forbidden area

Looking at the black box that was still closed, but was suddenly opened by a strange wind.

Qin Feng's hands trembled.

And Zhang Qilin next to him frowned, although his hands were not shaking.

For both of them understood that this meant that the last act of that strange book of prophecy had come true.

That is to say, there is really only one person in this stone room.
Thinking of this...

Qin Feng's brain hurt suddenly...

A feeling of fear drilled into the bone marrow.

He looked up at Zhang Qilin beside him.

And Zhang Qilin happened to be looking at Qin Feng.

The two looked at each other, but neither spoke.


Even if you know that the other party may not be human, how can you bear to do it...

His eyes began to avoid around the forbidden area, but he didn't want to look into Zhang Qilin's eyes.

Wait a moment,
When Qin Feng suddenly saw Yang Huaiyu and Zhang Qiling lying on the ground, he suddenly thought of something...

He quickly flipped through the book of prophecy in his hand.



Zhang Qilin frowned curiously...

Qin Feng was stunned for a while, and then said, "You said that the two of them at that time fought because of this book of prophecy..."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Qilin didn't understand.

But Qin Feng turned the book of prophecy in his hand to the page that predicted Zhang Qiling and Yang Huaiyu coming to this secret room.

If you don't look carefully, you really can't find it, a corner of it remains...

A page of this book of prophecy was torn out...

And what secret is hidden in the content of this page?

Could this be the reason for the formation of that line of blood in that secret room.

Although he didn't say anything, he started to search around the body of Yang Huaiyu as if he had agreed with each other.


Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin thought of going together.

They all wanted to find the torn piece of paper.

I want to see what is painted on it...

And why did the two people burn it?


Qin Feng stopped searching because he found something.

It was a handful of black ash in front of Yang Huaiyu's body...

And judging from the flint and steel that Zhang Qilin and Qin Feng found from him.

This means that this small handful of black ash is likely to be the page that Zhang Qilin and Qin Feng are looking for at this time...

Why did they tear up that page...

What exactly is prophesied there?
A series of questions appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

Then, there is despair...

The answers to all the questions are permanently buried in the forbidden area like the countless mummies in the forbidden area.

And Qin Feng also became a little depressed for a while...

If he hadn't discovered a little flaw in the book of prophecy, then he might still have a desire to survive that forced his brain to constantly search for answers.

But the reality is that he found out...

This is like a kind of flame of hope, and there is still a faint flame on this flame of hope.

But just when you are full of hope and want to light up the flame of hope...

A burst of torrential rain suddenly fell without saying hello to you.

Quench out all the little flame of hope in your heart, leaving only a little bit of black smoke on it, telling your unwillingness...

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

No expectations no disappointments.

So at this moment, Qin Feng's inner emotions are extremely low.

He walked aimlessly in the stone room.

He didn't even notice that he touched the black box and almost fell down.

Good thing!

Zhang Qilin hugged him tightly.

Feeling Zhang Qilin's temperature...

Qin Feng couldn't bear it all of a sudden, hugged him and started crying...


Qin Feng's voice was choked.

But Zhang Qilin just let him hug him silently, without saying a word.


outside the forbidden area,

It was already 23:04 in the middle of the night.

Less than 7 hour left in the 1-day expedition to the forbidden area.

The audience watching the live broadcast did not feel sleepy at all.

Even some female audiences who took the perspective of Qin Feng's character started to cry...

[Xiao Fengfeng and the others are so pitiful!There is less than an hour left, could it be that they really can't get out? 】

[Eh...I'm a little confused, why did Qin Feng suddenly cry while hugging his little brother. 】

【you're so dumb!They can't get out! 】

【No... I read the book of prophecy. According to their reasoning, one of them is not human... So, why do they dare to hug each other at this time...】

【What do you know?Feelings can cross genders, races, and ghosts! 】

[Perhaps, this is the reason why Qin Feng is sad, no matter who is dead, he can't accept it...]

[I've been watching the live broadcast!It's been 7 days, let me tell you my opinion...

Although I like Zhang Qilin very much, I think it is very possible...he is the one who is "not human"...]

【What nonsense are you talking about!Qin Feng is...

Forget it, neither is Qin Feng.

God!Why do you want me to know these things?The two of them are together well, can't we go out together? 】

【yes!I suddenly don't want to continue to look down...

Because no matter what the ending is, I can’t accept it…]

【one way or another!I really hope that both of them can go out safely! 】

[Let us pray for them together! 】

[Lingfeng CP!Please be together forever! 】


In the forbidden area, when the audience outside the forbidden area prayed for Qin Feng.

Qin Feng also received their feedback immediately...

Because the popularity value that belongs to him has increased again.

[Ding... Congratulations to the host for gaining a popularity value of 52013]

[Ding... Congratulations to the host for gaining a popularity value of 52014]

[Ding... Congratulations to the host for gaining a popularity value of 1314520]

[Ding... Congratulations to the host for gaining a popularity value of 1413521]

The successive gentle voices of Yang Yuhuan sounded from Qin Feng's mind.

And this also made Qin Feng's mind turn for a while.


Doesn't your own system also have a lottery function?
Maybe I can get some key props to save myself and my little brother from danger...


A few minutes passed, and Qin Feng's lottery chances were all used up by him.

However, apart from the constant increase in health, he didn't get any useful items because of it.

However, there was one thing that made him feel a little familiar.

[Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining a copy of the "Da Tang Western Regions" songbook...]

He flipped through the songbook in the system warehouse, and a page of records suddenly appeared in his mind...

And on this, there is actually a record of the ancestors of the Western Regions!

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