

"I could die here!"

"I can also be hacked to death by you with a black gold ancient knife! But I can't survive alone."

"I seem to have figured it out... This so-called prophetic prophecy is to let us figure out what is the most important thing in this world..."

"Maybe, they never wanted us to get out alive..."

"However, it taught us the most important thing. If I walk out of this forbidden area with your flesh and blood, then I would rather die in this forbidden area..."

Zhang Qilin looked at Qin Feng, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

He just came to Qin Feng's side and hugged Qin Feng tightly.

"I've said it before, we're a lot alike..."

"Even if you make a choice, it's exactly the same choice..."

Qin Feng raised his head, looked at Zhang Qilin who was hugging him and smiled.

But a trace of uneasiness flashed in his heart.

Because, this also means that the trapped Fatty Wang and the others cannot escape.

I don't know if Fatty Wang and the others will hate themselves...

But such a thought only appeared in Qin Feng's brain for a second.

Because at this time, Qin Feng has no time to think about it so much...

He has more important things to do.

He wanted to give all his remaining time to this person in front of him.

Facing Zhang Qilin who was hugging him tightly, Qin Feng put his shoulders on Zhang Qilin.

Then he began to ask for a kiss.

After the ten-second window period, she also stuck out her tongue like he did last time.

But still not satisfied...

His face was red, his ears were red, and his heart was beating faster.

He began to use his hands to take off some clothes that blocked Zhang Qilin's body from being exposed.

At this moment, he became crazy.

Because he wants to leave the last bit of time and space left for him to the person who is still by his side at this moment.

[Wow, I'm enlightened!Got it!The wood is enlightened! 】

[It's so exciting!Fuck me!Finally waited until this day. 】


【Me too!Although I saw such a picture, there are less than 20 minutes left...]

[Ah ah ah! How can 20 minutes be enough!I want to watch it for 3 days and 3 nights!See my nose bleed and die! 】

【Woooooo...I want to see it too, I want to see this little couple together forever! 】

[This ending makes me both happy and angry, why can't they let them go out! 】

[They went out, can we still see this scene? 】


On the other side, the audience in the Forbidden Land Adventure live broadcast room were discussing the choice of Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin.

On the other side of the Forbidden Land Exploration live broadcast room, Fatty Wang and the others were also red-eyed!

As said in the book of prophecy, they could already see the neon lights outside.

But it was because several people came out with the wounded on their backs.

Wu Tianzhen stepped on the last mechanism by accident.

Let the iron cage that fell from the sky relax a little because they saw the exit, and a few people couldn't react in time, and they were all trapped inside.

The feeling of being able to see but unable to get out made Fatty Wang very crazy.

He slapped the iron cage made of unknown material vigorously.

But no matter what, there is no way to open it at all...

"Damn! If only the little brother was here." Fatty Wang couldn't help but think of Zhang Qilin at this time, and the ancient black gold knife in Zhang Qilin's hand that cut iron into mud.

He didn't know the choice Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin made together at this time.

At this moment, Master Hua'er, who had come to his senses, became calmer.

He just glanced at the watch in his hand.

And then without letting go of any second, think of a way to get out of this iron cage.

Because he knew that even just 1 minute was enough time for them to go out.

"How much time is left?" Heixia asked after a breath.

"15 minutes..." Master Hua'er replied without raising his head.

The blind man nodded.

Then he tried harder to use the knife in his hand to open the iron cage that trapped them.

Soon a period of time passed.

The blind man raised his head again and asked, "How much time is left?"

Master Hua'er glanced at his watch and suddenly felt a little flustered. "5 minutes…"

All of a sudden, everyone's faces turned ugly.

Everyone stopped talking...

"3 minutes..."

"1 minutes..."

"Fatty, do you think brother and Qin Feng have gone out? They will miss us, right?"

Seeing that there was only 1 minute left, Wu Tianzhen gave up struggling...

Instead, he asked Fatty Wang next to him.

Fatty Wang shook his head, "Although I really want them to go out..."

"But I also observed at the entrance of the stone cave for a while, and it doesn't look like there are other exits at all..."

"40 seconds..."

"30 seconds..."


Just when the forbidden area was closed, there were only 30 seconds left.

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound in the forbidden area.

Immediately afterwards, the iron cage that trapped Fatty Wang and the others opened magically.


Seeing Fatty Wang being stunned by the iron cage that was suddenly opened!Wu Tianzhen hurriedly shouted at Fatty Wang.

Only then did Fatty Wang react!
Immediately exerted the strength of breastfeeding!Run!
It only took 20 seconds!

The journey that originally took 1 minute was completed by him in 20 seconds.

He hastened to look back!

But it turns out that Wu Tianzhen is still carrying that Li Xia on his back!

Angrily, he cursed! "Damn, you really deserve to be a naive quadratic naive, why do you care about her!"

But Wu Tianzhen didn't speak.

Because he knows that no matter what, this is still a life!

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one..."

With the countdown coming to the last second!
A group of people finally escaped from the forbidden area without any danger.


Ask for a gift,

Tomorrow is the last day of Volume [-].

You can comment on the ending you like in the comments you want.

Be, or Fatang finale is up to you!

Comments are due tomorrow at 6pm!

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