"Illusion? What illusion?"

After listening to Qin Feng's words, Fatty Wang felt a little baffled, why did he have hallucinations again?

Qin Feng didn't rush to answer Fatty Wang.

Instead, he turned on the flashlight and carefully observed the corpse-flavored konjac in front of him.

Although this thing grows on the rhizome of the white sycamore tree.

But its volume is bigger than the rhizome of that sycamore tree.

The corpse-scented konjac is flower-shaped, green all over, with a small mouth and thick belly, like a big bucket that can only be seen occasionally in the countryside.

Its petals are rolled together, green all over, and sprouted on the white sycamore branches.

And the scent of this thing can be faintly smelled even with a mask on.

"what happened?"

Seeing Qin Feng's careful attention, Zhang Qilin asked like Fatty Wang.

"...Brother, I was wondering if the hallucinations we had in this forbidden area before were due to these things in front of us."

"It should be." The little brother glanced at the corpse-flavored konjac and nodded.

It was only then that Qin Feng figured out why his group had hallucinations when they met those Tai Sui in the second forbidden area.

After a long time, it turned out that those Tai Sui were burrowing around in this forbidden area, with the scent of konjac from corpses on their bodies, which made Qin Feng and the others fall into hallucinations.

If I hadn't worn a mask and inhaled the fragrance of this corpse-flavored konjac, I'm afraid I'd suffer another hallucination...

And... Qin Feng blushed when he thought of this.

Because he remembered what happened with his little brother just now.

If he was hallucinating again this time, wouldn't he just enter the bridal chamber with the younger brother?

"I really didn't expect that there would be corpse-flavored konjac here. This is a legend." Wu Tianzhen interrupted Qin Feng's thinking with emotion.

He was just about to say something.

But Master Hua who was next to him was the first to speak, "What's the matter, haven't we encountered many strange things in this forbidden area?"

Wu Tianzhen nodded in agreement, "That's true. Speaking of which, Master Hua, did you find anything in the third coffin? Do you have any clues about the owner of the tomb?"

Master Hua'er shook his head, and described the situation in the stone room before.

After listening to Fatty Wang, he also felt a little pity, "Aside from other things, such a tomb really makes people want to know who the owner of his tomb is."

"It's just a pity, it's important to go out now, I don't have so much time to ask a hundred thousand why, or my Wang Yueban's happiness will be gone!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, it's just a hallucinogenic flower, nothing unusual."

At this time, the blind man glanced behind and wanted to continue walking forward.

A few people naturally knew that the black blind man was worried that the monster that killed boss Chen of the seafood shop would come out.

So several people followed him and continued to walk forward along the corridor.

After walking about ten meters.

The expedition team still did not find any trace of Na Lixia.

It's just that another corpse-scented konjac was found in it.

From a distance, this thing looks like a taro, but it only takes shape when you walk in.

"This flower is so gorgeous." Wu Tianzhen looked at the red leaves and green flowers of the corpse-scented konjac, and couldn't help but said.

Qin Feng naturally discovered the red flowers as bright as water droplets, "Everyone wear masks tightly, poisonous plants and animals are usually brightly colored!"

Several people also nodded when they heard this.

Qin Feng also walked towards the front, but he hadn't left the range of the corpse-scented konjac.

Qin Feng suddenly saw several corpses of monsters placed sideways in the corridor.

"It's these things again..."

Before Qin Feng could speak, Wu Tianzhen beside him had already muttered.

It turned out that the corpses of these monsters were the monsters that suddenly appeared with ghost fire hidden in their bodies.

"One, two, three, four... well, why are there only 4 of these will-o'-the-wisps!"

Fatty Wang spoke suddenly, making Qin Feng's heart alert.

Because everyone remembered the fact that a few people discovered the six ghost fires in the previous underground tomb just now, which led to the tragic death of the seafood shop boss Chen's trio.

Could it be that the four will-o'-the-wisps now indicate that only four people will survive?

Not only Qin Feng, everyone became alert,

And right now!
The blind man holding the black box suddenly felt his body sink, and for a moment, he who was walking in the front stood still.

"Blind man, what are you doing?"

Master Hua'er asked.

But who would have thought that at this time, the black blind man would suddenly smash the black box in his hand at Master Hua's head like crazy!
How could Master Hua'er have thought of this scene, and he didn't react immediately, the corridor was narrow, and he didn't have time to hide.

So his blunt forehead was smashed, and he collapsed to the ground in an instant.

All this happened so suddenly that no one in the Forbidden Land Expedition Team could react.

He was fine just now, and why did the black blind man who led the way smash his way towards his "old friend"?

Qin Feng inadvertently remembered the will-o'-the-wisp he saw before.

Could it be that the prophecy came true so quickly?

"Qin Feng be careful!"

The black blind man in front suddenly called out to Qin Feng.

But at this time, Qin Feng was completely dumbfounded, and his cognition of things still remained on why the blind man wanted to hit Master Hua.

"Blind man, what are you doing wrong?"


But at this time, Zhang Qilin next to Qin Feng had already pulled out the ancient black gold knife.

Block a stone coming towards Qin Feng head-on!

Qin Feng looked in the direction where the stone was thrown, and saw the black box and a stone that were still some distance away from Master Hua who fell on the ground.

Qin Feng immediately understood what was going on.

It turned out that my eyes were wrong just now!
The blind man didn't use the black box to throw the flower master.

Instead, he wanted to use the black box to block the stones thrown towards Master Hua.

And the person who threw the stone turned out to be Li Xia who they had been looking for.

"This shit is too much!"

The black blind man was furious and wanted to capture Li Xia.

But who would have thought of that girl, but suddenly turned her head away.

Then he ripped off the mask he was wearing on his head.

He smiled at the Forbidden Land Expedition Team.

This smile is very evil and weird!

Then he turned around and walked quickly to the end of the corridor.

And there is a corpse-scented konjac!
Li Xia came in front of Corpse Fragrant Konjac, just when everyone was wondering what she was going to do.

But she suddenly threw the rock in her hand towards her head!
With just one blow, the blood on the head flowed down like the rain in July in the south.

She swayed, and then fell under the corpse konjac, her life and death unknown.

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